Conferences, talks, and research visits
Here is a list of talks, invited presentations and participations, research visits, etc.Please click on the headings to expand the lists.
Sep'23 Italy: Algebra Seminar, University of Trento (2023). Dec'22 Australia: "6th Australian Algebra Conference", University of the Sunshine Coast (2022). May'22 USA: Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference (2022). Apr'22 Australia: Colloquium at UWA, Perth (2022). Apr'22 Australia: Groups and Combinatorics Seminar at UWA, Perth (2022). Dec'21 Australia: 65th AustMS Meeting, University of Newcastle (2021). Dec'21 Australia: Matrix workshop 'Groups and Geometries' (2021). Nov'21 Australia: 5th Australia Algebra Conference, UWA (2021). Aug'21 Germany: MFO workship 'Computational Group Theory' (2021). May'21 USA: Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference (2021). Apr'21 Slovenia: Colloquium at the University of Ljubljana (2021). Mar'21 USA: Algebra Seminar at Binghamton University (2021). Dec'20 China: Magma Workshop, lecture series on 'Computing with p-groups' (Parts I and II), Chongqing University (2020). See here for slides and recordings. Dec'20 Australia: 64th Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, University of New England (2020).
Click here for my presentation on group isomorphism.Jun'20 Canada: Banff Research Station Workshop 'Algorithms for Linear Groups' [cancelled due to COVID19]. Jan'20 England: Cambridge, Isaac Newton Institute workshop 'Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives' (2020). Dec'19 Australia: 3rd Australian Algebra Conference, RMIT Melbourne (2019). Jun'19 Germany: Oberseminar Algebra Seminar, University of Braunschweig. May'19
Australia: Symmetry in Newcastle, The University of Newcastle (2019). Apr'19 Australia: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2019). Jan'19
Australia: The Asia-Australia Algebra Conference 2019, Western Sydney University (2019). Jun'18
Italy: Algebra Seminar, University of Trento (2018). Dec'17 Australia: 5th International Combinatorics Conference, Monash University, Melbourne. Sep'17 Australia: 'LunchMath Talk' at Monash University (2017). Feb'17 New Zealand: Algebra Workshop, University of Auckland (2017). Nov'16 Australia: 34nd Victorian Algebra Conference, La Trobe University (2016). Nov'16 India: Group Theory & Computational Methods (Conference), ICTS, Bangalore (2016). Nov'16 India: Group Theory & Computational Methods (Workshop), ICTS, Bangalore (2016).
See here for the lecture material (5+3hours).Oct'16 Australia: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2016). Aug'16 Germany: Oberwolfach workshop 'Computational Group Theory', Oberwolfach (2016).
Jul'16 Germany: Algebra Seminar, University of Braunschweig. Jun'16 Australia: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2016). May'15 Australia: Groups and Combinatorics Seminar at UWA, Perth (2015) Apr'15 Australia: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2015). Mar'15 Australia: 'LunchMath Talk' at Monash University (2015). Feb'15 Germany: Workshop 'Computations in Groups and Algebras', University of Jena (2015). Nov'14 Canada: Banff Research Station Workshop 'Algorithms for Linear Groups' (2014). Nov'14 Australia: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2014). Sep'14 Australia: Research Seminar, Melbourne University (2014). Aug'14 South Korea: The 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software, Seoul (2014). May'14 Australia: Colloquium, University of Adelaide (2014). Apr'14 Australia: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2014). Mar'14 Canada: Banff Research Station Workshop 'Global/Local Conjectures in Representation Theory of Finite Groups' (2014). Feb'14 New Zealand: Algebra and Combinatorics Workshop, University of Auckland. Nov'13 Australia: 31st Victorian Algebra Conference, University of Melbourne (2013). Nov'13 Australia: Colloquium, La Trobe University, Melbourne (2013). Oct'13 Australia: 57th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, University of Sydney (2013). Aug'13 Australia: Science Snippets, Monash University, Melbourne (2013).
(See here for a youtube clip.)Jul'13 Taiwan: Seminar at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City. Jun'13 Australia: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2013). Mar'13 Australia: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2013). Dec'12 Germany: Conference on group- and representation-theory in Aachen (2012).
Sep'12 New Zealand: Algebra Seminar at the University of Auckland. Apr'12 Australia: Mathematics Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne (2012). Oct'11 Italy: Algebra Seminar at the University of Trento, Trento. Aug'11 Germany: Oberwolfach workshop 'Computational Group Theory', Oberwolfach (2011). Jul'11 New Zealand: University of Waikato, Hamilton. Dec'10 Germany: Friedrich-Schiller University Jena. Dec'10 New Zealand: NZ Mathematical Colloquium 2010, Dunedin (2010). Dec'09 New Zealand: Group Theory Workshop, University of Auckland. Dec'09 New Zealand: NZ Mathematical Colloquium 2009, Albany (2009). Aug'09 England: Groups St.Andrews 2009, Bath (2009). Jul'09 Scotland: ICMS Edinburgh workshop "Matrix Group Recognition", Edinburgh (2009).
(See here poster.)Aug'08 England: Conference on Computational Group Theory and Cohomology, Harlaxton College (2008). Jul'08 England: South England Profinite Groups Meeting, Cambridge (2008). Jul'08 Germany: Seminar Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Düsseldorf (2008). Sep'07 Germany: GAP Package Authors Workshop, Braunschweig (2007). Sep'07 Austria: Sommerakademie der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes 2007, St. Johann. Apr'07 Germany: Doktorandenforum der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Wittenberg. Mar'07 USA: Zassenhaus 2007 Conference in St. Louis, Missouri (2007). Mar'07 USA: AMS 2007 Spring Southeastern Section Meeting, Davidson (2007). Jul'06 Germany: Oberwolfach workshop 'Computational Group Theory', Oberwolfach (2006).
Nov'05 New Zealand: Algebra Seminar, University of Auckland. Sep'05 Germany: DMV Student Conference in Dortmund (2005).
Dec'04 Germany: Conference on group- and representation-theory in Aachen (2004).
Jun'24 Singapore: Lecture series at the NUS IMS workshop 'Computational Aspects of Thin Groups' (2024).
See here for the lecture material (3+1hours).Feb'22 Japan: Lectures "The art of mathematical problem solving" (15hrs), Akita International University (2022). Nov'21 Australia: STELR presentation (Role model series - careers in STEM) (2021). Oct'21 Germany: STEM talk for Year 12 students, Gauss-Schule Braunschweig, (2021, photo) . Aug'21 Australia: STEM Week presentation at Fintona Girls' School (2021). Dec'20 China: Magma Workshop, lecture series on 'Computing with p-groups' (Parts I and II), Chongqing University (2020). See here for slides and recordings. May'20 Australia, Quantum Victoria: 2020 Tall Poppy Experience [cancelled due to COVID19]. May'18 Australia: Mathematicians-in-Schools, five problem solving sessions for Year 9 at Forrest Hill College, Melbourne. Sep'17 Australia: Mathematicians-in-Schools, two workshop for Year 9 at Forrest Hill College, Melbourne. Sep'17 Australia: 'LunchMath Talk' at Monash University (2017). Nov'16 India: Group Theory & Computational Methods (Workshop), ICTS, Bangalore (2016).
See here for the lecture material (5+3hours).Apr'16 Australia: Tall Poppy Talk, a presentation for teachers at Fintona Girls School, Melbourne. Sep'15 Australia: Mathematicians-in-Schools, a workshop series on mathematical riddles and tricks (8 lessons for Year 9) at Forrest Hill College, Melbourne. Mar'15 Australia: 'LunchMath Talk' at Monash University (2015). Oct'14 Australia: Mathematicians-in-Schools, a course on coding theory and cryptography (7 lectures for Year 10) at Forrest Hill College, Melbourne. Mar'14 Australia: Mathematicians-in-Schools, Pi-Day presentation at Forrest Hill College, Melbourne. Oct'13 Australia: Mathematicians-in-Schools, two introductory talks at Forrest Hill College, Melbourne. Aug'13 Australia: Science Snippets, Monash University, Melbourne (2013). -
Jul'24 Australia: ACDS Learning and Teaching Leaders Conference, UNSW (2024). Jun'24 Singapore: NUS IMS conference 'Computational Aspects of Thin Groups' (2024). Nov'23 Australia: Computational Algebra and Magma (workshop) (2023). Jun'23 Australia: ACDS Learning and Teaching Leaders Conference, Monash University (2023). Mar'22 France: STACS 22 (2022). Sep'21 Spain: The Modular Isomorphism Problem in Murcia, University of Murcia (2021). Jan'21 Australia: 4th Australian Algebra Conference (2021). Jun'19 Germany: Norddeutsches Gruppentheory Kolloquium, University of Halle (2019). Jul'18 Germany: 2-Day Meeting in Stuttgart on Computational Lie Theory,
University of Stuttgart (2018).Dec'14 Australia: 8th Australia and New Zealand Mathematics Convention,
University of Melbourne (2014).Jul'12
Italy: Symmetric Spaces and their Generalisations II, Levico Terme (2012). Jun'12
Italy: Group Theory in Trento 2012, University of Trento (2012). Jan'10
New Zealand: 2010 NZMRI Summer Workshop, Hanmer Springs (2010).
Ireland: BMC 2009 / IMS, Galway (2009).
Germany: Conference on group- and representation-theory in Aachen (2008).
Mar'08 USA: Groups and Computation V, Columbus, Ohio (2008). Nov'07
Germany: Norddeutsches Gruppentheorie Kolloquium 2007, Magdeburg (2007).
Jun'07 Germany: Graphentheorie- und Geometrie-Tag, Braunschweig. Dec'06
Germany: Conference on group- and representation-theory in Aachen (2006).
Germany: Norddeutsches Gruppentheorie Kolloquium 2006, Kaiserslautern (2006).
Jul'06 England: Groups and Computation 2006, Queen Mary University, London (2006). Jun'04 Germany: Lie algebras, their classification and applications, Braunschweig. -
Nov'23 Australia: Visiting the University of Technology Sydney.
Sep'23 Italy: Visiting the University of Trento.
Jun'23 USA: Visiting Colorado State University.
Feb'23 New Zealand: Visiting the University of Auckland. Apr'22 Australia: Visiting UWA (Perth, Australia). Jan'20 England: Visiting the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge. Jul'19 Italy: Visiting the University of Trento.
Jun'19 Germany: Visiting the University of Braunschweig.
Dec'18 Germany: Research-in-Pairs visit to the MFO (Oberwolfach).
Oct'18 New Zealand: Visiting the University of Auckland.
Jun'18 Italy: Visiting the University of Trento.
Feb'17 New Zealand: Visiting the University of Auckland.
Aug'16 Germany: Visiting the RWTH Aachen.
Jul'16 Italy: Visiting the University of Trento.
Jul'16 Germany: Visiting the University of Braunschweig.
Nov'15 Germany: Visiting the University of Braunschweig.
May'15 Australia: Visiting the Universiy of Western Australia.
Jan'15 New Zealand: Visiting the University of Auckland.
Jul'14 Germany: Visiting the University of Braunschweig.
Feb'14 New Zealand: Visiting the University of Auckland.
Jul'13 Taiwan: Visiting the National Cheng Kung University.
Sep'12 New Zealand: Visiting the University of Auckland.
Nov'11 Germany: Visiting the University of Braunschweig.
Sep'11 Germany: Visiting the University of Braunschweig.
Aug'11 England: Visiting the Queen Mary College at the University of London.
Feb'07 - Mar'07 USA: Visiting the University of Evansville in Indiana.
Oct'05 - Jan'06 New Zealand: Visiting the University of Auckland.
Jun'25 Workshop: Computational Group Theory, at theMFO, Oberwolfach, Germany. Dec'24 Special Session: Groups, Actions, and Computations, at the Joint Meeting of the AustMS, NZMS, AMS University of Auckland. Nov'23 Conference: 7th Australian Algebra Conference Monash University. Jan'23 Conference: 'Lie Theory: frontiers, algorithms, and applications' Monash Prato Centre. Oct'22 AMSI workshop: 'Computational aspects of totally disconnected locally compact groups', University of Newcastle. Jun'22 Conference: 'Faculty of Science 2022 Graduate Research Conference', Monash University. Dec'19 Special session: 'Algebra', 2019 Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Monash University. Oct'14 Conference: 32nd Victorian Algebra Conference, Monash University. Aug'14 Special session: 'Computational Group Theory', 4th ICMS, Seoul, South Korea. Jun'12 Conference: Groups in Trento 2012, University of Trento, Italy. Sep'07 Workshop: GAP Package Authors Workshop at the University of Braunschweig, Germany.