A Mesoscopicmodel For (De)Wetting


S. Merabia and I. Pagonabarraga

Departament de Fisica Fonamental, Universitat de Barcelona, Marti i Franqus 1

E 08028 Barcelona, Spain, Email: smerabia@gmail.com


We present a mesoscopic model for simulating the dynamics of a non-volatile liquid on a solid substrate. The wetting properties of the liquid can be tuned from complete wetting to total non wetting. The velocity boundary condition at the solid interface can be controlled so that either perfect stick or slip can be induced. This model opens thus the way to study the dynamics of drops and liquid thin films at mesoscopic lengths scales. As applications, we study the role of thermal fluctuations on the spreading of nanodroplets and the effect of slip on the morphology of dewetting thin films.