The following 340 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

0cm   0pt   12pt   1cm   1pt   22pt   2cm   2em   2pt   3dplot   3em   3pt   4cm   4pt   5cm   5em   5pt   6cm   6pt   7cm   7pt   8cm   aa   adj   alert   alertblock   alertit   all   amscd   amsfonts   amsmath   amssymb   apart   Appearance   arrows   article   automatically   axes   axesit   background   baselineskip   bb   bce   bco   bde   bdm   be   bea   beamer   beamertemplatesolidbackgroundcolor   beamertemplatetheoremssimple   before   begin   ben   beq   bf   bigg   bit   black   blank   block   blocks   blue   bma   bmatrix   book   bot   bottom   box   boxmat   bqu   brown   btb   by   calculated   can   Caution   caution   center   chap   cline   clipping   cmr   color   Color   colour   colput   column   columns   darkgreen   defcol   defin   definecolor   definition   defit   Delta   delta   derivatives   description   done   dt   du   during   dx   Dx   Dy   dy   dz   ece   eco   ede   edm   eea   een   eeq   eit   ema   ensuremath   enumerate   eps   eqnarray   equ   equal   equation   etb   Example   example   examples   exclaim   fade   family   fancybox   fbox   fboxrule   fboxsep   fcolorbox   fill   fillcolor   fillin   fillstyle   final   fitem   focus   focussed   font   footnotesize   for   fp   frac   framebox   from   gray   gridcolor   gridlabelcolor   gridlabels   gridmain   gridminor   half   hand   height   hline   hspace   if   ifthen   ifthenelse   image   imp   importing   in   includegraphics   index   information   inputs   integrals   intercal   inv   item   itemize   key   la   labelsep   lay   leave   lecture   left   leftarrow   leftrightarrow   level   levelsep   linecolor   linewidth   longrightarrow   lra   management   margin   marginpar   marker   mathbf   maths   matrices   mbf   mcol   minipage   misc   mmcol   mode   mparhack   mrow   multicolumn   multirow   name   named   naput   nb   nbput   needed   new   newcommand   newsfont   newsit   newspaper   newtheorem   nodesep   normalsize   Note   note   noteit   now   npos   nrot   numbers   one   other   out   over   Overlay   Packages   partial   pencil   pic   pics   plotfloor   Plotting   Pr   Prob   probabilities   probability   probtree   psaxes   psframebox   psset   pst   pstree   Pupn   quad   quote   ra   radius   rank   refs   res   rgb   rightarrow   Rightarrow   round   sc   Scenario   scenario   scriptsize   set   setbeamerfont   setlength   sf   shadowbox   shadowsize   Short   simple   size   slide   small   sol   solid   solution   solveit   some   Special   sprobtree   stage   stretch   student   styles   subfigure   subgridcolor   tabular   temporal   text   Text   textwidth   the   theatitle   thebsubtitle   thebtitle   therefore   thesubtitle   thetitle   thf   tight   tiny   Title   to   top   Tr   trans   tree   treefit   treemode   treesep   tricks   two   uncover   up   usebeamerfont   usepackage   using   verbatim   vis   visb   visg   visible   vmatrix   vspace   we   white   width   work   xa   xb   xc   xx   yy  

Clear message

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MAIN STYLE FILE % QUANTITATIVE METHODS A % SCHOOL OF ECNOMICS % UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES % SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA % % FIRST CREATED BY SIMON ANGUS (2006) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Packages %% \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,amscd} \usepackage{subfigure,fancybox,verbatim} \usepackage{multirow,mparhack} \usepackage{fp,ifthen} \usepackage{pst-3dplot,pst-all}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Color management %% \definecolor{text}{named}{black} \definecolor{fade}{rgb}{0.7,0.7,0.7} %\definecolor{background}{rgb}{1.0,1.0,0.9} \definecolor{gridmain}{rgb}{0.75,0.75,0.75} \definecolor{gridminor}{rgb}{0.75,0.75,0.75} \definecolor{axes}{rgb}{0.7,0.7,0.4} \definecolor{solution}{rgb}{0.4,0.0,0.0} % solution text colour \definecolor{defcol}{rgb}{0.98,0.98,0.98} % definition fill colour \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0.0,0.4,0.0} \definecolor{plotfloor}{rgb}{0.9,0.9,0.9} \def\brown{\color{brown}}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Appearance %% %\beamertemplatesolidbackgroundcolor{background} \mode<beamer>{\beamertemplatetheoremssimple}

% Title information \def\thebtitle{\thetitle} \def\thebsubtitle{\thesubtitle} \def\theatitle{\thetitle \\ \thesubtitle}

% Overlay tricks \newcommand{\focus}[2]{%

% Special font styles \newcommand{\key}[1]{{\color{blue}\sc#1}\index{#1}}% new \newcommand{\bb}[1]{{\bf #1}}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Text-blocks %% \newcommand{\defit}[2]{% definition

\newcommand{\solveit}[3]{% example

\newcommand{\alertit}[2]{% caution!

\newcommand{\noteit}[2]{% note

\newcommand{\scenario}[2]{% scenario (set-up)

\setbeamerfont{newsfont}{size=\tiny,family*=cmr} \newcommand{\newsit}[5]{% newspaper clipping

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% MISCELLANEOUS %% \newcommand{\sol}[1]{% the final solution

\newcommand{\chap}[1]{% margin-note (for chap refs)


% marker image for `student-work' to be done in lecture % (apart from examples) \def\fillin{%

% for importing MATLAB pics \newcommand{\boxmat}[3]{%

% for column pic inputs \newcommand{\colput}[1]{%

% Plotting \psset{gridlabels=7pt,%


% simple probability tree, one-level % \probtree{1}{2}{3} % 1 - level 1 top name % 2 - level 1 bot name % 3 - Pr(1) -| can be left blank % nb: other probabilities calculated automatically \newcommand{\sprobtree}[3]{%

% probability tree, two-stage % \probtree{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}{9} % 1 - level 1 top name % 2 - level 1 bot name % 3 - level 2 top,top name % 4 - level 2 top,bot name % 5 - level 2 bot,top name % 6 - level 2 bot,bot name % 7 - Pr(1) -| % 8 - Pr(3|1) -| can leave blank % 9 - Pr(5|2) -| % nb: other probabilities calculated automatically \newcommand{\probtree}[9]{%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Short-hand %% \def\vis{\visible} \def\adj{\text{adj}} \newcommand{\fitem}[2]{\focus{#1}{\item#2}}

\def\ben{\begin{enumerate}} \def\een{\end{enumerate}} \def\bde{\begin{description}} \def\ede{\end{description}} \def\beq{\begin{equation}} \def\eeq{\end{equation}} \def\bea{\begin{eqnarray*}} \def\eea{\end{eqnarray*}} \def\bit{\begin{itemize}} \def\ben{\begin{enumerate}} \def\een{\end{enumerate}} \def\eit{\end{itemize}} \def\lra{\longrightarrow} \def\bce{\begin{center}} \def\ece{\end{center}} \def\bco{\begin{columns}} \def\eco{\end{columns}} \def\bqu{\begin{quote}} \def\equ{\end{quote}} \def\btb{\begin{tabular}} \def\etb{\end{tabular}} \def\bma{\begin{bmatrix}} \def\ema{\end{bmatrix}} \def\bdm{\begin{vmatrix}} \def\edm{\end{vmatrix}} \def\bqu{\begin{quote}} \def\equ{\end{quote}}

\newcommand{\mcol}[1]{\multicolumn{2}{c}{$#1$}} \newcommand{\mrow}[1]{\multirow{2}{0.5cm}{$#1$}} \newcommand{\mmcol}[1]{\multicolumn{3}{c}{$#1$}} \newcommand{\rank}[1]{\text{rank}(#1)}


% misc \def\mbf{\mathbf} \def\thf{\therefore \quad} \def\la{\leftarrow} \def\ra{\rightarrow} \def\lra{\leftrightarrow} \def\imp{\Rightarrow} \def\trans{^{\intercal}} \def\inv{^{-1}} \def\half{\frac{1}{2}} % matrices \def\xa{{\color{blue}p_{1}}} \def\xb{{\color{blue}p_{2}}} \def\xc{{\color{blue}p_{3}}} \def\AA{\mathbf{A}} \def\BB{\mathbf{B}} \def\CC{\mathbf{C}} \def\DD{\mathbf{D}} \def\UU{\mathbf{U}} \def\LL{\mathbf{L}} \def\II{\mathbf{I}} \def\OO{\mathbf{0}} \def\XX{\mathbf{X}} \def\AT{\mathbf{A}^{\intercal}} \def\BT{\mathbf{B}^{\intercal}} \def\CT{\mathbf{C}^{\intercal}} \def\xx{\mathbf{x}} \def\yy{\mathbf{y}} \def\aa{\mathbf{a}} \newcommand{\visb}[1]{ \vis<3->{\color{blue}#1} } \newcommand{\visg}[1]{ \vis<4->{\color{darkgreen}#1} } % derivatives \def\Dx{\Delta x} \def\Dy{\Delta y} % integrals \def\dx{\,\, \text{dx}} \def\dy{\,\, \text{dy}} \def\dz{\,\, \text{dz}} \def\du{\,\, \text{du}} \def\dt{\,\, \text{dt}} \def\dN{\,\, \text{dN}} \def\over{\bigg ]} % partial derivatives \def\d{\delta} % probabilities \newcommand{\Prob}[1]{%

\def\A{\ensuremath{\mbf{A}} } \def\B{\ensuremath{\mbf{B}} } \def\H{\ensuremath{\mbf{H}} } \def\T{\ensuremath{\mbf{T}} } \def\F{\ensuremath{\mbf{F}} } \def\D{\ensuremath{\mbf{D}} } \def\P{\ensuremath{\mbf{P}} } \def\S{\ensuremath{\mbf{S}} } \def\N{\ensuremath{\mbf{N}} } \def\R{\ensuremath{\mbf{R}} } \def\M{\ensuremath{\mbf{M}} } \def\F{\ensuremath{\mbf{F}} } \def\OK{\ensuremath{\mbf{OK}} }

Leviathan: InSilico/LecturingWithBeamerLatex/MainStyle (last edited 2008-06-06 00:32:19 by sangus)