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Turbidites at Cape Liptrap, Victoria, Australia



Roberto Weinberg, Monash University, Australia




This is a photographic overview of the features at Cape Liptrap, Victoria, part of the second year unit ESC2111 field excursion.



Primary Structures


sedimentary layering
General sedimentary layering: sandstone-shale, dipping nearly vertically
load cast
Undulations at the base on sandstone layer in contact with shale: load cast


load cast
Load cast at base of sandstone
load cast
Load cast and slickenlines on layer parallel thrust on the lower right hand side


Ripple marks
Ripple marks with flute casts at high angle to the ripples
flute cast
Detail of flute casts


Load cast
Load cast at base of sandstone, overprinted by joint sets forming a lozenges
Flute cast
Flute cast, asymmetry indicates paleocurrent from upper right to lower left


Large folds


Fold stack
Fold stack


Anticline pair, looking down plunge.
Hinge zone
Hinge zones of anticline pair, looking up plunge.




En-echelon quartz veins
En-echelon quartz veins
En-echelon quartz veins
En-echelon z-shaped quartz veins indicative of dextral movement. Notice a folded foliation defining an asymmetric fold, along the trace of the fracture, marked by erosion, and also indicating dextral movement.


thrusting and fold
Thrusting in the hinge zone of an antiform. Notice layering of sandstone (light greay) and mudstone (dark grey) and that the sandstone layers are divided into lenses.
thrusting and fold
Zoom in, showing variations in width of the sandstone layers.


Slickenlines of quartz with stepping indicative of reverse movement at "Fold stack",indicative of slip along bedding planes during folding.
Same as previous.


Sandstone repetition indicative of reverse movement.


Quartz veins along sandstone layer.

Quartz veins along boudinaged sandstone layer.
Notice more veins in boudin necks.


Folding and reverse faulting
Folding and reverse faulting of the thicker sandstone layers.
Folding and reverse faulting
Folding progressing into reverse faulting.


Thrusting of sandstone layers on the limbs of folds.
Thrusting of sandstone layers on the limbs of folds
Thrusting of sandstone layers on the limbs of folds