The following 138 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

about   abs   accounting   actually   Age   all   am   an   and   April   article   asp   attack   attacks   au   ausstats   Austin   baillieu   Baillieu   Ballieu   believe   Bracks   Brumby   by   calculate   comfort   concerned   Crime   crime   decade   detail   devil   difficult   downloaded   during   each   either   events   Executive   fallen   Figure   flat   for   front   gov   growth   happened   happening   heavy   how   in   In   individual   just   know   less   lifting   likelihood   Media   mf   minute   more   Mr   No   no   nsf   Number   number   of   Oh   on   over   page   per   perhaps   personally   police   Police   population   prior   promise   question   rate   Rates   rather   re   read   really   Really   Refs   relevant   report   Report   response   retrievemedia   rn45   saddening   safe   safer   searching   Since   So   so   some   state   statistic   Statistics   Summary   than   Thankfully   that   The   the   theage   then   there   This   this   though   Time   time   to   too   total   trend   under   up   us   vic   victoria   Victorian   want   was   way   we   wide   would   Written  

Clear message

Written in response to a (front page) article in The Age.

It's about Crime Rates, not total Number

Crime up 40% under Bracks/Brumby? Really? ('Ballieu to promise more police', The Age 9 April 2010) Thankfully this time the devil is in the bold print, not the detail, Mr Austin. I'm actually not that concerned by the total number of crime events -- though each is saddening -- rather, I want to know how safe am I personally? This is a question of the likelihood of an attack per individual, not the total number of attacks happening state-wide. So the relevant statistic is crime per 100,000, not just the total number. So perhaps this was too difficult for Ballieu/Austin to calculate?

No, not really. After a minute's searching I downloaded the Victorian Police Crime Statistics report 2008/2009. In no less than the Executive Summary (p.1), and Figure 2 (p.6), we read that crime rate per 100,000 has fallen by over 25% during the Bracks/Brumby decade. So actually, after accounting for population growth, we're safer, not less so as Ballieu/Austin would have us believe.

Oh and by the way, there's no comfort here for Brumby either -- the heavy lifting on crime happened prior to 2004/2005. Since then, the trend is flat. Time for some more police after all?


Leviathan: sangus/CrimeRateNotTotal (last edited 2010-04-08 23:41:34 by sangus)