(This is a partial c.v.; for the complete one in PDF format, click here.)
Most recent update: August 2023
Bibliometrics: | ||
Scopus Author ID 6602955519 | Ideas profile | Google Scholar profile |
Refereed publications: | ||||
Nick Feltovich and Francesco Giovannoni (2022), "Campaign messages, polling, and elections: theory and experimental evidence", forthcoming, American Journal of Political Science. DOI: 10.1111/ajps.12722 |
Currie, James, Gordon D. Waiter, Blair Johnston, Nick Feltovich and J. Douglas Steele (2022), "Blunted neuroeconomic loss aversion in schizophrenia", Brain Research 1789, article no. 147957. DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2022.147957 |
Cui, Xuegang, Nick Feltovich and Kun Zhang (2022), "Incentive schemes, framing, and market behaviour: evidence from an asset-market experiment", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 197, pp. 301-324. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2022.03.007 |
Briscese, Guglielmo, Nick Feltovich and Robert L. Slonim (2021), "Who benefits from corporate social responsibility? Reciprocity in the presence of social incentives and self-selection", Games and Economic Behavior 126, pp. 288-304. DOI: 10.1016/j.geb.2021.01.005 |
Parsons, Daniel M., Nick Feltovich and Philip J. Grossman (2020), "The effect of leadership on free-riding: results from a public-good experiment", Review of Behavioral Economics 7 (1), pp. 31-63. DOI: 10.1561/105.00000117 |
Feltovich, Nick (2019), "Is earned bargaining power more fully exploited?" Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 167C, pp. 152-180. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2019.09.021 |
Feltovich, Nick (2019), "The interaction between competition and unethical behaviour", Experimental Economics 22 (1), pp. 101-130. DOI: 10.1007/s10683-018-9578-z |
Khalil, Elias L. and Nick Feltovich (2018), "Moral licensing, instrumental apology and insincerity aversion: taking Immanuel Kant to the lab", PLOS One 13 (11), e0206878. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0206878 |
Anbarci, Nejat, Nick Feltovich and Mehmet Y. Gurdal (2018), "Payoff inequity reduces the effectiveness of correlated-equilibrium recommendations", European Economic Review 108, pp. 172-190. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.07.003 |
Anbarci, Nejat and Nick Feltovich (2018), "Pricing in competitive search markets: the roles of price information and fairness perceptions", Management Science 64 (3), pp. 1101-1120. DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2016.2620 |
Feltovich, Nick and Yasuyo Hamaguchi (2018), "The effect of leniency programmes on anti-competitive behaviour: an experimental study", Southern Economic Journal 84(4), pp. 1024-1049. DOI: 10.1002/soej.12263 |
Anbarci, Nejat and Nick Feltovich (2018), "How fully do people exploit their bargaining position? The effects of bargaining institution and the 50-50 norm", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 145, pp. 320-334. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2017.11.020 |
Currie, James, Dheeraj Buruju, Jennifer S. Perrin, Ian C. Reid, J. Douglas Steele and Nick Feltovich (2017), "Schizophrenia illness severity is associated with reduced loss aversion", Brain Research 1664, pp. 9-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2017.03.006 |
Anbarci, Nejat, Richard Dutu and Nick Feltovich (2015), "Inflation tax in the lab: a theoretical and experimental study of competitive search equilibrium with inflation", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 61, pp. 17-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.jedc.2015.09.005 |
Feltovich, Nick and Philip J. Grossman (2015), "How does the effect of pre-play suggestions vary with group size? Experimental evidence from a threshold public-good game", European Economic Review 79, pp. 263-280. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2015.08.001. |
Anbarci, Nejat, Nick Feltovich and Mehmet Y. Gurdal (2015), "Lying about the price? Ultimatum bargaining with messages and imperfectly observed offers", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 116, pp. 346-360. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2015.05.009. |
Feltovich, Nick and Francesco Giovannoni (2015), "Selection vs. accountability: an experimental investigation of campaign promises in a moral-hazard environment", Journal of Public Economics 126, pp. 39-51. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2015.03.008. |
Feltovich, Nick and Ourega-Zoe Ejebu (2014), "Do positional goods inhibit saving? Evidence from a life-cycle experiment", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107, pp. 440-454. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2014.01.015. |
Feltovich, Nick and Sobei H. Oda (2014), "The effect of matching mechanism on learning in games played under limited information", Pacific Economic Review 19(3), pp. 260-277. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0106.12065. |
Anbarci, Nejat and Nick Feltovich (2013), "How sensitive are bargaining outcomes to changes in disagreement payoffs?", Experimental Economics 16 (4), pp.560-596. DOI: 10.1007/s10683-013-9352-1. |
Anbarci, Nejat and Nick Feltovich (2013), "Directed search, coordination failure and seller revenue: an experimental comparison of posted pricing with single and multiple prices", International Economic Review 54 (3), pp. 873-884. DOI: 10.1111/iere.12020. |
Feltovich, Nick, Lata Gangadharan and Michael P. Kidd (2013), "Implementation and removal of an affirmative-action quota: the impact on workers' skill acquisition", Canadian Public Policy 39 (s1), pp. 123-140. DOI: 10.3138/CPP.39.Supplement1.S123. |
Feltovich, Nick, Atsushi Iwasaki, and Sobei H. Oda (2012), "Payoff levels, loss avoidance, and equilibrium selection in games with multiple equilibria: an experimental study", Economic Inquiry 50 (4), pp. 932-952. DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2011.00406.x. |
Anbarci, Nejat and Nick Feltovich (2012), "Bargaining with random implementation: an experimental study", Games and Economic Behavior 76 (2), pp. 495-514. DOI: 10.1016/j.geb.2012.07.007. |
Feltovich, Nick and Joe Swierzbinski (2011), "The role of strategic uncertainty in games: an experimental study of cheap talk and unstructured bargaining in the Nash demand game", European Economic Review 55 (4), pp. 554-574. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2010.07.001. |
Buchheit, Steve and Nick Feltovich (2011), "Experimental evidence of a sunk-cost paradox: a study of pricing behavior in Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly", International Economic Review 52 (2), pp. 317-347. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2354.2011.00630.x. (This paper used to be called "Sunk costs and firms' pricing decisions in an experimental Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly.") |
Feltovich, Nick (2011), "The effect of subtracting a constant from all payoffs in a hawk-dove game: experimental evidence of loss aversion in strategic behavior", Southern Economic Journal 77 (4), pp. 814-826. |
Duffy, John and Nick Feltovich (2010), "Correlated equilibria, good and bad: an experimental study", International Economic Review 51 (3), pp. 701-721. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2354.2010.00598.x. Sample instructions from one of our treatments can be found here. |
Bracht, Juergen and Nick Feltovich (2009), "Whatever you say, your reputation precedes you: observation and cheap talk in the trust game", Journal of Public Economics 93 (9-10), pp. 1036-1044. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2009.06.004. |
Bracht, Juergen and Nick Feltovich (2008), "Efficiency in the trust game: an experimental study of precommitment", International Journal of Game Theory 37 (1), pp. 39-72. DOI: 10.1007/s00182-007-0092-3. Sample instructions from one of our treatments can be found here; other sets are available upon request. |
Abstract (HTML) | |||
Duffy, John and Nick Feltovich (2006), "Words, deeds, and lies: strategic behaviour in games with multiple signals", The Review of Economic Studies 73 (3), pp. 669-688. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-937X.2006.00391.x |
Abstract (HTML) | |||
Feltovich, Nick (2006), "Slow learning in the market for lemons: a note on reinforcement learning and the winner's curse", in Computational Economics: A Perspective from Computational Intelligence, Shu-Heng Chen, Lakhmi Jain, and Chung-Ching Tai, eds., Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, pp. 149-160. |
Feltovich, Nick (2005), "Critical values for the robust rank-order test," Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 34 (3), pp. 525-547. DOI: 10.1081/SAC-200068395. |
Feltovich, Nick and Chris Papageorgiou (2004), "An experimental study of statistical discrimination by employers", Southern Economic Journal 70 (4), pp. 837-849. DOI: 10.2307/4135275. |
Feltovich, Nick (2003), "Nonparametric tests of differences in medians: comparison of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney and robust rank-order tests," Experimental Economics 6 (3), pp. 273-297. DOI: 10.1023/A:1026273319211. |
Cooper, David, Nick Feltovich, Alvin Roth, and Rami Zwick (2003), "Relative versus absolute speed of adjustment in strategic environments: responder behavior in ultimatum games", Experimental Economics 6 (2), pp. 181-207. DOI: 10.1023/A:1025309121659 |
Feltovich, Nick, Rick Harbaugh and Ted To (2002), "Too cool for school? Signalling and countersignalling", RAND Journal of Economics 33 (4), pp. 630-649. DOI: 10.2307/3087478 (For more, see our write-up in The Economist.) |
Duffy, John and Nick Feltovich (2002), "Do actions speak louder than words? An experimental comparison of observation and cheap talk", Games and Economic Behavior 39 (1), pp. 1-27. DOI: 10.1006/game.2001.0892. |
Feltovich, Nick (2001), "Mergers, welfare, and concentration: results from a model of Stackelberg-Cournot oligopoly," Atlantic Economic Journal 29 (4), pp. 378-392. DOI: 10.1007/BF02299328. |
Feltovich, Nick (2000), "Reinforcement-based vs. beliefs-based learning in experimental asymmetric-information games," Econometrica 68 (3), pp. 605-641. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0262.00125. |
Feltovich, Nick (1999), "Equilibrium and reinforcement learning in private-information games: an experimental study," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 23 (9-10), pp. 1605-1632. DOI: 10.1016/S0165-1889(98)00086-4. |
Duffy, John and Nick Feltovich (1999), "Does observation of others affect learning in strategic environments? An experimental study", International Journal of Game Theory 28 (1), pp. 131-152. DOI: 10.1007/s001820050102. |
Other publications: | ||||
Feltovich, Nick and Nejat Anbarci (2022), "Market institutions, prices and distribution of surplus: a theoretical and experimental investigation", in Bargaining: Current Research and Future Directions, Kyle Hyndman and Emin Karagozoglu, eds., London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 203-225. |
Feltovich, Nick (2012), "Belief-based learning models", in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, N. Seel, ed., Springer, p. 161. |
Feltovich, Nick (2011), "What's to know about laboratory experimentation in economics?" Journal of Economic Surveys 25, pp. 371-379. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6419.2010.00676.x. |
Feltovich, Nick (2003), Slow learning in the market for lemons: a note on reinforcement learning and the winner's curse," Proceedings of the 7th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, pp. 1023-1026. |
Feltovich, Nick (2002), "John Nash's contributions to economics," (in Greek) in Game Theory: A Festschrift in Honor of John Nash, Constantina Kottaridi and Gregorios Siourounis, eds., Athens: Eurasia Publications, pp. 103-108. |
Working papers and in preparation: | ||||
"What kind of communication is best? Cheap talk with two senders and one receiver" (with Nejat Anbarci and Mehmet Y. Gurdal). (Updated August 2019.) |
"Can tournaments induce persistent workaholism?" (with Kun Zhang and Yanren Zhang). |
Abstract (HTML) | |||
"Selection of learning rules: theory and experimental evidence" (with David Cooper). (This paper used to be called "Reinforcement-based learning vs. Bayesian learning: a comparison".) |
Abstract (HTML) | |||
"Information cascades with endogenous signal precision." |
"Thinking like a game theorist: comment" (with Nathaniel T. Wilcox). |
University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. (Economics), August 1997
Virginia Tech, B.S. (Mathematics), 1991