Case Study: ≥1 series (sequence)

home1 home2
and the

   ≥1 seq
   ..dpa c2m
   ..& states

This is a case study of (i) alignment models for a pair of sequences[2,3] & the 2-D dynamic programming algorithm (DPA), (ii) approximate-repeats models[4] for a single sequence, and (iii) the relationships between, and operators on, such time-series models.

Note that TimeSeries provide the simplest case where a data-set itself, cf. a datum in the set, has structure, i.e. sequentiality. (Unless one considers series = datum.)

Part (i) was not too difficult using class TimeSeries and type TimeSeriesType from [200309] provided that context2model :: tsm ds -> [ds] -> model ds was added to the class. The DPA was general and quite simple; it was able to remain "unaware" of the details of the given time-series model, except for whatever length of recent history "made a difference" in the local incremental choice of an optimal alignment. But it was soon realised that stateful time-series models would require a slightly different version of the algorithm because they cannot be efficiently "paused and restarted" on an arbitrary context::[ds]. This was a nuisance and there would be trouble using context-based and state-based models together.

A new problem appeared over the approximate-repeats model[4]; this requires a sub-model over Jump destinations which almost always depends on the current position within the string being generated. At first it was thought that the length of the context would be useful. This takes O(n)-time to calculate on demand, but could be pre-calculated by the class machinery. There again, some future model would likely need some other property of the context, so where would it end? In any case, the length was not sufficient; the present model needed the number of characters generated or scanned which is ≤ the context length. It seems that the approximate-repeats time-series model requires stateful models -- for efficient implementation.

After further experiment it appears that while class TimeSeries (with predictors but without context2model) is a super-class of class TimeSeriesS (S for state), the former with context2model is a sub-class of the latter and that a slightly modified TimeSeriesType would be an instance!

The 2-D DPA was "easily" converted to use TimeSeriesS models. The algorithm became simpler and supporting code to construct contexts for the component sub-models became redundant -- good. The approximate-repeats model was easily defined in terms of TimeSeriesS models, and further experimentation allowed it to be simplified by using time-series models of alignments.

Alignment Models, (OrBoth a b)

The data type [OrBoth a b] can be used to represent an alignment of two data series (sequences) [a] and [b]. Types a and b might or might not be the same depending on the application, for example it makes sense to align a sequence of DNA Codons, [(DNA,DNA,DNA)], with the AminoAcid sequence of a protein, [AminoAcid].

data OrBoth a b = JustL a | JustR b | Both a b
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

modelOrBoth mO mA mB mAB =
 let nlp (JustL a) = nlPr mO 0 + nlPr mA a
 in MnlPr ... nlp ...
             ...ACG-...   :: [DNA]
             ...A-AT...   :: [DNA]
[...            ||||
 Both Ad Ad, ---.|||
  JustL Cy, -----.||
   Both Gu Ad, ---.|
    JustR Ty, -----.
     ...] :: [OrBoth DNA DNA]
13 August 2004

(JustL and JustR are named after Just, from the standard type Maybe t, and Left and Right, from the standard type Either a b.)

Forming a TimeSeries of (OrBoth a b)

A TimeSeries of (OrBoth a b) can be formed in many ways but one natural way is from a TimeSeries of 0..2 for the options {JustL, JustR, Both} respectively, a TimeSeries of a for the JustL cases, a TimeSeries of b for the JustR cases, and a TimeSeries of (a,b) for the Both cases (the last can often be built by combining those for a and for b), in the style of [2,3]. This will often give a good model or at least a reasonable one.

tsmOrBoth combine tsmO tsmL tsmR =           -- (was pairTSM)
  c2m context =              -- get predictions of the pieces
    mO = context2model tsmO (orBothOs context) --of option
    mA = context2model tsmL (orBothLs context) --of a
    mB = context2model tsmR (orBothRs context) --of b, and
   in modelOrBoth mO mA mB (combine mA mB)     --glue them up
 in TSM (msg1 tsmO + msg1 tsmL + msg1 tsmR) c2m
        (\() -> "{tsmOrBoth " ++ show tsmO ++ "; "
             ++ show tsmL ++ "; " ++ show tsmR ++ "}" )
mk2, 28/8/2004

(This required adding method context2model :: (tsm ds) -> [ds] -> ModelType ds to class TimeSeries, compared with [200309]. Also see [Classes].)

Finding a good [OrBoth a b]

Given a TimeSeries of (OrBoth a b) we can compare any two alignments, i.e. two [OrBoth a b]s, and can choose the better one, e.g. having the smaller total negative log probability, but how to find a best possible alignment, or at least a good one?

The 2-D DPA

The 2-D dynamic programming algorithm (DPA) for finding the "cost" (or "score") of an optimal alignment of two sequences, sa and sb, under a variety of cost (score) measures, is well known and some versions have even been programmed in a lazy functional programming language[1]. In imperative languages it is usually described in terms of a 2-D matrix, d[0..|sa|,0..|sb|], where d[i,j] contains, possibly amongst other things, the cost (score) of sa[0..i-1] and sb[0..j-1], where sequence positions are numbered from zero. The basic algorithm runs in quadratic time provided that the calculation of d[i,j] from d[i-1,j-1] north-west, d[i,j-1] north, and d[i-1,j] west, can be done in constant time.

The 2-D DPA takes a time-series model of (OrBoth a b) and sequences of types a and b and produces an alignment :: [OrBoth a b].

dpa2D :: Int -> TimeSeries (OrBoth a b) -> [a] -> [b] -> [OrBoth a b]
-- slight liberty with type. The Int is `k' as discussed later.

On Optimality

Note that in general taking a model of the population of sequences into account can, and should, change (i) the cost of a given alignment, and (ii) what is an optimal alignment[2,3]. To give a trivial example,

model alignment-1 alignment-2
JustL JustR      Both
pr(0)=pr(1)=0.1, pr(2)=0.8;

pr((x,y)|Both)=0.2, x<>y;

pr(A)=pr(T)=0.4, pr(G)=pr(C)=0.1
  6.64---. bits

These two alignments (others are possible) would have equal costs or scores under many algorithms. Here matching the rare Cs, compared to matching the common As, saves 2×2 bits and looses 1×2 bits for a nett gain of 2 bits, under the given model. The roles switch under a GC-rich model.


One way to recover an optimal alignment is for the DPA to also store the best choice, i.e. north-west, north or west, in d[i,j]. This chain (context) of options, starting from d[|sa|,|sb|] and leading back to d[0,0], gives an optimal alignment in reverse order. For many natural time-series models, the incremental cost of a single step, from the n.w., n. or w., depends on the context. There are exponentially many paths (alignments) from d[0,0] to d[i,j] so it is not feasible to store information about all of them in d[i,j]. For an order-k Markov model the incremental cost depends only on the previous k≥0 steps, that is on the first k elements of the appropriate context; anything beyond this horizon has no effect. It is sufficient to store a best representative context in d[i,j] for each such prefix. There are upto 3k possible context-prefixes of length k.

length 1; 27/8/2004
Shared length, k = 1, context prefixes,
appropriate for linear (affine) gap-costs.

There are upto three context-prefixes of length one, fewer at boundaries.

length 2; 27/8/2004
Shared length, k = 2, context prefixes.

There are upto nine context-prefixes of length two.

By storing only such representatives in d[i,j], provided that the TimeSeries of OrBoth a b computes the negative log probability of a step in constant time, the DPA still runs in quadratic time although with a constant multiplier which includes a factor of 3k. This is feasible if k is small. Note that d[i,j]'s neighbours, n.w., n. and w., apart from boundary cases, each had sets of 3k representatives. Each such representative was extended by the appropriate step, the sets were then combined and condensed down 3:1 to give 3k members for d[i,j]. (Note that the space-complexity is also quadratic because of the way that stored contexts share common elements.)

Even for a time-series model with no bound on a "horizon", it may still be a good heuristic to store only such a collection of representative contexts for some k imposed by the programmer, the DPA then yielding good, but not necessarily optimal, alignments.


Some time-series models are based on functions with state (and it seems that the 2-D DPA can only achieve both good efficiency and generality for such models). Such a model does not look at the context but rather at its current state and at the next data element. Therefore a state must be stored with each representative context (the context is still necessary to recover a final alignment). The state could be recreated on demand by retracing an alignment, i.e. a reversed context, from d[0,0] but that would take at least linear-time.

class (TimeSeries tsm) => TimeSeriesS tsm where
 step    :: (tsm ds) -> ds -> (tsm ds)   -- state trans'n
 predict :: (tsm ds) -> ModelType ds

data TimeSeriesTypeS dataSpace =
 forall state . TSMs MessageLength state
  (state -> dataSpace -> state)   -- trans'n
  (state -> ModelType dataSpace)  -- predict
  (state -> String)               -- show

tsmOrBoth combine tsmO tsmL tsmR =  -- _, ops, a, b
 let t (tsmO, tsmL, tsmR) (JustL a)  =
       ((step tsmO 0), (step tsmL a), tsmR)
     p (tsmO, tsmL, tsmR) =
      let mA = predict tsmL
          mB = predict tsmR
      in  modelOrBoth ... mA mB ...
 in TSMs ... t p ...

To use state-based time-series models the DPA is required to store, for each "open" alternative at the current position, (i) the cost, (ii) the state of the time-series model, and (iii) the (reversed) alignment -- to be able to recover the answer easily.

Approximate Repeats Models, 1 series

Some uncertainty remains about the best data-structure(s) for an approximate-repeats hypothesis; one redundant candidate is:

data ApproxRepeats a = Gen a | Jump Int | Rpt (OrBoth a a)

modelAppRpts mO mA mN mOB =
 let nlp (Gen  a) = nlPr mO 0 + nlPr mA a
     nlp (Jump n) = nlPr mO 1 + nlPr mN n
     nlp (Rpt ob) = nlPr mO 2 + nlPr mOB ob -- ob::OrBoth...
 in MnlPr ... nlp ...

On Editing

The are various "models" of editing ([b]->[a]), e.g.

data Edit3 a = E3ins a | E3del | E3use a
     -- NB  x--(E3use y)-->y

data Edit4 a = E4ins a | E4del | E4chng a | E4copy
     -- application determines if x--(E4chng x)-->x is legal

For no very strong reason, [b] is the "source" and [a] is the "target". Note that types a and b can be different. Even if they are the same type, it may not be an EQ type. Even if they are the same EQ type, sometimes equality may not be very "useful", e.g. with continuous values. Even if a and b are different types, it may still be useful to consider Edit4, including E4copy ~ translate(?), if there is a natural many-one correspondence b->a, e.g. Codon->AminoAcid!

Edit3 or Edit4 can be used to give non-redundant representations of approximate-repeats.

There are some "cute" correspondences

   <--> [OrBoth a b]
   <--> ([b],[Edit3 a])
   <--> ([b],[Edit4 a]) -- if applicable

And there must be related correspondences on relevant statistical models.

Forming a TimeSeries of (ApproxRepeats a)

Given a suitable data structure, the approximate-repeats time-series model follows a similar pattern to the time-series model of OrBoth a b that uses states.

tsmApproxRepeats tsmO tsmA0 tsmO2 =
  combine2 mA mB =
   let cm = combine mA mB
       p (a,b) = pr cm (a,b) / pr mB b    -- NB b is given
   in MPr ... p ...
  t (n, tsmO, tsmA, tsmOB) (Gen  a) =     -- t, state trans'n
    (n+1, step tsmO 0, step tsmA a, tsmOB)
  t(n, tsmO, tsmA, _) (Jump _) =
    (n, step tsmO 1, tsmA, tsmOrBoth combine2 tsmO2 tsmA tsmA0) --!
  p (n, tsmO, tsmA, tsmOB) =    -- state -> prediction
    modelAppRpts (predict tsmO)          -- "ops"
                 (predict tsmA)          -- a
                 (uniform 0 (n-1))       -- say, Jumps
                 (predict tsmOB)         -- OrBoth a a'
 in TSMs ... (0, tsmO, tsmA0, tsmOrBoth combine2 tsmO2 tsmA0 tsmA0)
         t p ...
14/10/, 24/10/2004

tsmO models the Gen|Jump|Rpt operations and tsmO2 models the JustL|JustR|Both operations. tsmA0 is the "base" model for elements of the series that are output by Gen operations. Note the use, twice, of tsmOrBoth..., i.e. a time-series model of OrBoth a a, in tsmApproxRepeats..., i.e. time-series model of ApproxRepeats a. It must be on the right track.


The class structure, from super to sub, could in principle get as complex as:


where TimeSeriesType' is ~ TimeSeriesType augmented with an option to store a "state", i.e. a suffix for contexts.


[1] L. Allison, Lazy Dynamic-Programming can be Eager. Inf. Proc. Lett, 43(4), pp.207-212, Sept 1992.
[2] L. Allison, D. Powell & T. I. Dix, Compression and Approximate Matching. Computer J., 42(1), pp.1-10, 1999.
[3] D. Powell, L. Allison & T. I. Dix, Modelling-Alignment for Non-Random Sequences. 17th Australian Computer Soc. (ACS) Australian Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AI2004), Cairns Queensland, pp.203-214, Springer-Verlag, LNCS/LNAI vol.3339, 6-10 Dec 2004.
[4] L. Stern, L. Allison, R. L. Coppel & T. I. Dix, Discovering patterns in Plasmodium falciparum genomic DNA. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 118(2), pp.175-186, Dec 2001 (also see, L. Allison, T. Edgoose, T. I. Dix, Compression of strings with approximate repeats. Intell. Sys. in Mol. Biol. '98, pp.8-16, June 1998).
Also see [more references].
Coding Ockham's Razor, L. Allison, Springer

A Practical Introduction to Denotational Semantics, L. Allison, CUP

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© L. Allison   (or as otherwise indicated),
Faculty of Information Technology (Clayton), Monash University, Australia 3800 (6/'05 was School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Fac. Info. Tech., Monash University,
was Department of Computer Science, Fac. Comp. & Info. Tech., '89 was Department of Computer Science, Fac. Sci., '68-'71 was Department of Information Science, Fac. Sci.)
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