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Petrography of East-Timor-Leste


Roberto Weinberg, Monash University, Australia



Copyright 2004-2011 by Roberto Weinberg. All rights reserved. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted for non-profit driven enterprise, subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and acknowledgment of the source URL:


I would very much appreciate an email stating how this material will be used: Roberto Weinberg, Monash University, Australia. Thanks, RW.


DISCLAIMER. The material on this website has not undergone the scrutiny of Monash University and does not conform to its corporate web design. It is entirely based on a free-spritied, curiosity-driven research effort by the author, and therefore in no way expresses the official position of the University.





  • Hili Manu Peridotite

  • Atauro Island


    Hili Manu Peridotite


    Literature see Berry, R.



    Boudinaged and recrystalized
    porphyroclasts of opx
    All photomicrographs are 2mm across.
    Recrystalized opx
    in olivine matrix
    Strongly sheared, opx.


    Shearing in lherzolite
    Plane polarized light.

    Shearing in lherzolite
    Plane polarized light.

    Late brittle, open-space fault
    cutting the lherzolite



    Atauro Island - the Inner Banda Volcanic Arc


    Outcrop close to Vila,
    auto-breccia aug-plag basalt.


    Andesite-basalt auto-breccia
    from Vila shown above notice fragments.

    Plag-Aug basalt andesite
    Notice stretched vesicles (left)
    plane polarized light.

    Crossed polars.


    Sample collected on the
    way to Macudede (Atauro 2).

    Plag-Aug-Hbl andesite
    plane polarized light (Atauro 3).

    Plag-Aug-Hbl andesite
    Crossed polars.


    Flow in andesite lava (Atauro 3)
    plane polarized light.

    Flow in andesite lava (Atauro 3)
    plane polarized light.

    plag-aug andesite-basalt (Atauro 4).


    plagioclase synneusis (Atauro 5).

    plagioclase synneusis (Atauro 5.)

    plagioclase synneusis (Atauro 5).


    plagioclase synneusis (Atauro 6).

    plagioclase and vesicles (Atauro 6).