Attachment ''

File Name                                            Modified              Size
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solveit/get_tex.m                              2008-01-03 15:19:26         1798
solveit/int2strL.m                             2008-01-03 15:19:26          562
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solveit/solveit-a.foot                         2008-01-03 15:19:26           83
solveit/solveit-a.head                         2008-01-03 15:19:26         1554
solveit/solveit.foot                           2008-01-03 15:19:26           99
solveit/solveit.head                           2008-01-03 15:19:26         1638
solveit/solveit.m                              2008-01-03 15:39:06         1501
solveit/solve.tex                              2008-01-03 15:38:04       102099
solveit/solve.log                              2008-01-03 15:20:48        68291
solveit/solve.aux                              2008-01-03 15:20:48          672
solveit/solve.blg                              2008-01-03 15:20:46          930
solveit/solve.bbl                              2008-01-03 15:20:46            0
solveit/solve.pdf                              2008-01-03 15:20:50       283168
solveit/introduction.tex                       2008-01-03 15:20:20         1412
solveit/README                                 2008-01-03 15:25:20         1812
solveit/solve.dvi                              2008-01-03 15:20:48       185736
solveit/                               2008-01-03 15:20:48       619704
solveit/tmp.txt                                2008-01-03 15:31:36            0

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