IntroductionLesson 1Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5


Supporting Notes 1Supporting Notes 2Supporting Notes 3Supporting Notes 4Supporting Notes 5




Whole class discussion: Reducing and prioritising the list of factors (10-15 minutes).


Small group work: Measuring Distances (20-25 minutes).           


Whole class discussion: Comparing and Contrasting Distances (10-15 minutes).


Pupils should have completed their homework from lesson 1. 

Pupils need to have learned the meaning of scale factor, and will need to be able to measure small distances using a metric scale.


Pupils will need a copy of the photograph from lesson 1.

Pupils will need rulers and calculators for this lesson.

Photocopies of Worksheet 2 (optional).


Students should be familiar with the following concepts:




At the end of lesson 1, pupils generated a list of factors (variables and measurements) involved in determining whether the batsman in the photograph was IN or OUT.

One way to begin the lesson is by building on pupils’ responses to Homework problem 4. Invite students to present their arguments for the importance of each of the various factors.

Use a guided whole class discussion to reduce and prioritise the list of Background notes on factors  (see Advice for Teachers #2.1). Invite pupils to present their arguments for the importance of each of the various factors. Pupils work with distances in this lesson, and while this is a valuable part of their learning, they will realise later that they need to be working with times. It emerges that  pupils need to use distance values to calculate times and thereby judge whether the batsman is 'in' or 'out'. In lesson 2 they have worked with just one piece of the problem which by itself will not solve the problem. This is raised at the end of lesson 2 and is the whole focus of lesson 3.

Key questions

The two factors that can be measured are the distance the bail has fallen and the distance of the bat-tip past the crease-line.

Refer pupils to their solutions for homework problem 2. Briefly review the concepts of scale factor and ratio. Pupils who have completed homework problem 1 can be invited to share their solutions. Ask pupils to explain how they drew their diagrams. These concepts will be used in the next activity.


Organise pupils into small groups.

Pupils first study the photograph and estimate the measurements by eye, giving their answers in an appropriate unit. (Advice for Teachers #2.3)

Pupils use rulers to measure the distances on the photograph.

Pupils will need to determine the scale factors involved (e.g. the ratio of the photo measurement of stump height to the actual measurement) (Standard cricket measures) and then use these to calculate the actual distances. (Advice for Teachers #2.4

Teaching and Learning Issue 2: Time to Step Back


Ask pupils to compare their estimates with their calculations and make comments. (Sample calculations

Write a sample of answers on the board. Compare and contrast these. (Advice for Teachers #2.5)


The homework is designed to introduce students to the relationship between speed and time and have them thinking about distance to time conversions. Without making it obvious, students practise the calculations necessary for the next lesson.

Homework for Lesson 2

 1.    There is a well known formula which relates the distance an object has traveled with the speed of its travel and the time taken.

        The formula is d = s x t, where d is the distance, s is the speed and t is the time.

 a.    Use the formula to calculate the distance travelled by a person jogging at the constant speed of 3 m/s for fifty seconds.

 b.    Suppose you know that a person has been jogging at the constant speed of 4 m/s for 2 hours.

        What extra calculation do you need to do before you can use the distance formula?

 2.    The formula can be transposed so that time is the subject.

        This formula is

 a.    Use the formula to calculate the time taken by a bus to travel 100 km traveling at a constant speed of 60 km per hour.

 b.    Suppose you know that a bus has traveled 100 km at the constant speed of 60 km per hour.

        What extra calculation do you need to do before you can use the formula to calculate the time of the journey?

3.     The formula can be transposed so that speed is the subject.

        This formula is             

a.      Use the formula to calculate the speed of a cricketer running 20.1 metres in 5 seconds. (Give your answer correct to two decimal places and write the correct unit as part of your answer.)

b.      How fast would a cricketer be running if he or she covered 20.1 m in 9 seconds? (Give your answer correct to two decimal places and write the correct unit as part of your answer.)

(Homework answers)