
Generalised Cylinders and Developmental Modelling


This project is currently being undertaken with Jon McCormack and Ben Porter at Centre for Electronic Media Art, Monash University. The goal of the work is to procedurally generate complex geometry inspired by nature.

To this end I have developed a system, built with C++, lua and OpenGL, that uses parametric splines to generate a variety of surfaces. Both parametric models and L-systems are used to simulate biological development at an abstract level, the result of which provides instructions to this system, resulting in intricate geometry.


Automated Course Planner


This project is currently being undertaken in conjunction with fellow student Ben Harwood under the supervision of Bernd Meyer. To goal is to automate the task of personalized course planning.

The project consists of a constraint programming backend written in prolog that is responsible for the planning. This backend is integrated with a GUI written in Java.


Realtime Visualisation of SPH Data


Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a numerical method for simulating fluid flows. It is particularly efficient when a wide range of densities are present in the simulation. Due to the fact that the method is mesh-free the data is particularly difficult to visualise.

The goal of the work was to allow SPH data to be visualised and manipulated in real time at high resolution. Several approaches where investigated including custom OpenGL shaders and CUDA based applications.


Black Hole Coalescence


This work was undertaken as a third year mathematics project. The goal of the research was to investigate the behaviour of an accretion disc caught between two coalescing super massive black holes.

The system of two black holes and accretion disc was simulated using SPH and a simplification of general relativity to allow energy loss via gravitational wave emission.


Scientific plotting


A 2D plotting library, giza, was developed as a replacement for pgplot in Dr. Daniel Price's visualisation tool SPLASH. The main goals were to provide a variety of fonts, anti-aliasing, portability across a variety of UNIX systems, minimal dependencies and easy installation.

The library was written in C, using cairo, and provides an extensive Fortran interface.