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Instructions: Topics discussed in these lecture notes are examinable unless otherwise indicated. You need to follow instructions, take more notes & draw diagrams especially as [indicated] or as done in lectures, work through examples, and do extra reading. Hyper-links not in [square brackets] are mainly for revision, for further reading, and for lecturers of the subject.

Recursive Sorts:   Introduction

How to solve a big problem?  Another Strategy:

- divide and conquer problem solving strategy or paradigm- Alexander the Great.

Merge Sort( a [ ] )

Top-down Merge sort, e.g. merge_sort( a[ 1 .. 8 ] )

[lecturer: briefly or can skip; class: study this at home!]
function mergeSort(int a[], int N)  /* wrapper routine */
/* NB sorts a[1..N] */

 { int i;
   int b[N];          /* -- the O(N) workspace */

   for(i=1; i <= N; i++)
      b[i]=a[i];      /* -- copy */

   merge(b, 1, N, a); /* -- does the real work . . . */
[lecturer: briefly or can skip; class: study this at home!]
function merge(int inA[], int lo, int hi, int opA[])
/* sort (input) inA[lo..hi] into (output) opA[lo..hi] */
 { int i, j, k, mid;

   if(hi > lo) /* at least 2 elements */
    { int mid = (lo+hi)/2;          /* lo <= mid < hi */
      merge(opA, lo,   mid, inA);   /*   sort the ... */
      merge(opA, mid+1, hi, inA);   /*    ... 2 halfs */

      i = lo;  j = mid+1;  k = lo;
      while( ... )                  /* and merge them */
         ... merge the sorted inA[lo..mid] and inA[mid+1]
         ... into opA[lo..h]
       }/*while */
    }/*if  */
 }/*merge */

time complexity

  1. merging n elements takes O(n)-time
  2. there are log2(n) levels of recursion   [lecturer: draw picture]
  3. n elements are merged at each level
  4. therefore O( n . log(n) )-time in total, always

space complexity


Code: ..../C/List/ for linked lists, ..../C/Sort/ for arrays

There is also a bottom-up merge sort,   e.g. merge sort a[ 1 .. 8 ]

By the way:


Quick Sort

Another idea: partition the array:
  1. move all the "small" elements to the left hand and move all the "large" elements to the right hand

  2. sort the small elements

  3. sort the large elements


Partitioning:   Dutch National Flag (DNF) problem

Properties of DNF (only):

Dutch National Flag related to Quick Sort

[an efficient quick sort; class: study this at home!]
quicksort(int a[], int lo, int hi)   /* sort a[lo..hi] */
 { int left, right, median, temp;

   if( hi > lo ) /* i.e. at least 2 elements, then */
    { left=lo; right=hi;
      median=a[lo];  /* NB. just an estimate! */

      while(right >= left) /* partition a[lo..hi] */
      /*INV: a[lo..left-1] <= median & a[right+1..hi] >= median */
       { while(a[left]  < median) left++;

         while(a[right] > median) right--;

         if(left > right) break;

         temp=a[left]; a[left]=a[right]; a[right]=temp; /* swap */
         left++; right--
      /* a[lo..left-1] <= median and a[right+1..hi] >= median
         and left > right */

      quicksort(a, lo, right); /* divide and */
      quicksort(a, left,  hi); /* conquer */

Properties of Quick Sort

Recursive Sorting Summary


© L.Allison, Friday, 19-Jul-2024 06:26:56 AEST users.monash.edu.au/~lloyd/tilde/CSC2/CSE2304/Notes/06sort3.shtml
Computer Science, Software Engineering, Science (Computer Science).