Personal ADS Libraries:
Refereed papers, Conference proceedings, Catalogues
Jump down to my PhD thesis.
2019 ARC Discovery project
2017 ARC Future Fellowship
2014 Astronomical Society of Australia's ECR Louise Webster Prize
2008 ASA's Charlene Heisler Prize for best Australian Astronomy PhD thesis
2008 Monash University 'Vice Chancellor's Commendation for Thesis Excellence'
Refereed Publications
Asteroseismic Masses of Red Giants in the Galactic Globular Clusters M9 & M19
Madeline Howell, Simon W. Campbell, Csilla Kalup, Dennis Stello, Gayandhi M. De Silva
2024, MNRAS in review
The GALAH survey: tracing the Milky Way's formation and evolution through RR Lyrae stars
D'Orazi, V., Storm, N., Casey, A.R., Braga, V.F., et al. incl. Campbell, S.W.
2024, MNRAS, 531, 137
First Asteroseismic Analysis of the Globular Cluster M80: Multiple Populations and Stellar Mass Loss
Madeline Howell, Simon W. Campbell, Dennis Stello, Gayandhi M. De Silva
2024, MNRAS, 527, 797
3D Simulations and MLT: II. Onsager’s Ideal Turbulence
Arnett, W.D., Hirschi, R., Campbell, S.W., Mocak, M., Georgy, C., Meakin, C., Cristini, A., Scott, L., Kaiser, E.A., Viallet, M.
2024, ApJ in review
Asteroseismology sheds light on the origin of carbon-deficient red giants: likely merger products and linked to the Li-rich giants
Sunayana Maben, Simon W. Campbell, Yerra Bharat Kumar, Bacham E. Reddy, Gang Zhao
2023, ApJ, 957, 18
A large sample of newly-identified carbon-deficient red giants from APOGEE
Sunayana Maben, Yerra Bharat Kumar, Bacham E. Reddy, Simon W. Campbell, Gang Zhao
2023, MNRAS, 525, 4554
Integrated Mass Loss of Evolved Stars in M4 using Asteroseismology
Madeline Howell, Simon W. Campbell, Dennis Stello, Gayandhi M. De Silva
2022, MNRAS, 515, 3184
Dynamics in a stellar convective layer and at its boundary: Comparison of five 3D hydrodynamics codes
R. Andrassy, J. Higl, H. Mao, M. Mocák, D. G. Vlaykov, W. D. Arnett, I. Baraffe, S. W. Campbell, T. Constantino, P.V.F. Edelmann, T. Goffrey, T. Guillet, F. Herwig, R. Hirschi, L. Horst, G. Leidi, C. Meakin, J. Pratt, F. Rizzuti, F.K. Röpke, P. Woodward
2022, A&A, 659, 193
Nucleosynthetic yields of intermediate-mass primordial to extremely metal-poor stars
P. Gil-Pons, C.L. Doherty, S.W. Campbell, J. Gutiérrez
2022, A&A, 668, 100
Tracking the evolution of lithium in giants using asteroseismology: Super-Li-rich stars are almost exclusively young red-clump stars
Singh, R., Reddy, B.E., Campbell, S.W., Kumar, Y.B., Vrard, M.
2021, ApJL, 913,4
Nucleosynthetic yields of Z = 10−5 intermediate-mass stars
Gil-Pons, P., Doherty, C.L., Gutiérrez, J., Campbell, S.W., Siess, L., Lattanzio, J.C.
2021, A&A, 645, 10
The GALAH survey: Lithium-rich giant stars require multiple formation channels
Martell, S., Simpson, J., Balasubramaniam, A., Buder, S., Sharma, S., Hon, M., + GALAH Collab. (inc. Campbell, S.W.)
2021, MNRAS, 505, 5340
Discovery of ubiquitous lithium production in low-mass stars (ADS/arXiv version)
Kumar, Y.B., Reddy, B.E., Campbell, S.W., Maben, S., Zhao, G., Ting, Y
2020, Nature Astron., 4, 1059
- Article in The Conversation
- Media releases: Monash - NAOC - LAMOST
- Nature Astronomy blog post
Gao, X., Lind, K., Amarsi, A.M., Buder, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Campbell, S.W., + The GALAH Collaboration
2020, MNRAS, 497, 30
Neutron-capture elements in dwarf galaxies. II. Challenges for the s- and i-processes at low metallicity
Skúladóttir, Á, Hansen, C.J., Choplin, A., Salvadori, S., Hampel, M., Campbell, S.W.
2020, A&A, 634, 84
3D Simulations and MLT: I. Renzini's Critique
Arnett, W.D., Meakin, C., Hirschi, R., Cristini, A., Georgy, C., Campbell, S.W., Scott, L., Etienne, K., Viallet, M., Mocák, M.
2019, ApJ, 882, 18
On the AGB stars of M4: A robust disagreement between spectroscopic observations and theory
B.T. MacLean, S.W. Campbell, A. M. Amarsi, T. Nordlander, P. L. Cottrell, G. M. De Silva, J. Lattanzio, T. Constantino, V. D'Orazi, L. Casagrande
2018, MNRAS 481, 373
Primordial to extremely metal-poor AGB and Super-AGB stars: White dwarf or supernova progenitors?
Gil-Pons, P., Doherty, C.L., Gutiérrez, J.L., Siess, L., Campbell, S.W., Lau, H.B., Lattanzio, J.C.
2018, PASA Review Article, 35, 38
Turbulent Mixing and Nuclear Burning in Stellar Interiors
Mocák, M., Meakin, C., Campbell, S.W., Arnett, D.
2018, MNRAS, 481, 2918
AGB subpopulations in the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397
B.T. MacLean, S.W. Campbell, G.M. De Silva, J. Lattanzio, V. DOrazi, P. L. Cottrell, Y. Momany, L. Casagrande
2018, MNRAS, 475, 257
Three-dimensional simulations of the interaction between the nova ejecta, the accretion disk, and the companion star
Figueira, J., Jose, J., Garcia-Berro, E., Campbell, S. W., Garcia-Senz, D., Mohamed, S.
2018, A&A, 613, 8
- A plot from this paper was selected to be on the cover of the Journal :-)
The treatment of mixing in core helium-burning models - III. Suppressing core breathing pulses with a new constraint on overshoot
Constantino, T.N., Campbell, S.W., Lattanzio, J.C
2017, MNRAS, 472, 4900
[Germany->Australia move; Started ARC Future Fellowship at Monash September 2017]
NGC 6752 AGB Stars Revisited: I. Improved AGB temperatures remove apparent overionisation of Fe I
Campbell, S. W., MacLean, B. T., D'Orazi, V., Casagrande, L., de Silva, G. M., Yong, D., Cottrell, P. L., Lattanzio, J. C.
2017, A&A, 605, 98
Refereed 2016:
An extreme paucity of second population AGB stars in the 'normal' globular cluster M4
MacLean, B.T., S.W. Campbell, De Silva, G.M., Lattanzio, J.C., D'Orazi, V., Simpson, J.D., Momany, Y.
2016, MNRAS, 460, 69
- This is the first chemical analysis study using the new HERMES spectrograph on the AAT
- Press release from Monash University and press release from the Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO)
- Lead author & PhD student Ben MacLean live on Melbourne radio!
Campbell, S.W., Constantino, T.N., D'Orazi, V., Meakin, C., Stello, D., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Kuehn, C., De Silva, G.M., Arnett, W.D., Lattanzio, J.C., MacLean, B.T.
2016, Astron. Nach., 337, 788 (Refereed conference proceeding)
The treatment of mixing in core helium burning models: II. Constraints from cluster star counts
Constantino, T.N., Campbell, S.W., Lattanzio, J.C.
2016, MNRAS, 456, 3866
Conference Proceedings 2016:
K2 and M4: A Unique Opportunity to Unlock the Mysteries of Globular Clusters
Kuehn, C.A., Stello, D., Campbell, S.W., Drury, J., de Silva, G., Maclean, B., Bedding, T.R., Huber, D.
2016, AAS Meeting Poster #227, 144.13
Monash Chemical Yields Project (MonXey) Element production in low- and intermediate-mass stars
Doherty, C., Lattanzio, J., Angelou, G., Campbell, S. W., Church, R., Constantino, T., Cristallo, S., Gil-Pons, P., Karakas, A., Lugaro, M., Stancliffe, R.
2016, IAUFM, 29, 164
Current hot questions on the s process in AGB stars
Lugaro, M., Campbell, S. W. D'Orazi, V.,Karakas, A. I., Garcia-Hernandez, D. A., Stancliffe, R. J., Tagliente, G., Iliadis, C., Rauscher, T.
2016, JPhCS, 665, 2021
Refereed 2015:
Post-AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds and neutron-capture processes in AGB stars
Lugaro, M., Campbell, S. W., Van Winckel, H., De Smedt, K., Karakas, A.I., Kappeler, F.
2015 Nov., A&A, 583, A77
The treatment of mixing in core helium burning models: I. Implications for asteroseismology
Constantino, T.N., Campbell, S.W., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Lattanzio, J.C., Stello, D.
2015 Sep., MNRAS, 452, 123
Beyond Mixing-length Theory: a step toward 321D
Arnett, W.D., Meakin, C., Viallet, M., Campbell, S.W., Lattanzio, J.C., Moćak, M.
2015 Aug., ApJ, 809, 30
[Started at MPA Garching August 2015]
The GALAH Survey: Scientific Motivation
De Silva, G. + GALAH consortium.
2015 May, MNRAS, 449, 2604
On the Numerical Treatment and Dependence of Thermohaline Mixing in Red Giants
J. C. Lattanzio, L. Siess, R. P. Church, G. Angelou, C. L. Doherty, T. Stephen, R. J. Stancliffe, S. W. Campbell
2015 Jan., MNRAS, 446, 2673
Conference Proceedings 2015:
Monash Chemical Yields Project (Monχey) - Element production in low- and intermediate-mass stars of metallicities Z = 0 to 0.04
Doherty, C.D., Lattanzio, J.C., Angelou, G., Campbell, S.W., Church, R., Constantino, T.N., Cristallo, S., Gil-Pons, P., Karakas, A.I., Lugaro, M, Stancliffe, R.J.
2015, IAUGA, 225, 4851
Nucleosynthesis in Super-AGB Stars
Doherty, C. L., Gil-Pons, P., Lugaro, M., Lau, H. H. B., Lattanzio, J. C., Siess, L., Campbell, S.W., Petermann, I
2015 Aug., ASPC, 497, 247
Slow neutron captures as the signature of AGB stars
Lugaro, M., Karakas, A.I., Campbell, S.W.
2015 Dec., PoS (NIC XIII), 008
New simulations of neutron captures in-between the s- and r-process
Petermann, I., Doherty C.L., Lugaro, M., Campbell, S.W., Lau, H.H.B, Stancliffe, R.J.
2015 Dec., PoS (NIC XIII), 089
Here's a video of a public talk I gave earlier this year at Monash University in Australia:
AWARD: Astronomical Society of Australia's Louise Webster Prize 2014 for "Outstanding research by a scientist early in their post-doctoral career".
Refereed 2014:
On the necessity of composition-dependent low-temperature opacity in metal-poor AGB stars
Constantino, T.N., Campbell, S.W., Gil-Pons, P., Lattanzio, J.C
2014, ApJ, 784, 56
Super and massive AGB stars - III. Nucleosynthesis in metal-poor and very metal-poor stars - Z=0.001 and 0.0001
Carolyn L. Doherty, Pilar Gil-Pons, Herbert H.B Lau, John C. Lattanzio, Lionel Siess, Simon W Campbell
2014, MNRAS, 441, 582
Conference Proceedings 2014:
What asteroseismology can teach us about low-mass core helium burning models
Constantino, T.N., Campbell, S.W., Lattanzio, J.C.
2014, IAUS, 301, 399
Refereed 2013:
Sodium content as a predictor of the advanced evolution of globular cluster stars (ADS/astro-ph)
Simon W. Campbell, Valentina D'Orazi, David Yong, Thomas N. Constantino, John C. Lattanzio, Richard J. Stancliffe, George C. Angelou, Elizabeth C. Wylie-de Boer, Frank Grundahl
2013, Nature, 498, 198
Page summarising the media coverage of the Nature paper
On the internal pollution mechanisms in the globular cluster NGC 6121 (M4): s-process element abundances and AGB models
V. D'Orazi, S.W. Campbell, M. Lugaro, J. C. Lattanzio, M. Pignatari, E. Carretta
2013, MNRAS, 433, 366
Evolution and CNO yields of Z=10^-5 stars and possible effects on carbon-enhanced metal-poor production
P. Gil-Pons, C. Doherty, H. Lau, S. W. Campbell, T. Suda, J. Guilani, J. Gutirrez, J. Lattanzio
2013, A&A, Accepted 16/July
Rubidium abundances in the globular clusters NGC 6752, NGC 1904, and NGC 104 (47 Tuc)
Valentina D'Orazi, Maria Lugaro, Simon W. Campbell, Angela Bragaglia, Eugenio Carretta, Raffaele G. Gratton, Sara Lucatello, Francesca D'Antona
2013, Accepted by ApJ 14/Aug
Transition of the Stellar Initial Mass Function in the Milky Way
Takuma Suda, Yutaka Komiya, Shimako Yamada, Yutaka Katsuta, Wako Aoki, Pilar Gil-Pons, Carolyn L. Doherty, Simon W. Campbell, Peter R. Wood, and Masayuki Y. Fujimoto
2013, MNRAS Letters, 432, L46
Conference Proceedings/Talks 2013:
The problems with core helium burning stellar models and how asteroseismology may help
Simon Campbell, Thomas Constantino, John Lattanzio
2013, Talk @ Conference: KASC6 - A New Era of Stellar Astrophysics with Kepler
The Asymptotic Giant Branches of GCs: Selective Entry Only
Campbell, S. W. D'Orazi, V., Constantino, T. N., Yong, D., Lattanzio, J. C., Angelou, G. C., Wylie-de Boer, E. C., Stancliffe, R. J., Martell, S. L., Grundahl, F.
2013, MmSAI, 84, 101. Conference: "Reading the book of globular clusters with the lens of stellar evolution"
The s process in massive AGB stars: a new tool to study abundances in globular clusters. Focusing on NGC 6121 (M4)
Lugaro, M.; D'Orazi, V.; Campbell, S. W.; Doherty, C. L.; Lattanzio, J. C.; Pignatari, M.; Carretta, E.
2013, MmSAI, 84, 109. Conference: "Reading the book of globular clusters with the lens of stellar evolution"
Refereed 2012:
Cyanogen in NGC 1851 RGB and AGB Stars: Quadrimodal Distributions
Campbell, S.W., Yong, D., Wylie-de Boer, E.C., Stancliffe, R.J., Lattanzio,J.C., Angelou,G.C., D'Orazi, V., Martell, S., Grundahl, F., Sneden, C.
2012, ApJL, 761, L2
Refereed Conference Proceedings 2012:
Chemical Yields and Structural/Nucleosynthetic Evolution of Ultra Metal-poor Low-mass Stars
Campbell, S.W., Lattanzio, J.C.
2012, PoS, 072, Conference: Nuclei in the Cosmos XII
AGB Evolution and Nucleosynthesis at Low-Metallicity Constrained by the Star Formation History of Our Galaxy
Suda, T., Komiya, Y., Yamada, S., Wako, A., Gil-Pons, P., Doherty, C.L., Campbell, S.W., Wood, P.R., Fujimoto, M.Y.
2012, PoS, 234, Conference: Nuclei in the Cosmos XII
Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings 2012:
3D Hydrodynamical Simulations of Proton Ingestion
Stancliffe, R. J., Dearborn, D. S. P., Lattanzio, J. C., Heap, S. A., Campbell, S. W.
2012, ASPC, 458, 45, Conference: The 3rd Subaru International Conference
The Case of the Missing Cyanogen-rich AGB Stars in Galactic Globular Clusters
Campbell, S.W., Yong, D., Wylie-de Boer, E.C., Stancliffe, R.J., Lattanzio,J.C., Angelou,G.C., Grundahl, F., Sneden, C.
2012, ASPC, 458, 205, Conference: The 3rd Subaru International Conference
The evolution and C, N and O yields of intermediate-mass Z = 10^-5 stars in isolation and in close binary systems
Gil-Pons, P., Doherty, C.L., Suda, T., Campbell, S.W., Lau, H., Guilani, S.M., Lattanzio, J.C.
2012, AIPC, 1480, 358, Conference: First Stars 4
Transition of the Initial Mass Function in the Galaxy Based on Binary Population Synthesis
Suda,T., Komiya, Y., Yamada, S., Katsuta, Y., Aoki, W., Gil-Pons, P., Doherty, C.L., Campbell, S.W., Wood, P.R., Fujimoto, M.Y.
2012, AIPC, 1480, 421, Conference: First Stars 4
Refereed 2011:
3D hydrodynamical simulations of a proton ingestion episode in a low-metallicity asymptotic giant branch star
Stancliffe, R.J., Dearborn, D.S.P., Lattanzio, J.C., Heap, S.A., Campbell, S.W.
2011, ApJ, 742, 121
Conference Proceedings 2011:
AGB stars in Galactic globular clusters - are they really chemically distinct from their fellow RGB and HB stars?
Campbell, S. W., Yong, D., Wylie-de Boer, E. C., Stancliffe, R. J., Lattanzio, J. C., Angelou, G. C., Grundahl, F., Sneden, C.
2011, ASPC, 445, 63, Conference: "Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars II"
Refereed 2010:
Evolution and nucleosynthesis of extremely metal-poor and metal-free low- and intermediate-mass stars. II. s-process nucleosynthesis during the core He flash
Campbell, S. W., Lugaro, M., Karakas, A.I.
2010, A&A Letters, 26, 522
The core helium flash revisited III. From Pop I to Pop III stars
Mocak, M., *Campbell, S.W.*, Mueller, E., Kifonidis, K.
2010, A&A, 26, 520
Is Extra Mixing Really Needed in Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars?
Karakas, A. I., *Campbell, S.W.*, Stancliffe, R.
2010, ApJ, 713, 374
Conference Proceedings 2010:
The case of the disappearing CN-strong AGB stars in Galactic globular clusters - preliminary results
Campbell, S. W., Yong, D., Wylie-de Boer, E. C., Stancliffe, R. J., Lattanzio, J. C., Angelou, G. C., Grundahl, F., Sneden, C.
2010, MmSAI, 81, 1004 The slow-neutron capture process in low-metallicity asymptotic giant branch stars
Karakas, A.I., Lugaro, M., Campbell, S.W.
2010, IAUS, 265, 57
3D Hydrodynamical Simulations of Nova Ejecta: Pollution of the Companion Star
Campbell, S.W., Jose, J., Cabezon, R.M., and Garcia-Berro, E.
2010, PoS, 203, Conference: Nuclei in the Cosmos XI
The origin of the heavy elements in stars in the globular clusters M4 and M5
Karakas, A.I., Campbell, S. W., Lugaro, M., Yong, D., Chieffi, A.
2010, MmSAI, 81, 1010
Refereed 2009:
The Mystery of CEMP-s + r stars and the 'Dual Core Flash Neutron Superburst'
Lugaro, M., Campbell, S. W., Mink, S. E.
2009, PASA, 26, 322, Conference proceedings
Refereed 2008:
Evolution and Nucleosynthesis of Extremely Metal Poor & Metal-Free Low- and Intermediate-Mass Stars I: Stellar Yield Tables and the CEMPs
Campbell, S. W., Lattanzio, J. C.
2008, A&A, 490, 769
First detection of CO lines in a water fountain star
He, J.H., Imai, H., Hasegawa, T.I., Campbell, S.W., Nakashima, J.
2008, A&A Letters, 488, L21
"Fluorine in carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: a binary scenario"
Lugaro, M., de Mink, S.E., Izzard, R.G., Campbell, S.W., Karakas, A.I., Cristallo, S., Pols, O.R., Lattanzio, J.C., Straniero, O., Gallino, R., and Beers, T.C.
2008, A&A Letters, 484, L27
Conference Proceedings 2008:
"Low-Mass Extremely Metal-Poor Stellar Models: Yields, Uncertainties and the Galactic Halo Stars"
Campbell, S. W., Lattanzio, J. C.
2008, IAUS, 252, 235: IAU Symposium 252 -- "The Art of Modelling Stars in the 21st Century"
"Structural and Nucleosynthetic Evolution of Metal-poor and Metal-free Low and Intermediate Mass Stars"
Campbell, S. W. , Lattanzio, J. C.
2008, AIPC, 990, 315: "First Stars III", ed. O'Shea, B., Heger, A., & Abel, T.
Thesis (Conferred 23/Oct/2008)
- Award: Charlene Heisler Prize for best Australian Astronomy PhD thesis 2008
- Award: Monash University 'Vice Chancellor's Commendation for Thesis Excellence'
Or download here (19 MB pdf):
"Structural and Nucleosynthetic Evolution of Metal-poor & Metal-free Low and Intermediate Mass Stars"
Previous Refereed Journal Articles:
"Origin of Abundance Inhomogeneity in Globular Clusters"
Bekki, K., Campbell, S. W. , Lattanzio, J. C., Norris, J. E.
2007, MNRAS, 377, 335
"The Chemical Evolution of Helium in Globular Clusters: Implications for the Self-Pollution Scenario"
Karakas, A., Fenner, Y., Sills, A., Campbell, S. W. , Lattanzio, J.C.
2006, ApJ, 652, 1240.
"Fluorine Abundance Variations in Red Giants of the Globular Cluster M4 and Early- Cluster Chemical Pollution"
Smith, V.V., Cunha, K., Ivans, I.I., Lattanzio, J.C., Campbell, S. , Hinkle, K.H.
2005, ApJ, 633, 392.
"Modelling Self-Pollution of Globular Clusters from Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars"
Fenner, Y., Campbell, S. , Karakas, A.I., Lattanzio, J.C., Gibson, B.K.
2004, MNRAS, 353, 789
"On the origin of fluorine in the Milky Way"
Renda, A., Fenner, Y., Gibson, B.K., Karakas, A.I., Lattanzio, J.C., Campbell, S. , Chieffi, A., Cunha, K., Smith, V.V.
2004, MNRAS, 354, 575
Previous Refereed Conference Proceedings:
"Abundance Anomalies in NGC6752 - Do AGB Stars Have a Role?"
Campbell, S.W., Fenner, Y., Karakas, A.I., Lattanzio, J.C., and Gibson, B.K.
2005, Nuclear Physics A, 758, 272
"The Evolution of Fluorine in Galactic Systems"
A. Renda, Y. Fenner, B.K. Gibson, A.I. Karakas, J.C. Lattanzio, Campbell, S. , Chieffi, A., Cunha, K. and Smith, V.V.
2005, Nuclear Physics A, 758 , 324
Previous non-Refereed Conference Proceedings:
"Are There Radical Cyanogen Abundance Differences Between Galactic Globular Cluster RGB and AGB Stars?"
Campbell, S.W. , Lattanzio, J. C., Elliott, L. M.
2006, MmSAI, 77, 864, "Eighth Torino Workshop on Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars" (NB: ADS version is missing Table 1, I've linked to the astro-ph one).
"Helium enhancements in globular cluster stars from Asymptotic Giant Branch star pollution"
Karakas, A., Fenner, Y., Sills, A., Campbell, S., Lattanzio, J.,
2006, MmSAI, 77, 858, "Eighth Torino Workshop on Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars".
"Nucleosynthesis in Early Stars"
Campbell, S.W.
2004, oee, sympE, 7 "Origin and Evolution of the Elements Symopsium", Carnegie Observatories Series.
"Abundance Anomalies in NGC 6752. Are AGB Stars the Culprits?"
Campbell, S. W. , Fenner, Y., Karakas, A.I., Lattanzio, J.C., Gibson, B.K.
2004, MmSAI, 75, 735, "Seventh Torino Workshop".
"The Role of AGB Stars"
Lattanzio, J., Karakas, A., Campbell, S. , Elliott, L., Chieffi, A.
2004, MmSAI, 75, 322