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Porphyroblasts in Betania



Prof. Roberto Weinberg, Monash University, Australia, Dr Cae Ganade de Araujo, CPRM, Rio de Janeiro




NE118 - Santa Filomena Group equivalent to RPE28 in Santos et al. 2018 (J.S.Am.E.S.)
garnet blast
Garnet porphyroblasts with internal, quartz-rich layers, defining top-to-right (thrusting)
garnet blast
Garnet porphyroblast defining top-to-right (thrusting)
garnet kyanite
Garnet with radial Kyanite, seen on the foliation plane
garnet kyanite
Garnet porphyroblast defining top-to-right (thrusting)
garnet blast
Garnet porphyroblast with internal, quartz-rich layers, defining top-to-right (thrusting)
garnet blast
Garnet porphyroblast defining top-to-right (thrusting)
garnet blast
Garnet porphyroblast with two isoclinal hinges recorded by folded quartz layers. Interpretation: folding of layers during garnet growth
garnet blast
Garnet porphyroblast with two isoclinal hinges recorded by folded quartz layers. Interpretation: folding of layers during garnet growth