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Granite Alteration, Jiaodong Peninsula, China


Roberto Weinberg
School of Geosciences, Monash University, Australia





These photos were taken at Laizhou town and are used as pavement rocks throughout the city (origin unknown). The features mark the relationship between cracking and alteration.

Fracturing, Granite Alteration Fracturing, Granite Alteration
a) K-feldspar porphyritic granite with fractures surrounded by altered granite (white discoloration). Fractures are filled with quartz(?) b) Same as (a).
Fracturing, Granite Alteration Fracturing, Granite Alteration
c) En echelon fractures and alteration. Fractures are filled with quartz(?) d) Merging network of alteration with central fractures. Fractures are filled with quartz(?)
Fracturing, Granite Alteration Fracturing, Granite Alteration
e) En echelon fractures and alteration. Fractures are filled with quartz(?) f) En echelon fractures and alteration. Fractures are filled with quartz(?)