3.5 Homorganic Semivowel-Deletion P-4.

This is an interesting but minor morphophonemic rule applying to certain forms of /=w2u-/ 'to hit, kill' and /=yi-, =u-/ 'to give'. The initial semivowel is deleted when followed on the surface by a short homorganic vowel. Inflected forms in which the surface root vowel has been changed by one rule or other are unaffected; in addition, long-vowel forms are not affected.

The basic inflected forms of 'to hit, kill' can be represented as Past1 /=w2a-ng/ Past2/=w2i-ni/, Nonpast1 /=w2i-ny/ Nonpast2 /=u-ma-na/ Nonpast3 /w2u:-'/ and Evitative /=u-ma-ngun/ It appears that /=w2u-/ is the most basic form but that when the /u/ is not lengthened or altered in quality the /w2/ is deleted (Nonpast2 and Evitative). See Table 11-6, MA1 type.

The deletion of the /w2/ is manifested on the surface in various ways. Specifically, VV-Contraction P-49 commonly applies to the output, since the inflected forms shown above are usually preceded by prefixes ending in a vowel: //wara=w2u-ma-na////wara=u-ma-na// (P-4) → /waru: = '-ma-na/ 'they kill them', where without P-4 we would have gotten output /wara=wu-ma-na/ Similarly, Pronominal d-Insertion P-20 applies only to vowel-initial verb stems when preceded by pronominal prefixes ending in /n/ and P-20 does apply here: //ngan=w2u-ma-na////ngan=u-ma-na// P-4)→ /ngand=u:-ma-na/ 'I will kill it (ANAø)'. Without P-4 we would have gotten incorrect /ngam=bu-ma-na/

The root /=w2u-/ happens to be suppleted by /=w2adja-/ in its ordinary compounds and most other derivatives. It does, however, form Benefactive /-a=bu-/ from //-aG=w2u-// showing retention of /w2/ (surface /b/ in all forms, e.g., Nonpast2 /a=bu-ma-na/ Other than this, /=w2u-/ occurs (usually without its basic meaning) in a number of 'auxiliary' compounds in which the preceding element determines the sense, as in /=w2argad-bu-/ 'to belch' and /=ra-wu-/ 'to test, try out' (in such forms the = boundary is shown before the nuclear element). When the nuclear element in the auxiliary compound ends in a nonnasal sonorant (liquid, conceivably semivowel), the /w2/ is often not heard when followed by homorganic vowel, as in Nonpast2 /=lhilhir-(w2) u-ma-na/ 'passes by', but this optional omission seems to be due to a low-level rule (see P-28, below) distinct from the specialised morphophonemic rule under consideration here. It does not appear that the latter operates in these auxiliary compounds.

The other verb, /=yi-, =u-/ 'to give' presents additional difficulties, and it is unclear how many underlying stem-variants must be posited and what they should be. (The immediate historical prototype, incidentally, is *-wo-.) See Table 11-7.

In compounds there is evidence pointing toward /=u-/ or /=w1u-/ as basic form. In /-marang=u-/ 'to hand over, give by hand' we must take /=u-/ as basic, since underlying //w1// following a nasal would have been hardened to /g/ by Hardening P-18. Past1 /-marang=a-ny/ shows that the //w1// is not clearly present even when the root vowel is changed to a nonhomorganic quality. However, in /-rangga=wu-/ 'to give at night' we do seem to have /=w1u-/ since no VV-Contraction P-49 occurs over the = boundary. There are a few other attested compounds and derivatives but they mostly end in stops or nonvelar nasals, and in this environment the surface form, /=gu-/ could reflect either underlying //=w1u-// by Hardening P-18 or underlying //=u-// via Velar Insertion P-8. An ex. is /-ngaran=gu-/ '(all) to give', Nonpast1 /-ngaran=ga-ny/

In forms not involving a compound initial or a derivational prefix, 'to give' has forms pointing to /=yV-/ with the semivowel deleted when the vowel is surface /i/ hence Past1 /=ya-ny/ Past2 /=i-ni/ Nonpast3 /=yu:-'/ etc. We will use /=yi-/ as the citation form and presumed underlying form, with P-4 deleting the //y// in the relevant forms.

The deletion rule, however, does not apply to Reciprocal form /=yi-nyji-/ 'to give to each other, to share'. Thus note absence of VV-Contraction P-49 in /wuru=yi-nyji:-na/ 'they are sharing' versus application of this rule in nonreciprocal //nganu=yi-ni////nganu=i-ni// (P-4) /nganu:='-ni/ (P-49) 'I gave (it) to him'.

Summing up the verbal exx., we can say that //y// and //w2// are deleted in basic inflected forms of 'to give' and 'to hit, kill' when followed by a short homorganic vowel; forms of 'to give' with compound initial or derivational prefix appear to show some variation between /=w1u-/ and /=u-/ but under different conditions (which are, moreover, partly indeterminate due to alternative base forms for some combinations).

We also mention here a few instances of similar deletions of root-initial semivowels in noun morphology. As in the case of the verbs, deletion is sharply restricted lexically. The nominal exx. involve forms of the moiety term /(y)irija/

The unprefixed form /yirija/ is ambiguous since underlying //yirija// or //irija// would turn out like this (see P-5, below). As predicate adjectival noun with intransitive pronominal prefixes, the form is clearly /yirija/ as in /nga=yirija/ 'I am Yirija' and /ni=yirija/ 'He is Yirija' (i.e., of Yirija moiety). The same is true of most nominal forms with (inflectional) noun-class prefixes: /na-yirija-yung/ 'Yirija man', /mana-yirija/ 'Yirija (object of MANA noun class)'.

However, in forms with FSg or NgARA class prefix /ngara-/ we get /ngar-irija-yung/ (human FSg) and /ngar-irija/ (nonhuman of class NgARA). These point to //ngara-irija(-yung)// as presurface form since /ngar-/ is the normal allomorph for this noun class prefix when the following stem is vowel-initial, but not otherwise. (See V-Truncation P-46.)

The other ex. of this type is the unusual human Pl form /mand-irija/ 'persons of Yirija moiety (collective)'. Since the prefix here elsewhere shows up as //man-// we assume that the /d/ is due to d-Insertion P-21. The root must have presurface form //-irija// for this rule to apply, and in any event //-yirija// would produce the incorrect form /many-jirija/ or /man-jirija/

Our final minor ex. of this semivowel-deletion rule involves a root /=w2ula-/ which shows up in verbal and nominal forms based on the sense 'two', and some closely related numeral stems. In such verbal forms as /=w2ula-ga-/ 'to do (something) twice to (someone)' the inflected forms are consistent with presence of /w2/ in all forms.

As a noun, the usual form is /-w2ula-wa:/ with Dual suffix, being the usual numeral for 'two'. This can occur with the usual inflectional noun class prefixes, as in /na-wula-wa:/ 'two (men)'. However, more characteristically we get predicate-adjective forms like /wini=wula-wa:/ 'they are two' (even when English uses a simple attributive numeral). In the MANA class form /mu:='la-wa:/ we clearly have VV-Contraction P-49 involving the prefix //ma-// and the root, which must therefore have a presurface form //=ula-wa:// The same is true of ANA class form /wu:='la-wa:/ although this would not be easy to distinguish on the surface from /wu=wula-wa:/ except in relatively well-articulated speech. See 14.25.

The same alternations occur with /w2ulanybaj/ 'three' and /w2ulalw2ulal/ 'four', which are etymologically related to /w2ula-/ 'two' and still probably closely associated with it synchronically (though not derived from it by otherwise established mechanisms).

The Homorganic Semivowel-Deletion rule P-4 must therefore be formulated as a loose grouping of distinct subrules which share only the basic property that a following homorganic short vowel is required for the deletion to occur.

(P-4)Homorganic Semivowel-Deletion
a.S → Ø / X-_____ V-Y
where S is a semivowel, V a short vowel homorganic to the semivowel, X a pronominal prefix (or pronominal prefix plus -Rdp-), and Y an inflectional suffix (in particular, not Reciprocal /-nyji-/ ; the rule applies only to /=w2u-/ 'to hit, kill' and /=yi-/ 'to give'
b.w1 → Ø / X-_____V-
where X is a compound initial or derivational prefix (but not -Rdp-) ending in /ng/ and the root is /=w1u-/ 'to give' (V in this case does not have to be homorganic at least on the surface; the rule can also be assumed to apply when X ends in a stop or nonvelar nasal, but resulting surface forms happen to be identical to those produced by derivations not involving P-4)
c.y → Ø / X-____i
in forms of moiety term /yirija/ where X is Pl prefix /man-/ or F or NgARA prefix /ngara-/
d.w2 → Ø / X-____u
where X is /ma-/ or /w1u-/ (nonhuman intransitive pronominal prefixes); applies only to predicate-adjective forms of /w2ula-/ 'two', /w2ulanybaj/ 'three', and /w2ulalwulal/ 'four'

As our discussion has implied, there are many stems beginning in /yi/ or /wu/ which do not undergo deletion by P-4 (and which therefore, for example, become /ji/ and either /gu/ or /bu/ after stop or nasal). Exx. are /yinggulbandi/ 'barramundi fish', /=w1uldha-/ 'to cut, sever', and /w2uruj/ 'human, person'. There are also some suffixes like /-w2ugij/ 'still, only' and /-yinyung/ (Relative) with stable semivowel except for optional omission in some environments by low-level rule P-28. There are some roots and prefixes which begin in /i/ or /u/ with no evidence of underlying initial semivowel: /inygura/ 'Anindilyakwa (tribe)', /=ijga-/ 'to take (dog) hunting', cpds. with /-ij-/ 'word, truth', derived nouns with derivational ANA class prefix /-uG-/ While these will 'grow' an initial semivowel when word-initial by P-5, in all noninitial forms they behave like vowel-initial morphemes.