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Workshop 8 - Frequency analysis and generalized linear models

29 August 2011

Basic statistics references

  • Logan (2010) - Chpt 16-17
  • Quinn & Keough (2002) - Chpt 13-14
Analysis of frequencies.

Goodness of fit test

A fictitious plant ecologist sampled 90 shrubs of a dioecious plant in a forest, and each plant was classified as being either male or female. The ecologist was interested in the sex ratio and whether it differed from 50:50. The observed counts and the predicted (expected) counts based on a theoretical 50:50 sex ratio follow.

Format of fictitious plant sex ratios - note, not a file
Expected and Observed data (50:50 sex ratio).

Tasmannia bush

Note, it is not necessary to open or create a data file for this question.

Q1-1. First, what is the appropriate test
to examine the sex ratio of these plants?

Q1-2. What null hypothesis is being tested by this test?

Q1-3. What are the degrees of freedom are associated with this data for this test?

Q1-4. Perform a Goodness-of-fit test
to test the null hypothesis that these data came from a population with a 50:50 sex ratio (hint). Identify the following:
Show code

> chisq.test(c(40, 50))

Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data:  c(40, 50) 
X-squared = 1.1111, df = 1, p-value = 0.2918

  1. X2 statistic
  2. df
  3. P value

Q1-5. What are your conclusions (statistical and biological)?

Lets now extend this fictitious endeavor. Recent studies on a related species of shrub have suggested a 30:70 female:male sex ratio. Knowing that our plant ecologist had similar research interests, the authors contacted her to inquire whether her data contradicted their findings.

Q1-6. Using the same observed data, test the null hypothesis
that these data came from a population with a 30:70 sex ratio (hint). From a 30:70 female:male sex ratio, what are the expected frequency counts of females and males from 90 individuals and what is the X2 statistic?.
Show code

> chisq.test(c(40, 50), p = c(0.3, 0.7))

Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data:  c(40, 50) 
X-squared = 8.9418, df = 1, p-value = 0.002787

> chisq.test(c(40, 50), p = c(0.3, 0.7))$exp

[1] 27 63

  1. Expected number of females
  2. Expected number of males
  3. X2 statistic

Q1-7. Do the plant ecologist's data dispute the findings of the other studies? (y or n)

Contingency tables

Here is a modified example from Quinn and Keough (2002). Following fire, French and Westoby (1996) cross-classified plant species by two variables: whether they regenerated by seed only or vegetatively and whether they were dispersed by ant or vertebrate vector. The two variables could not be distinguished as response or predictor since regeneration mechanisms could just as conceivably affect dispersal mode as vice versa.

Download French data set

Format of french.csv data files

REGENCategorical listing of the plants regeneration mode.
DISPCategorical listing of the plants dispersal mode.
COUNTThe observed number of individuals in each category.

Ant carrying a seed

Open the french data file. HINT.

Show code

> french <- read.table("french.csv", header = T, sep = ",", strip.white = T)

> head(french)

  regen disp count
1  seed  ant    25
2  seed vert     6
3   veg  ant    36
4   veg vert    21

Q2-1. What null hypothesis is being tested by this test?

Q2-2. Generate a cross table
out of the dataset in preparation for frequency analysis (HINT).
Show code

> french.tab <- xtabs(count ~ regen + disp, data = french)

> french.tab

regen  ant vert
  seed  25    6
  veg   36   21

Q2-3. Fit
a 2 x 2 (two way) contingency table
(HINT), and explore the main assumption of the test by examining the expected frequencies (HINT).

Show code

> french.x2 <- chisq.test(french.tab, correct = F)

> french.x2$exp

regen       ant      vert
  seed 21.48864  9.511364
  veg  39.51136 17.488636

Q2-4. If the assumption is OK, test this null hypothesis and identify the following.
Show code

> french.x2

Pearson's Chi-squared test
data:  french.tab 
X-squared = 2.8872, df = 1, p-value = 0.08929

  1. X2 statistic
  2. df
  3. P value

Q2-5. What are your conclusions (statistical and biological)?

Contingency tables

Arrington et al. (2002) examined the frequency with which African, Neotropical and North American fishes have empty stomachs and found that the mean percentage of empty stomachs was around 16.2%. As part of the investigation they were interested in whether the frequency of empty stomachs was related to dietary items. The data were separated into four major trophic classifications (detritivores, omnivores, invertivores, and piscivores) and whether the fish species had greater or less than 16.2% of individuals with empty stomachs. The number of fish species in each category combination was calculated and a subset of that (just the diurnal fish) is provided.

Download Arrington data set

Format of arrington.csv data file
< 16.2DET
< 16.2OMN
< 16.2PISC
< 16.2INV

STOMACHCategorical listing of the proportion of individuals in the species with empty stomachs (< 16.2% or > 16.2%).
TROPHICCategorical listing of the trophic classification (DET = detritovore, OMN = omnivore, INV = invertivore, PISC = piscivore).
 % Stomachs empty
Trophic classification< 16.2> 16.2


Open the arrington data file (HINT).
Show code

> arrington <- read.table("arrington.csv", header = T, sep = ",",

> strip.white = T)

> head(arrington)

1   <16.2     DET
2   <16.2     DET
3   <16.2     DET
4   <16.2     DET
5   <16.2     DET
6   <16.2     DET

Note the format of the data file. Rather than including a compilation of the observed counts, this data file lists the categories for each individual. This example will demonstrate how to analyse two-way contingency tables from such data files. Each row of the data set represents a separate species of fish that is then cross categorised according to whether the proportion of individuals of that species with empty stomachs was higher or lower than the overall average (16.2%) and to what trophic group they belonged.

Q3-1. Generate a cross table
out of the raw data file in preparation for the contingency table (HINT).
Show code

> arrington.tab <- table(arrington)

> arrington.tab

  <16.2  18  58  45   16
  >16.2   4  15   8   34

Q3-2. Fit the model (HINT), test the assumptions (HINT) and, using a two-way contingency table,
test the null hypothesis that the percentage of empty stomachs was independent of trophic classification (HINT). What would you conclude form the analysis?
Show code

> arrington.x2 <- chisq.test(arrington.tab)

> arrington.x2$exp

STOMACH       DET     INV      OMN     PISC
  <16.2 15.222222 50.5101 36.67172 34.59596
  >16.2  6.777778 22.4899 16.32828 15.40404

> arrington.x2

Pearson's Chi-squared test
data:  arrington.tab 
X-squared = 43.8346, df = 3, p-value = 1.636e-09

Write the results out as though you were writing a research paper/thesis. For example (select the phrase that applies and fill in gaps with your results): 
The percentage of empty stomachs was (choose the correct option)
trophic classification. (X2 = , df = , P = ).

Q3-3. Generate the residuals (HINT) associated with the above contingency test and complete the following table of standardized residuals.
Show code

> arrington.x2$res

STOMACH        DET        INV        OMN       PISC
  <16.2  0.7119647  1.0538695  1.3752759 -3.1615926
  >16.2 -1.0669740 -1.5793639 -2.0610342  4.7380678

 < 16.2%> 16.2%

Q3-4. What further conclusions would you draw from the standardized residuals?

Contingency tables

Here is an example (13.5) from Fowler, Cohen and Parvis (1998). A field biologist collected leaf litter from a 1 m2 quadrats randomly located on the ground at night in two locations - one was on clay soil the other on chalk soil. The number of woodlice of two different species (Oniscus and Armadilidium) were collected and it is assumed that all woodlice undertake their nocturnal activities independently. The number of woodlice are in the following contingency table.

Download Woodlice data set

Format of Woodlice data set
SOIL TYPEOniscusArmadilidium


Open the woodlice data file. HINT.
Show code

> woodlice <- read.table("woodlice.csv", header = T, sep = ",",

> strip.white = T)

> head(woodlice)

1  Clay      oniscus     14
2  Clay armadilidium      6
3 Chalk      oniscus     22
4 Chalk armadilidium     46

Q4-1. What null hypothesis is being tested by this test?

Q4-2. Generate a cross table
out of the dataset in preparation for frequency analysis (HINT).
Show code

> woodlice.tab <- xtabs(COUNTS ~ SOIL + SPECIES, data = woodlice)

> woodlice.tab

SOIL    armadilidium oniscus
  Chalk           46      22
  Clay             6      14

Q4-3. Fit
a 2 x 2 (two way) contingency table
(HINT), and explore the main assumption of the test by examining the expected frequencies (HINT).
Show code

> woodlice.x2 <- chisq.test(woodlice.tab, correct = F)

> woodlice.x2$exp

SOIL    armadilidium   oniscus
  Chalk     40.18182 27.818182
  Clay      11.81818  8.181818

Q4-4. If the assumption is OK, test this null hypothesis (HINT) and identify the following.
Show code

> woodlice.x2

Pearson's Chi-squared test
data:  woodlice.tab 
X-squared = 9.061, df = 1, p-value = 0.002611

  1. X2 statistic
  2. df
  3. P value

Q4-5. Generate the residuals (HINT) associated with the above contingency test and complete the following table of standardized residuals.

Q4-6. What are your conclusions (statistical and biological)?

Logistic regression

Polis et al. (1998) were intested in modelling the presence/absence of lizards (Uta sp.) against the perimeter to area ratio of 19 islands in the Gulf of California.

Download Polis data set

Format of polis.csv data file

ISLANDCategorical listing of the name of the 19 islands used - variable not used in analysis.
RATIORatio of perimeter to area of the island.
PAPresence (1) or absence (0) of Uta lizards on island.

Uta lizard

Open the polis data file (HINT).
Show code

> polis <- read.table("polis.csv", header = T, sep = ",", strip.white = T)

> head(polis)

1       Bota 15.41  1
2     Cabeza  5.63  1
3    Cerraja 25.92  1
4 Coronadito 15.17  0
5     Flecha 13.04  1
6   Gemelose 18.85  0

Q5-1. What is the null hypothesis of interest?

Q5-2. Fitting the general linear model with a binomial error distribution (logit linkage)
Show code

> polis.glm <- glm(PA ~ RATIO, family = binomial, data = polis)

  1. Check the model for lack of fit via:
    • Pearson Χ2
      Show code

      > polis.resid <- sum(resid(polis.glm, type = "pearson")^2)

      > 1 - pchisq(polis.resid, polis.glm$df.resid)

      [1] 0.5715331

      #No evidence of a lack of fit
    • Deviance (G2)
      Show code

      > 1 - pchisq(polis.glm$deviance, polis.glm$df.resid)

      [1] 0.6514215

      #No evidence of a lack of fit
  2. Estimate the dispersion parameter to evaluate over dispersion in the fitted model
    • Via Pearson residuals
      Show code

      > polis.resid/polis.glm$df.resid

      [1] 0.9019219

      #No evidence of over dispersion
    • Via deviance
      Show code

      > polis.glm$deviance/polis.glm$df.resid

      [1] 0.8365126

      #No evidence of over dispersion
  3. Compare the expected number of zeros to the actual number of zeros to determine whether the model might be zero inflated.
    • Calculate the proportion of zeros in the data
      Show code

      > polis.tab <- table(polis$PA == 0)

      > polis.tab/sum(polis.tab)

          FALSE      TRUE 
      0.5263158 0.4736842 

    • Assuming a probability of 0.5 for each trial, you would expect roughly 50:50 (50%) zeros and ones. So the data are not zero inflated.

Q5-3. As the diagnostics do not indicate any issues with the data or the fitted model, identify and interpret the following (HINT);
Show code

> polis.glm <- glm(PA ~ RATIO, family = binomial, data = polis)

> summary(polis.glm)

glm(formula = PA ~ RATIO, family = binomial, data = polis)
Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.6067  -0.6382   0.2368   0.4332   2.0986  
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)   3.6061     1.6953   2.127   0.0334 *
RATIO        -0.2196     0.1005  -2.184   0.0289 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
    Null deviance: 26.287  on 18  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 14.221  on 17  degrees of freedom
AIC: 18.221
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

  1. sample constant (β0)
  2. sample slope (β1)
  3. Wald statistic (z value) for main H0
  4. P-value for main H0
  5. r2 value (HINT)
    Show code

    > 1 - (polis.glm$dev/polis.glm$null)

    [1] 0.4590197

Q5-3.Another way ot test the fit of the model, and thus test the H0 that β1 = 0, is to compare the fit of the full model to the reduce model via ANOVA. Perform this ANOVA (HINT) and identify the following
Show code

> anova(polis.glm, test = "Chisq")

Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: binomial, link: logit
Response: PA
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
      Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|)    
NULL                     18     26.287              
RATIO  1   12.066        17     14.221 0.0005134 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

  1. G2 statistic
  2. df
  3. P value

Q5-4. Construct a scatterplot of the presence/absence of Uta lizards against perimeter to area ratio for the 19 islands (HINT). Add to this plot, the predicted probability of occurances from the logistic regression (as well as 66% confidence interval - standard error). (HINT)
Show code

> par(mar = c(4, 5, 0, 0))

> plot(PA ~ RATIO, data = polis, type = "n", ann = F, axes = F)

> points(PA ~ RATIO, data = polis, pch = 16)

> xs <- seq(0, 70, l = 1000)

> ys <- predict(polis.glm, newdata = data.frame(RATIO = xs), type = "response",

> se = T)

> points(ys$fit ~ xs, col = "red", type = "l")

> lines(ys$fit - 1 * ys$se.fit ~ xs, col = "red", type = "l", lty = 2)

> lines(ys$fit + 1 * ys$se.fit ~ xs, col = "red", type = "l", lty = 2)

> axis(1)

> mtext("Island perimeter to area ratio", 1, cex = 1.5, line = 3)

> axis(2, las = 2)

> mtext(expression(paste(italic(Uta), " lizard presence/absence")),

> 2, cex = 1.5, line = 3)

> box(bty = "l")

Q5-5. Calculate the LD50 (in this case, the perimeter to area ratio with a predicted probability of 0.5) from the fitted model (HINT).
Show code

> -polis.glm$coef[1]/polis.glm$coef[2]


Islands above this ratio are not predicted to contain lizards and islands above this ratio are expected to have lizards.

Q5-6. Examine the odds ratio for the occurrence of Uta lizards.
Show code

> library(biology)

> odds.ratio(polis.glm)

      Odds ratio Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI
RATIO  0.8028734     0.659303    0.9777077

Q5-7. What are your conclusions (statistical and biological)?

Log-linear modelling

Roberts (1993) was intested in examining the interaction between the presence of dead coolibah trees and the position of quadrats along a transect.

Download Roberts data set

Format of roberts.csv data file

COOLIBAHCategorical listing whether or not dead coolibahs are present (WITH) or absent (WITHOUT) from the quadrat
POSITIONPosition of the quadrat along a transect
PANumber of quadrats in each classification

Coolibah tree

Open the roberts data file (HINT).
Show code

> roberts <- read.table("roberts.csv", header = T, sep = ",", strip.white = T)

> head(roberts)

1     WITH   BOTTOM    15
2     WITH   MIDDLE     4
3     WITH      TOP     0
6  WITHOUT      TOP    17

Q6-1. What is the null hypothesis of interest?

Q6-2. Fit a log-linear model to examine the interaction between presence of dead coolibah trees and position along transect HINT) by first fitting a reduced model (one without the interaction, HINT), then fitting the full model (one with the interaction, HINT) and finally comparing the reduced model to the full model via analysis of deviance (HINT).
Show code

> roberts.glmR <- glm(COUNT ~ POSITION + COOLIBAH, family = poisson,

> data = roberts)

> roberts.glmF <- glm(COUNT ~ POSITION * COOLIBAH, family = poisson,

> data = roberts)

> anova(roberts.glmR, roberts.glmF, test = "Chisq")

Analysis of Deviance Table
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance P(>|Chi|)    
1         2     18.613                          
2         0      0.000  2   18.613 9.083e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Alternatively, we can just generate an ANOVA (deviance) table from the full model and ignore the non-interaction terms (HINT).
Show code

> anova(roberts.glmF)

Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: poisson, link: log
Response: COUNT
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
                  Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
NULL                                  5     31.974
POSITION           2   6.9044         3     25.069
COOLIBAH           1   6.4562         2     18.613
POSITION:COOLIBAH  2  18.6130         0      0.000

Identify the following:
  1. G2
  2. df
  3. P value

Log-linear modelling

Roberts (1993) was intested in examining the interaction between the presence of dead coolibah trees and the position of quadrats along a transect.

Download French data set

Format of sinclair.csv data file

Wildebeast carcass
SEXCategorical listing sex of the wildebeast carcasses
MARROWCategorical listing of the bone marrow type (SWF: solid white fatty, OG: opaque gelatinous, TG: translucent gelatinous).
DEATHCategorical listing of the cause of death (predation or non-predation)
COUNTNumber of carcasses encountered in each cross-classification.

Open the sinclair data file (HINT).
Show code

> sinclair <- read.table("sinclair.csv", header = T, sep = ",",

> strip.white = T)

> head(sinclair)

1 FEMALE    SWF  PRED    26
2   MALE    SWF  PRED    14
3 FEMALE     OG  PRED    32
4   MALE     OG  PRED    43
5 FEMALE     TG  PRED     8
6   MALE     TG  PRED    10

Q7-1. What is the null hypothesis of interest?

Q7-2. Log-linear models for three way tables have a greater number of interactions and therefore a greater number of combinations of terms that should be tested. As with ANOVA, it is the higher level interactions (three way) interaction that is of initial interest, followed by the various two way interactions.

Test the null hypothesis that there is no three way interaction (the cause of death is independent of sex and bone marrow type). First fit a reduced model (one that contains all two way interactions as well as individual effects but without the three way interaction, HINT), then fitting the full model (one with the interaction and all other terms, HINT) and finally comparing the reduced model to the full model (HINT).
Show code

> sinclair.glmR <- glm(COUNT ~ SEX:DEATH + SEX:MARROW + MARROW:DEATH +

> SEX + DEATH + MARROW, family = poisson, data = sinclair)

> sinclair.glmF <- glm(COUNT ~ SEX * DEATH * MARROW, family = poisson,

> data = sinclair)

> anova(sinclair.glmR, sinclair.glmF, test = "Chisq")

Analysis of Deviance Table
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance P(>|Chi|)  
1         2     7.1883                        
2         0     0.0000  2   7.1883   0.02748 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 


Q7-3. We would clearly reject the null hypothesis of no three way interaction. As with ANOVA, following a significant interaction it is necessary to slip the data up according to the levels of one of the factors and explore the patterns further within the multiple subsets.
  1. Sinclair and Arcese (1995) might have been interesting in investigating the associations between cause of death and marrow type separately for each sex. Split the sinclair data set up by sex. (HINT)
  2. Show code

    > sinclair.split <- split(sinclair, sinclair$SEX)

    > sinclair.split

    1  FEMALE    SWF  PRED    26
    3  FEMALE     OG  PRED    32
    5  FEMALE     TG  PRED     8
    7  FEMALE    SWF NPRED     6
    9  FEMALE     OG NPRED    26
    11 FEMALE     TG NPRED    16
    2  MALE    SWF  PRED    14
    4  MALE     OG  PRED    43
    6  MALE     TG  PRED    10
    8  MALE    SWF NPRED     7
    10 MALE     OG NPRED    12
    12 MALE     TG NPRED    26

  3. Perform the log-linear modelling for the associations between cause of death and marrow type separately for each sex.
    Show code

    > sinclair.glmR <- glm(COUNT ~ DEATH + MARROW, family = poisson,

    > data = sinclair.split[["FEMALE"]])

    > sinclair.glmF <- glm(COUNT ~ DEATH * MARROW, family = poisson,

    > data = sinclair.split[["FEMALE"]])

    > anova(sinclair.glmR, sinclair.glmF, test = "Chisq")

    Analysis of Deviance Table
    Model 1: COUNT ~ DEATH + MARROW
    Model 2: COUNT ~ DEATH * MARROW
      Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance P(>|Chi|)    
    1         2     13.963                          
    2         0      0.000  2   13.963 0.0009291 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

    #Alternatively, the splitting and subsetting can be performed inline #I shall illustrate this with the MALE data

    > sinclair.glmR <- glm(COUNT ~ DEATH + MARROW, family = poisson,

    > data = sinclair, subset = sinclair$SEX == "MALE")

    > sinclair.glmF <- glm(COUNT ~ DEATH * MARROW, family = poisson,

    > data = sinclair, subset = sinclair$SEX == "MALE")

    > anova(sinclair.glmR, sinclair.glmF, test = "Chisq")

    Analysis of Deviance Table
    Model 1: COUNT ~ DEATH + MARROW
    Model 2: COUNT ~ DEATH * MARROW
      Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance P(>|Chi|)    
    1         2     23.935                          
    2         0      0.000  2   23.935 6.346e-06 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

  4.  G2dfP
    Females - MARROW:DEATH
    Males - MARROW:DEATH

Q7-4. It appears that there are significant interactions between cause of death and bone marrow type for both females and males. Given that there was a significant interaction between cause of death and sex and bone marrow type, it is likely that the nature of the two way interactions in females is different to the two way interactions in males. To explore this further, we will examine the odds ratios for each pairwise comparison of bone marrow type with respect to predation level (for each sex)!.
Calculate the odds ratios for wildebeest killed by predation for each pair of marrow types separately for males and females
Show code

> library(epitools)

> library(biology)

> female.tab <- xtabs(COUNT ~ DEATH + MARROW, data = sinclair.split[["FEMALE"]])

> female.odds <- oddsratios(t(female.tab))

> female.odds

  Comparison  estimate      lower     upper   midp.exact fisher.exact
1  OG vs SWF 3.5208333 1.26009037 9.8376018 0.0137649202 0.0206121992
2   OG vs TG 0.4062500 0.15034804 1.0977134 0.0788761506 0.0914047377
3  SWF vs TG 0.1153846 0.03378972 0.3940136 0.0003808416 0.0003765135
1 0.0133633241
2 0.0718385552
3 0.0002797362


> library(biology)

> male.tab <- xtabs(COUNT ~ DEATH + MARROW, data = sinclair.split[["MALE"]])

> male.odds <- oddsratios(t(male.tab))

  Comparison  estimate      lower     upper   midp.exact fisher.exact
1  OG vs SWF 0.5581395 0.18389618 1.6939979 3.199869e-01 3.762577e-01
2   OG vs TG 0.1073345 0.04067922 0.2832085 2.247925e-06 2.928685e-06
3  SWF vs TG 0.1923077 0.06004081 0.6159519 5.465174e-03 5.794237e-03
1 2.998756e-01
2 1.865442e-06
3 4.123680e-03

 Odds ratio95% CI min95% CI max
OG vs TG
OG vs TG

Q7-6. The patterns revealed in the odds ratios might be easier to see, if they were presented graphically - do it.

Show code

> par(mar = c(5, 5, 0, 0))

> plot(estimate ~ as.numeric(Comparison), data = female.odds, log = "y",

> type = "n", axes = F, ann = F, ylim = range(c(upper, lower)),

> xlim = c(0.5, 3.5))

> with(female.odds, arrows(as.numeric(Comparison) + 0.1, upper,

> as.numeric(Comparison) + 0.1, lower, ang = 90, length = 0.1,

> code = 3))

> with(female.odds, points(as.numeric(Comparison) + 0.1, estimate,

> type = "b", pch = 21, bg = "white"))

> with(male.odds, arrows(as.numeric(Comparison) - 0.1, upper, as.numeric(Comparison) -

> 0.1, lower, ang = 90, length = 0.1, code = 3))

> with(male.odds, points(as.numeric(Comparison) - 0.1, estimate,

> type = "b", pch = 21, bg = "black", lty = 1))

> abline(h = 1, lty = 2)

> with(female.odds, axis(1, at = as.numeric(Comparison), lab = Comparison))

> mtext("Marrow type", 1, line = 3, cex = 1.25)

> axis(2, las = 1)

> mtext("Odds ratio of death by predation", 2, line = 4, cex = 1.25)

> legend("topright", legend = c("Male", "Female"), pch = 21, bty = "n",

> title = "Sex", pt.bg = c("black", "white"))

> box(bty = "l")

Q7-7. What would your conclusions be?

Power and continguency tables

A marine ecologist was interested in investigating whether hermit crabs on North Stradbroke Island (what a wet ecologist does on holidays I guess!). He intended to score shells according to whether or not they were occupied and whether they what type of gastropod they were from (Austrocochlea or Bembicium). Shells with living gastropods were to be ignored. Essentially, the NERD wanted to know whether or not hermit crabs occupy shells in the proportions that they are available. A quick count of shells on the rocky shore revealed that approximately 40% of available gastropod shells were occupied and that Austrocochlea or Bembicium shells were approximately equally available.
The ecologist scratched his sparsely haired scalp, raised one eyebrow and contemplated performing a quick power analysis to determine how many observation would be required to have an 80% chance of detecting a 20% preference for Austrocochlea shells.

This task is best broken down into parts.

First we compile what is know about the availability of shells:
  1. Create a variable that contains the proportion of occupied shells and another that contains the proportion of unoccupied shells (HINT, HINT).
  2. Now create two variables that contains the proportion of Austrocochlea and Bembicium shells respectively (HINT, HINT).
  3. Next create a table of proportions that reflect the null hypothesis situation - that is, the proportions expected when hermit crabs show no preferences at all. (HINT, HINT). Provide row (HINT) and column (HINT) titles for this table. Examine this table (HINT)
  4. Now create a variable that contains the anticipated deviance from the null hypothesis - the proportion (20%=0.2) by which the preferences of the hermit crabs deviate from the null hypothesis (HINT).
  5. Use this deviance to calculate the expected proportions when this alternative hypothesis (H1) is true (HINT, HINT, HINT). Examine this table (HINT)
  6. Calculate the effect size (HINT).
  7. Calculate appropriate degrees of freedom (HINT).
  8. Finally, we can calculate the approximate number of total observations needed to have an 80% chance of detecting the 20% preference (HINT). How many gastropod shells need to be sampled?

Welcome to the end of Workshop 8

  Analysing frequencies

Analysis of frequencies is similar to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in some ways. Variables contain two or more classes that are defined from either natural categories or from a set of arbitrary class limits in a continuous variable. For example, the classes could be sexes (male and female) or color classes derived by splitting the light scale into a set of wavelength bands. Unlike ANOVA, in which an attribute (e.g. length) is measured for a set number of replicates and the means of different classes (categories) are compared, when analyzing frequencies, the number of replicates (observed) that fall into each of the defined classes are counted and these frequencies are compared to predicted (expected) frequencies.

Analysis of frequencies tests whether a sample of observations came from a population where the observed frequencies match some expected or theoretical frequencies. Analysis of frequencies is based on the chi-squared (X2) statistic, which follows a chi-square distribution (squared values from a standard normal distribution thus long right tail).

When there is only one categorical variable, expected frequencies are calculated from theoretical ratios. When there are more than one categorical variables, the data are arranged in a contingency table that reflects the cross-classification of sampling or experimental units into the classes of the two or more variables. The most common form of contingency table analysis (model I), tests a null hypothesis of independence between the categorical variables and is analogous to the test of an interaction in multifactorial ANOVA. Hence, frequency analysis provides hypothesis tests for solely categorical data. Although, analysis of frequencies provides a way to analyses data in which both the predictor and response variable are both categorical, since variables are not distinguished as either predictor or response in the analysis, establishment of causality is only of importance for interpretation.

End of instructions

  Goodness of fit test

The goodness-of-fit test compares observed frequencies of each class within a single categorical variable to the frequencies expected of each of the classes on a theoretical basis. It tests the null hypothesis that the sample came from a population in which the observed frequencies match the expected frequencies.

For example, an ecologist investigating factors that might lead to deviations from a 1:1 offspring sex ratio, hypothesized that when the investment in one sex is considerably greater than in the other, the offspring sex ratio should be biased towards the less costly sex. He studied two species of wasps, one of which had males that were considerably larger (and thus more costly to produce) than females. For each species, he compared the offspring sex ratio to a 1:1 ratio using a goodness-of-fit test.

End of instructions

  R Goodness of fit test

> chisq.test(c(counts))
> chisq.test(c(counts),p=c(.5,.5))

where counts is a comma separated list of observed counts or frequencies and .5,.5 is a comma separated list of expected frequencies. For example

> chisq.test(c(40,50))
> chisq.test(c(40,50),p=c(.5,.5))

End of instructions

  R Cross tables

> name.tab <- xtabs(counts ~ cat1 + cat2, data=data)

where name.tab is a name for the resulting cross table, counts are the observed counts/frequencies, cat1 and cat2 are the categorical variables and data is the name of the data frame (dataset)

End of instructions

  Contingency tables

Contingency tables are the cross-classification of two (or more) categorical variables. A 2 x 2 (two way) table takes on the following form:

Where f12 etc are the frequencies in each cell (Variable 1 x Variable 2 combination).

Contingency tables test the null hypothesis that the data came from a population in which variable 1 is independent of variable 2 and vice-versa. That is, it is a test of independence.

For example a plant ecologist examined the effect of heat on seed germination. Contingency test was used to determine whether germination (2 categories - yes or no) was independent of the heat treatment (2 categories heated or not heated).

End of instructions

  R Contingency tables

> name.x2 <- chisq.test(name.tab, correct=F)

where name.x2 is a name to provide for the fitted model and name.tab is a name of a cross table.

End of instructions

  Contingency tables from raw data sets

> name.tab <- table(data)

where name.tab is a name to give the resulting cross table and data is the name of the data set that contains the raw data.

End of instructions

  Logistic Regression

> name.glm <- glm(dv~iv, family=binomial, data=data)

where name.glm is a name you provide for the fitted model, dv is the name of the dependent variable, iv is the name of the independent variable and data is the name of the data frame (data set).

End of instructions

  Further exploration of three way log-linear interactions

Start with the female data. The female data can be accessed through the object sinclair.split[["FEMALE"]]. This is the "FEMALE" data of the sinclair.split object.

> sinclair.glmR <- glm(COUNT~DEATH+MARROW, family=poisson, data=sinclair.split[["FEMALE"]])
> sinclair.glmF <- glm(COUNT~DEATH*MARROW, family=poisson, data=sinclair.split[["FEMALE"]])
> anova(sinclair.glmR, sinclair.glmF, test="Chisq")

The first line fits the reduced log-linear model. This is the model that does not contain the two way interaction term. The second line fits the full log-linear model - the model that does contain the two way interaction. The third line generates the analysis of deviance table. This is essentially presenting the results of the hypothesis test that tests whether there is a two way interaction or not.

This same proceedure can then be repeated for the "MALE" data.

To estimate the relationship between power and sample size given degree of correlation for a range of power.

End of instructions

  Odds ratios for specific two-way interactions

Start with the female data.

> library(epitools)
> female.tab <- xtabs(COUNT ~ DEATH + MARROW, data=sinclair.split[["FEMALE"]])
> oddsratio.wald(t(female.tab))$measure
> oddsratio.wald(t(female.tab),rev="b")$measure

  1. The first line loads a package called 'epitools'. This package contains the function (oddsratiowald()) that is necessary to calculate the odds ratios.
  2. The second line converts the female data set into a cross table.
  3. The third line calculates the odds ratios and 95% confidence interval (after transposing the table). Transposing is done with the 't()' function and is necessary because oddsratio.wald is expected to only encounter a rx2 table (that is a table that only has two columns) and the odds ratios are calculated for the rows. Odds ratios are calculated by contrasting one of the levels of the row variable against the other levels. As a result, the odds ratios etc are not calculated for the first level.
  4. The final line performs the odds ratio calculations again accept this time a different level is chosen as the reference level so that all pairwise comparisons have been covered.

This same proceedure can then be repeated for the "MALE" data.

To estimate the relationship between power and sample size given degree of correlation for a range of power.

End of instructions