A stochastic slip-link model with discrete numbers of Kuhn steps.
Department of Chemical Engineering, and Director, Center of Excellence in Polymer Science and Engineering
Doi and Edwards
originally used a slip-link picture to justify a certain stress tensor
expression in their tube model. We have instead been using the slip-link
picture to derive all dynamics and stresses in a thermodynamically consistent
way. Key to this novel development is the use of monomer density between
entanglements as a stochastic variable. The resulting model contains only a
single phenomenological parameter (a time constant), which is determined by
linear viscoelastic experiments (or possibly by molecular dynamics). All
nonlinear flow dynamics are then explained without adjusting parameters. This
approach offers a way to model systems that have been modeled by separate
equations, to date. So far, theoretical predictions for linear chains in a melt
have shown an ability to make accurate, quantitative predictions of transient
and steady shear flows, and of steady elongational flows. However, a
description of transient elongational melt, and steady elongational solution
predictions are off. Here we examine assumptions in our stochastic model by
considering a more fundamental description of dynamics, which avoids arbitrary
assumptions about the dynamics at the ends of the chains. We can then use this
more-fundamental model to re-examine elongational flows, and to study
star-branched relaxation dynamics. We argue that slip-links offer a way to
unify the description of linear and branched liquids, and lightly cross-linked