FLAC Modelling tt43 @ 1800m ;using properties from tt5. ngw 10 and pp changed to 1.764e7 ; Properties for each sub-regions: ; Shale pro dens= 2500 bulk=2.81e10 shear=1.69e10 reg= 41 , 164 pro coh=5.00e8 tens=5.0e8 reg= 41 , 164 pro fric=30 dil= 3 reg= 41 , 164 pro perm=1.00e-17 porosity=0.2 reg= 41 , 164 ; conglomerate pro dens= 2720 bulk=4.09e10 shear=2.45e10 reg= 15 , 108 pro coh=5.00e8 tens=5.0e8 reg= 15 , 108 pro fric=30 dil= 3 reg= 15 , 108 pro perm=1.00e-15 porosity=0.2 reg= 15 , 108 ; conglomerate pro dens= 2720 bulk=4.09e10 shear=2.45e10 reg= 84 , 64 pro coh=5.00e8 tens=5.0e8 reg= 84 , 64 pro fric=30 dil= 3 reg= 84 , 64 pro perm=1.00e-15 porosity=0.2 reg= 84 , 64 ; Intrusive Suite pro dens= 2900 bulk=4.67e10 shear=2.80e10 reg= 53 , 98 pro coh=1.00e7 tens=1.5e7 reg= 53 , 98 pro fric=30 dil= 3 reg= 53 , 98 pro perm=1.00e-14 porosity=0.2 reg= 53 , 98 ; Alteration Envelope pro dens= 2720 bulk=4.09e10 shear=2.45e10 reg= 57 , 71 pro coh=1.00e7 tens=1.5e7 reg= 57 , 71 pro fric=30 dil= 3 reg= 57 , 71 pro perm=1.00e-14 porosity=0.2 reg= 57 , 71 ; Alteration Envelope pro dens= 2720 bulk=4.09e10 shear=2.45e10 reg= 40 , 107 pro coh=1.00e7 tens=1.5e7 reg= 40 , 107 pro fric=30 dil= 3 reg= 40 , 107 pro perm=1.00e-14 porosity=0.2 reg= 40 , 107 ;def pull_mesh ;loop i (1,101) ;loop j (1,181) ;y(i,j) = y(i,j)*1.8 ;x(i,j) = x(i,j)*2.105 ;end_loop ;end_loop ;end ;pull_mesh ;gen 0,1.64e3 0,3.6e3 2.105e3,3.6e3 2.105e3,1.64e3 rat=1.0,1.0 i=1,101 j=165,181 apply syy = -4.41e7 j= 181 ; ***** def inistr_phg loop i (1,igp-1) loop j (1,jgp-1) jno = jgp - 1 If j = jno Then hh1 = (abs(y(i,j)-y(i,j+1))+abs(y(i+1,j)-y(i+1,j+1)))*0.25 sss1 = density(i, j) * 9.8 * hh1 sss2 = sss1 Else jno1 = j jno2 = j + 1 hh1 = (abs(y(i,j)-y(i,j+1))+abs(y(i+1,j)-y(i+1,j+1)))*0.25 sss1 = density(i, j) * 9.8 * hh1 sss2 = sss1 loop jj (jno2,jgp-1) aaa = abs(y(i, jj) - y(i, jj + 1)) bbb = abs(y(i + 1, jj) - y(i + 1, jj + 1)) ccc = 0.5 * (aaa + bbb) sss3 = density(i, jj) * 9.8 * ccc sss2 = sss2 + sss3 end_loop end_if syy(i, j) = -sss2-4.41e7 sxx(i, j) = -sss2-4.41e7 szz(i, j) = -sss2-4.41e7 end_loop end_loop end inistr_phg * ; * def ini_pp loop i (1,igp) loop j (1,jgp) if j = jgp then sss2 = 1.764e7 else jno1 = j sss2 = 1.764e7 loop jj (jno1,jgp-1) aaa = abs(y(i, jj) - y(i, jj + 1)) if x(i, jj + 1) > x(i, jj) then ddden = 1000 ;density(i - 1, jj) end_if if x(i, jj + 1) < x(i, jj) then ddden = 1000 ;density(i, jj) end_if if x(i, jj + 1) = x(i, jj) then if i = 1 then ii1 = 1 ii2 = 1 end_if if i > 1 then if i < igp then ii1 = i ii2 = i - 1 end_if end_if if i = igp then ii1 = igp - 1 ii2 = igp - 1 end_if ddden = 1000 ;0.5 * (density(ii1, jj) + density(ii2, jj)) end_if sss3 = ddden * 9.8 * aaa sss2 = sss2 + sss3 end_loop end_if gpp(i, j) = sss2 end_loop end_loop end ini_pp * fix pp j=181 ; fix pp i=1 ; fix pp i= 101 ini sat 1 fix sat ; set gravity=9.8 ; ;return set large ; ini xvel 0.002 var=-0.004 ,0 i=1, 101 j=1, 181 fix x i=1 fix x i=101 ;fix y j=1 ;fix y j=181 * fix i=1 101 fix j=1 181 * ;apply dis= 1e-7 i= 13 24 j= 1 ;apply dis= 1e-7 i= 13 24 j= 1 ;set nmech 1 ngw 1 flow on set nmech 1 ngw 25 flow on ;def mod_perm ;while_stepping ;loop i (1,igp-1) ;loop j (1,jgp-1) ;if state(i,j) = 3 then ;k11(i,j)=1.0e-11 ; modify values ;k12(i,j)=1.0e-11 ;k22(i,j)=1.0e-11 ;end_if ;end_loop ;end_loop ;end ;def store_kk ;loop i (1,igp-1) ;loop j (1,jgp-1) ;ex_1(i,j) = k11(i,j) ;end_loop ;end_loop ;end ;store_kk ;def mod_perm ;while_stepping ;loop i (1,igp-1) ;loop j (1,jgp-1) ;if state(i,j) = 3 then ;k11(i,j)=1.0e-11 ;k22(i,j)=1.0e-11 ;else ;k11(i,j)=ex_1(i,j) ;k22(i,j)=ex_1(i,j) ;end_if ;end_loop ;end_loop ;end ;return save tt43.sav; pre compression & pre influx ; step 250 save tt43a.sav; 1 % deformation step 250 save tt43b.sav; 2 % deformation step 250 save tt43c.sav; 3 % deformation step 250 save tt43d.sav; 4 % deformation step 250 save tt43e.sav; 5 % deformation step 250 save tt43f.sav; 6 % deformation step 250 save tt43g.sav; 7 % deformation step 250 save tt43h.sav; 8 % deformation step 250 save tt43i.sav; 9 % deformation step 250 save tt43j.sav 10 % deformation return stop