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David Taniar's Homepage


David Taniar holds Bachelor, Master, and PhD degrees - all in Computer Science, with a particular specialty in Databases. His research is in the area of data management, particularly big data processing, parallel database processing, spatial and Geographical Information Systems, data warehousing and mining. Every year he publishes extensively, including his recent co-authored book: High Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases (John Wiley & Sons, 2008). His list of publications can be viewed at the DBLP server (http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/t/Taniar:David.html).

He is a founding editor-in-chief of a number of international journals, including Intl. J. of Data Warehousing and Mining, Mobile Information Systems, Intl. J. of Web Information Systems, and Intl. J. of Web and Grid Services. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia. He can be contacted at David.Taniar@monash.edu.

Besides doing research, he enjoys classical music. He received his piano training from the Conservatorium of Music - Jakarta Institute of the Arts (IKJ), where he majored in piano, and minored in viola. He used to play viola with a number of orchestras, including Jakarta Erasmus Symphony Orchestra (while studying at IKJ), Braddel Heights Symphony Orchestra (while he was a Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore in 2006), New Monash Orchestra, Whitehorse Orchestra, and Zelman Memorial Symphony Orchestra. Now, he enjoys orchestral and recital music as an audience.




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 © 2016 David Taniar
 Last updated: 7-Jun-2016