Dr. Murray Logan's R scripts page

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Welcome to Murray Logan's R scripts page

Murray's R compilations

The following sets of R binaries and packages are specifically compiled for biological/ecological applications. Most are taken directly off the official R mirrors and may be freely downloaded, used, modified and redistributed. The sets purely represent a convenient repository.

More about R

R 2.9.1 for Windows (XP or Vista)

The following steps and files enable you to install R on your computer for personal use.

  1. Download and install R (R-2.9.1-win32.exe and following the prompts (answer yes to all questions). Note, you need to install R as an administrator. In Vista, do this by clicking on the install file and selecting Run as Administrator. In XP, run the install file after first logging in as the Administrator
  2. Download the zip file of all the relevant packages (packages.zip) and unzip the file into a temporary directory somewhere (or else unzip it on your desktop!). This will create a number of zip files, each corresponding to a required package. These should not be unzip manually - they should be installed from within R (see next step).
    Alternatively, all of the packages can be downloaded from one of the CRAN mirrors. Murray's biology package is also available for separate download from here.
  3. Run R.
    Vista users - you need to do so by Clicking on the R icon and selecting Run as Administrator. This is to allow R to install packages in an area that requires adequate permission.
    XP users - you need to run R after first logging in as the Administrator. This again ensures that the add-on packages are installed in the correct location.
  4. Select Install package(s) from local zip files... from the packages menu
    Installing R packages
  5. Shutdown R and that is it
  6. From now on, do not run R as an Administrator

More about R

R 2.9.1 for Mac OSX

The following steps and files enable you to install R on your computer for personal use.

  1. Download and install R (R-2.9.1.dmg) and following the prompts (answer yes to all questions).
  2. Download the zip file of all the relevant packages (packages.zip) and unzip the file into a temporary directory somewhere. This will create a number of tar files, each corresponding to a required package. These should not be un-compacted manually - they should be installed from within R (instructions for doing this will follow shortly - I don't have a mac, so creating the exact instructions is a little tricky!).
    Alternatively, all of the packages can be downloaded from one of the CRAN mirrors. Murray's biology package is also available for separate download from here.
  3. Download the R manual specifically written for School of Biological Sciences students.

More about R

R 2.9.1 for Linux

The following steps and files enable you to install R on your computer for personal use.

  1. Download R (R-2.9.1.tar.gz)
  2. Extract the contents of the tar (preferably into /usr/local/)
    sudo tar -zxvf R-2.9.1.tar.gz
  3. Configure
    sudo ./Configure
  4. Make from source
    sudo make
  5. Download the zip file of all the relevant packages (packages.zip) and unzip the file into a temporary directory somewhere. This will create a number of tar files, each corresponding to a required package. These should not be un-compacted manually - they should be installed from within R (see next point).
    Alternatively, all of the packages can be downloaded from one of the CRAN mirrors. Murray's biology package is also available for separate download from here.
  6. Each package can be installed
    sudo R CMD INSTALL *.tar
    Note, the order in which packages are installed might be important. Packages with dependencies might need to be installed after the dependency packages!
  7. Download the R manual specifically written for School of Biological Sciences students.

Murray's EWorksheets and R manuals

Eworksheets -these are a collection of web pages and tutorials designed to assist in the learning of R (freely available statistical software package) as well as a range of statistical concepts relevant to biologists. They have been specifically designed for BIO3011 and BIO4200.

More about R

2009 Honours Stats (BIO4200/ENV4300) Course

This is a collection of Eworksheets, manuals and reference materials designed for the BIO4200 stats course.

More about R

2008 Research Methods in Biology (BIO3011) Course

This is a collection of Eworksheets, manuals and reference materials designed for the BIO4200 stats course.

Murray's list of individual packages

The following files are two packages distributed by Murray specifically for students and staff at Monash University. Anyone is free to use and redistribute these files.

More about R

List of R packages for Windows

biology package

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