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The Flux Project:
Senses, Patterns, Science


some photo here

Roberto Weinberg, Geraldo Motta, Deborah Weinberg



Copyright 2005-2009 by Roberto Weinberg. All rights reserved. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted for non-profit driven enterprise subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and my World Wide Web URL: We would very much appreciate an email stating how this material will be used. Thanks, RW.



"All is transitory" (eu estava pensando em colocar aqui algum quote budista, isto sendo uma de duas ou tres mensagens da exibicao


Aims: This exhibition focuses on natural patterns of geological processes, connecting senses and science to illuminate the ever flowing nature of Earth and the impermanent arisal of order and beauty.

Tres objetivos: a) beauty of natural patterns per se; b) senses capture natural patterns indicative of processes, these are transformed into understanding through scientific approaches, c) everything flows, patterns arise and are destroyed teaching us about the impermanence of all (this message should be subliminal and not explicit).

Proponho o seguinte: comecar por padroes causados por fluxos de are na areia e em agua, seguir por padroes causados por fluxo de agua em argila e areia. Esses padroes sao registrados por rochas que tem padroes que podem ser interpretados e represe ntam a deposicao dos sedimentos em rios e desertos. Essas rochas sao entao enterradas fundo na crosta onde lentos processos relacionadaos a tectonica de placas em cadeias de montanhas leva ao fluxo de rochas e de magmas formados pelo derretimento das rochas. A erosao de cadeias de montanhas gera areia e argila que sao carregados rio abaixo e pelo vento (fechando o ciclo). Eu gostaria por exemplo de mostrar de maneira palpavel para o nao-especialista como um seixo num rio eh parte de um ciclo enorme de formacao e desruicao de montanhas: a rocha se formou durante sedimentacao, foi envolvida e transformada durante o crescimento de montanhas, e depois erodida e intemperizada novamente milhoes ou bilhoes de anos mais tarde se transformando em sedimentos e carregados e depositados como sedimentos novamente, num ciclo como vida e morte. Recomendo que olhem as fotos mantendo estas ideas em mente. Talvez no meio de uma sala de exibicao poderiamos ter um esquema/sketch artistico deste ciclo. Um outro aspecto interessante de enfatizar eh que as fotos vem da Australia, Brasil, Irlanda, Tibet (India) enfim das viagens pelo mundo de um geologo.


Ventos Dunas

dunas dunas
dunas dunas
dunas dunas



Ventos e Aguas: Dunas


dunas dunas
c) These last two show interaction between water and wind dunes d).
dunas dunas
e) here water dunes dominate, but windblown sand fills in the deeper parts and rework the water dunes. f) Same.
dunas dunas
g) river dunes. h)
dunas dunas
i) After the rain: mud cracks due to evaporation and volume loss. Tensional stresses increases leading to cracks at typically 120 degrees. j)
dunas dunas
i) After the rain: mud cracks due to evaporation and volume loss. Tensional stresses increases leading to cracks at typically 120 degrees. j)
dunas dunas
k) Rain erosion. l)




dunas dunas
dunas dunas
dunas dunas



Rock Erosion

Irlanda_Clare Irlanda_Clare
Irlanda_Clare Irlanda_Clare
Irlanda_Clare Irlanda_Clare
The five photos above result from the cracking of rocks related to stresses imposed by the movement of plate (plate tectonics) and the process of loading the rock with the weight of others first, and then the gradual removal of that weight (decompression). EM outras palavras: as fraturas recordam a historia da rocha. Agora estas fraturas representam planos de fraqueza que sao erodidas mais rapidamente. Fotos de County Clare, Irlanda, and Stokes Bay, Kangaroo Island, Australia j)
Stokes Bay, Australia Stokes Bay, Australia
Stokes Bay, Australia Stokes Bay, Australia
Remarkable Rocks, Australia Remarkable Rocks, Australia
Remarkable Rocks, Australia Irlanda_Clare



Geological record of rivers and wind: (rochas formadas pelo vento em desertos e em rios)

Chapada dos Guimaraes, Brasil Tibetan Plateau, India
These rocks formed by wind blown sand grains forming dunes. The geological record in these sandstones from Chapada dos Guimaraes, Brasil, records a desert that existed here X million years ago(I will find out the age). This tell-tale pattern is known as cross-bedding(estratificacao cruzada) j) Same but here formed in a river, recorded in sedimentary rocks of the Tibetan series, in Ladakh, NW India. These all sand grains, have remained buried inside the earth for millions of years and are now gradually being eroded, to form sand in the rivers where they will be redeposited forming a new dunes and eventually new rocks.



Rocks flowing and melting inside the Earth

Zanskar Himalayas, India Zanskar Himalayas, India
Metamorphic rocks from Zanskar, Indian Himalayas. These rocks have flowed in the solid state and record folds resulting from the northwards movement of India indenting the southern margin of Asia. This movement started 50 million years ago and is still ongoing. Same
Zanskar Himalayas, India Zanskar Himalayas, India
Metamorphic rocks from Zanskar, Indian Himalayas. These rocks have melted due to the collision of India producing magma. Magma has flowed out of these rocks to form granite bodies. Some of this melt got caught in the rock and forms the white portions. The rocks was also folded during the melting event. These rocks are known as migmatites and have now cooled to surface temperature and are currently being eroded back to the see. Block of migmatite in the process of being transported and eroded by the river. Having started in the HImalayas, sand grains produced by the break down of this rock will eventually end up at the Indus Delta offshore Pakistan.
Ladakh dykes, India Ladakh, India
Magmas produced by migmatites frozen in the process of migration forming a pattern of Xs at different scales. This pattern indicates the mechanism with which the rocks broke up to let the magma through.