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Melt Flow, Transposition and Breakup of Enclaves in Delamerian Migmatites, Kangaroo Island, South Australia



Roberto Weinberg
Monash University, Australia



Copyright 2004-2011 by Roberto Weinberg. All rights reserved. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted for non-profit driven enterprise, subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and acknowledgment of the source URL:


I would very much appreciate an email stating how this material will be used: Roberto Weinberg, Monash University, Australia. Thanks, RW.


DISCLAIMER. The material on this website has not undergone the scrutiny of Monash University and does not conform to its corporate web design. It is entirely based on a free-spritied, curiosity-driven research effort by the author, and therefore in no way expresses the official position of the University.



Coastal outcrops on the south coast of Kangaroo Island expose the interaction between deformation and migmatization of rocks of the Kanmantoo Group. This page is an extract of the best field evidence for magma flow and channeling which is associated with transposition of early formed foliation/layering and disruption of the psammite-pelites of the Kanmantoo Group. Part I focus on general channeling, Part II expands part I to demonstrate transposition, and Part III the disaggregation of blocks.


Part I. Flow and channeling of magma in diatexite







Funnel-shaped magma channel Funnel-shaped magma channel
Figure 1a) Funnel-shaped channel draining magma to the right. Note increase in aspect ratio of enclaves in channel. 1b) Channeling of magma upwards in figure.
magma channel in diatexite magma channel in diatexite
Figure 1c) Channel. 1d) Inside a channel with well-defined channel parallel seams.
magma channel in diatexite magma channel in diatexite
Figure 1e) Channel. 1f) Inside a channel with well-defined channel parallel seams.
schollen or enclaves in granite, mafic seams schollen or enclaves in granite, mafic seams
Figure 1) Enclaves swimming in granite, aligned parallel to well-defined seams that are continuous over 1-2m. 1) Straight seam bounding sharply the margin of an enclave.
magma channel magma channel
Figure 1) Channel. Figure 1) Detail of previous.
schollen in diatexite with mafic seams diatexite with mafic seams
Figure 2a) Magma rich diatexite with seams in amongst enclaves. Figure 2b) A quartz clast inside a single seam that splits into two to wrap around it, suggesting that the seam marked the boundary of a magma channel and the clast had been carried in the magma.
magma channel through migmatite magma channel through migmatite
Figure 4a) Channel of magma cutting through banded migmatite. This channel feeds into a local irregular magmatic body of 20x10m across. FIgure 4b) Channel detail of a).
schollen in granite with mafic seams schollen in granite with mafic seams
Figure 3a) Enclaves swimming in granite, aligned parallel to well-defined seams that are continuous over 1-2m. Figure 3b) Straight seam bounding sharply the margin of an enclave.


Part II. Transposition of early layering by magma flow.





Transposed migmatite Transposed migmatite
Figure 5a) Block of layered psammite block inside banded migmatite transposed in D1 trending NW-SE/steeply. FIgure 5b) Detail of margin of psammmite block in a.
Rootless folds Rootless folds
Figure 6a) Rootless D1 folds in D1 transposed zone trending NW-SE/steeply. FIgure 6b) same
missing thrust
Figure 7a) FIgure 7b) D1 thrusts (horizontal planes) overprinting pre-exisiting steep D1 foliation (vertical plane).
magma channels around a lithon thrust in migmatite
Figure 8a) Intense magma channels around a lithon. FIgure 8b) D1 thrusts overprinting pre-exisiting steep D1 foliation (vertical plane).


Part III. Breakup of psammite blocks.


schollen broken upin migmatite schollen broken upin migmatite
Figure 9a) Block broken up in migmatite into smaller blocks along main magma channel orientation. FIgure 9b) Same, not extruded block on the upper right corner.