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    Wed, 08 Jun 2005

    Catalyst 3750 IPv6 MLD

    IPv6 MLD (Multicast Listener Daemon) snooping is the equivalent of IPv4 IGMP snooping.

    Switches snoop this traffic so that they can tell which ports on a switch are interested in particular streams of multicast traffic.

    I installed the new code on our GrangeNet LAN routers and switches.

    I think it worked, but I think it's too hard to tell if the routers aren't running IPv6 multicast. Very frustrating!

    [ /monash | # ]

    Sharpie Removal

    Super Sharpie
    One evening, during dinner, my son wanted to show us how his teacher drew people (as outlines). So, he reached across to the pen-holder cup, grabbed a blue Super Sharpie Permanent Marker and drew a picture on his paper napkin.

    Guess what! The ink went straight through onto the polished wood dining room table!

    Quick! How does remove 3mm wide Sharpie marks??

    The Internet is your Friend!

    While the computer was booting we tried:

    Windex -- didn't move it.

    Eucalyptus Oil
    Goanna brand Eucalyptus Oil -- didn't move it.

    The Sharpie FAQ wasn't helpful:

    General Rules:
    1) Treat stains as soon as possible. Fresh stains can be removed more easily than old ones.
    * Also try AMODEX STAIN REMOVER for permanent ink: Amodex Products, P.O. Box 3332, Bridgeport, CT 06605, Phone:(203) 335-1255

    Googling for remove sharpie table turned up Permanent marker on dining room table.

    Does anyone know a safe way to remove permanent black marker (sharpie) from a wooden dining room table? I have read that nail polish remover works but worry that it will destroy the finish on the table. Thanks!
    Well, i was watching my little sister and she colored all over her self and my older sisters desk with BLUE permanent marker, and i took it off Easly with TOOTHPASTE and a wash cloth. I'm Not kidding i thought my mom would kill me, but i used the toothpaste and i scrubed hard!! wow i love that! DIDNT RUIN DESK!

    (It also had a few othe suggestions like M30 Stain Remover, hair spray, Goo Gone, and anti-bacterial hand gel that we didn't try.)

    Anyway, Toothpaste, on a damp paper napkin removed the marks from the table just fine. Didn't scratch the surface. There must be a fine abrasive in toothpaste.

    [ /misc | # ]

    Printer Test Patterns

    TSS Printer Test Image Photo Disc Test Image
    TSS Printer Test TIFF
    (Zip Compressed 2.6MB)
    PhotoDisc Target
    (Zip Compressed H.Q. Jpeg)


    ... You are free to click on both images and download them to use for your own printer test (Please do not use these images for any use other than inkjet printer testing). ...


    From Norman Koren's Printer calibration page:

    I found a nice image on The Digital Dog's website PrinterTestfile.jpg.hqx

    [ No DNS for at the moment ... ]

    I needed to unpack this file on Linux using programs from "macutils".

    $ hexbin PrinterTestfile.jpg.hqx
    $ ls -ltr
    -rw-r--r--  1 johnm cos  686716 Apr 30 16:28 PrinterTestfile.jpg.hqx
    -rw-r--r--  1 johnm cos  506880 May 12 23:00 Printer_Test_file.jpg.bin
    $ macunpack -3v Printer_Test_file.jpg.bin
    This is "MacBinary" input.
    name="Printer_Test_file.jpg", type=JPEG, author=8BIM, data=416054, rsrc=90578
            Data: No compression, Rsrc: No compression.
    $ ls -ltr
    -rw-r--r--  1 johnm cos  686716 Apr 30 16:28 PrinterTestfile.jpg.hqx
    -rw-r--r--  1 johnm cos  506880 May 12 23:00 Printer_Test_file.jpg.bin
    -rw-r--r--  1 johnm cos     128 May 12 23:01
    -rw-r--r--  1 johnm cos   90578 May 12 23:01 Printer_Test_file.jpg.rsrc
    -rw-r--r--  1 johnm cos  416054 May 12 23:01
    $ file Printer_Test_file.jpg.*
    Printer_Test_file.jpg.bin:  data JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.02 data
    Printer_Test_file.jpg.rsrc: MPEG sequence
    $ cp Printer_Test_file.jpg

    He also includes examples of Color errors and how to adjust an Epson printer driver. The sample image is available a JPEG:

    Bruce Lindbloom has an interesting site including computer-generated RGB Reference Images

    [ /hardware | # ]