Andy Hammerlindl
Research Papers
Classification of partially hyperbolic
surface endomorphisms
with Layne Hall
Geometriae Dedicata, 216, no. 3, Paper No. 29, 19
pp (2022).
Dynamically incoherent
surface endomorphisms
with Layne Hall
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations,
Quantitative global-local mixing
for accessible skew products
with Paolo Giulietti and Davide Ravotti
Annales Henri Poincaré, 23, no. 3, 923–971 (2022).
Global manifold structure of
a continuous-time heterdimensional cycle
with Bernd Krauskopf, Gemma Mason,
and Hinke M. Osinga
Journal of Computational Dynamics,
9:3, 393–419 (2022).
Accessibility of Derived-from-Anosov systems
with Shi Yi
Transactions of the AMS,
no. 4, 2949–2966 (2021).
Partially hyperbolic surface endomorphisms
with Layne Hall,
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
41:1, 272–282 (2021).
Ergodicity and partial hyperbolicity
on Seifert manifolds
with Jana Rodriguez Hertz
and Raúl Ures
Journal of Modern Dynamics,
vol. 16, 331–348, (2020).
Horizontal vector fields and Seifert fiberings
Algebraic and Geometric Topology,
20:6, 2779–2820, (2020).
Anomolous partially hyperbolic systems III:
abundance and incoherence
with Christian Bonatti, Andrey Gogolev,
and Rafael Potrie,
Geometry and Topology,
24:4, 1751–1790, (2020).
Classification of systems with
center-stable tori
with Rafael Potrie,
Michigan Mathematical Journal,,
no. 1, 147–166, (2019).
Seifert manifolds admitting partially hyperbolic
with Rafael Potrie and Mario Shannon,
Journal of Modern Dynamics,
vol. 12, 193–222, (2018).
Properties of compact center-stable submanifolds
Mathematische Zeitschrift,
288:3, 741–755, (2018).
Constructing center-stable tori
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Analyse non linéaire
35:3, 713–728, (2018).
Partial hyperbolicity and classification: a
with Rafael Potrie,
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
38:2, 401–443, (2018).
Ergodic components of partially hyperbolic systems
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici,
92:1, 131–184, (2017).
A trajectory-free framework for analysing multiscale
with Gary Froyland and Georg A. Gottwald
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,
328/329, 34–43, (2016).
Center bunching without dynamical coherence
Dynamical Systems: an International Journal,
31:2, 151–157, (2016).
Classification of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in
3-manifolds with solvable fundamental group
with Rafael Potrie
Journal of Topology,
8:3, 842–870, (2015).
On expanding foliations
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society,
46:3, 407–420, (2015).
A computational method to extract macroscopic variables and their dynamics in
multiscale systems
with Gary Froyland and Georg A. Gottwald
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,
13:4, 1816–1846, (2014).
Pointwise partial hyperbolicity in 3-dimensional nilmanifolds
with Rafael Potrie
Journal of the London Mathematical Society,
89:3, 853–875, (2014).
Ergodicity and partially hyperbolicity on the 3-torus
with Raúl Ures
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 16:4, 1350038, (2014).
Polynomial Global Product Structure
Proceedings of the AMS, 142:12, 4297–4303, (2014).
Partial hyperbolicity on 3-dimensional nilmanifolds
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,
33:8, 3641–3669, (2013).
Leaf conjugacies on the torus
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 33:3, 896-933,
Dynamics of quasi-isometric foliations
Nonlinearity, 25, 1585–1599, (2012).
Integrability and Lyapunov exponents
Journal of Modern Dynamics, 5:1, 107–122, (2011).
Quasi-isometry and plaque expansiveness
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 54:4, 676–679, (2011).
Asymptote: A vector graphics language with J. C. Bowman
TUGboat: The Communication of the TeX Users Group, 29:2,
288–294 (2008).
Non Peer Reviewed material