3.21 Pronominal d-Insertion P-20.

There are a number of pronominal prefixes added to verbs which appear to have an underlying form ending in //n// Most often, the following morpheme begins with a consonant, and the //n// is eventually realised as a surface nasal homorganic to a following stop, or else deleted (before another nasal, /1/ /1/ or /r/ . However, the prefix ending in //n// can occasionally be followed by a morpheme beginning in an underlying vowel, often /a/ or /a:/ but not restricted to these, and in this event a /d/ is inserted between the //n// and the vowel.

The only pronominal prefixes of this type are 1Sgb (intr.) or 1Sg → ANAØ //ngan-// lInPlb or lInPl → ANAØb //nang-// and 2Sga or 2Sg → ANAØa //nung-// In general, other prefixes (and compound initials) do not result in insertion of /d/ by the present rule; instead, Velar-Insertion P-8 applies, inserting /ng/ or sometimes /g/ if the prefix ends in a stop or nasal.

We exemplify with verb stems //=abi-// 'to jump' and //=a:gi-// 'to return (intr.)'. Compare //nga=abi-ny///nga:='bi-ny/ 'I jumped' with //ngan=abi-ny///ngand=a:bi-ny/ 'I will jump', also /nand=a:bi-ny/ 'you and I will jump' and /nund=a: bi-ny/ 'you(Sg) jumped'. Compare also //nga=a:gi-ny///nga:=-'gi-ny/ 'I returned' with //ngan=a:gi-ny///ngand=a:gi-ny/ 'I will return' also /nand=a:gi-ny/ 'you and I will return' and /nund=a:gi-ny/ 'you returned'. With prefix /-ngaraG-/ one of the Multiple affixes, we get /wuru-ngara=gabi:-ni/ 'they all jumped' and /wuru-ngara=ga:gi:-ni/ 'they all returned', with Velar-Insertion P-8.

The same prefixes which induce insertion of /d/ in these forms have the same effect before /i/ and /u/ that they have before /a/ Thus //ngan=u-ma-na///ngand=u:-ma-na/ 'I will hit/kill it (ANAØ)' and //ngan=inygala-gi-'-ny///ngand=i:nygalagi-'-ny/ 'I will take a shortcut'.The exx. in the preceding paragraphs show that, in addition to inserting a /d/ the present rule also lengthens the following vowel (usually stem-initial, but also the initial vowel of a compound initial or derivational prefix if present).

(P-20)Pronominal d-Insertion
V(:)→ d-V: / n-___
where /n-/ is at the end of a pronominal prefix

We write the /d/ to the left of the morpheme boundary, but this is arbitrary (it avoids confusion about the identity of the stem).