Dispersion mechanisms of carbon black in an elastomer under shear


Veronique Collin* et Edith Peuvrel Disdier

Ecole des Mines de Paris, Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux

UMR CNRS/Ecole des Mines de Paris 7635

BP 207, 06905 Sophia-Antipolis, France


* Present address: Lafarge Centre de Recherche, rue du Montmurier 95

BP 15, 38291 St Quentin Fallavier Cedex, France


Silica and carbon black are traditionally used as reinforcing filler in rubber applications (tires and technical rubber parts). These types of filler present a multiscale organisation. The filler is introduced as pellets (100 micrometer to the millimetre size) in the matrix. These pellets are agglomerates constituted by smaller entities which are aggregates, themselves resulting from the aggregation of elementary particles. During the mixing operation of the filler, the elastomer and other constituents (vulcanising agent, oil, antioxidant), the filler is dispersed in the matrix, that is its size is reduced down to the smallest attainable size (aggregate size), and spatially distributed in the matrix. A good dispersion and a good distribution of the filler in the matrix are a necessary condition for a reinforced material. Although mixing filler particles in a matrix is a common operation, the elementary mechanisms responsible for the size reduction of the filler are not fully understood. One way to optimise this state would be to be able to observe inside the mixer what happens, which is not possible. Rheo-optical techniques were recently shown as a good tool to investigate in-situ dispersion but in a simpler flow (shear).


In this work, we studied the elementary mechanisms of dispersion (rupture and erosion) of commercial carbon blacks in a SBR matrix using a transparent counter-rotating shear cell coupled to an optical microscope in order to observe in-situ during the shear the behaviour of a carbon black pellet suspended in a SBR matrix. The effect of hydrodynamic parameters (quantity of strain units, applied shear stress, pellet size) and intrinsic parameters of the carbon black (structure, specific area) was investigated. This study led to the determination of a critical condition for rupture and a mastercurve for erosion kinetics. The mechanisms of dispersion will be discussed.


This work was part of a project supported by the European Community in the framework of the Competitive and Sustainable Growth program. The authors wish to thank all the partners including Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH, Michelin, Snecma Propulsion Solide, Optigrade-TechPro, Polyflow, Cesame (U.C. Louvain) and T.U. Lodz for their collaboration in this project.