3.26 r-Deletion P-25.

This rule deletes tap /r/ when preceded by any liquid /1 1 r r/ In the case of /rr/ with two taps, the reduction to /r/ can be handled either by this rule or by Geminate Contraction P-31.

The remaining lateral /lh/ does not occur morpheme- or syllable-finally and so is irrelevant to the present rule.

The most common forms involving deletion of /r/ are nouns with Locative suffix /-ruj/ Exx. are /a-lha:l-uj/ 'in the country', /a:-'mbarar-uj/ 'in the open country', /a:-'mbal-uj/ 'on the top of the head', and /ama-lhalgur-uj/ 'in the mangrove sp.'.

r → Ø // Liquid - ____

An alternative would be to replace P-25 by a special assimilation rule by which /r/ would assimilate to a preceding liquid, creating a geminate cluster which is then reduced by Geminate- Contraction P-31.

No deletion applies to /r/ as we can see in /lhal-rang-gurung/ '(clan) country of your mother-in-law'.