Simulation of macromolecules dynamics: an implicit solvent method


G. Giupponi, G. , De Fabritiis, P. Coveney

Centre for Computational Science, Department of Chemistry

University College London, 20 Gordon Street London WC1H 0AJ

United Kingdom May 14, 2006


When studying the dynamics of macromolecules, solvent molecules are responsible of the long range hydrodynamic interactions. Unfortunately, simulations of such systems which explicitily include solvent particles, even if coarse grained, are often computationally unaffordable. We use an implicit solvent method, in which an hydrodynamics solver replaces the solvent particles and is coupled to the macromolecular dynamics. In our model, fluctuating hydrodynamic equations are solved by a recently developed finite-volume method [1], which ensures thermodynamic consistency and readily allows variations of temperature and viscosity of the fluid. Following Alhrics and Dunweg [2], a Stokesian term is responsible for the coupling of the macromolecule to the fluid. In this paper, we present results of Zimm like dynamics for a polymer in good solvent and for the collapse of a polymer in poor solvent.



[1] G. De Fabritiis, R. Delgado-Buscaglioni, P.V. Coveney, Submitted (2006).

[2] P. Ahlrichs, B. Duenweg,J. Chem. Phys. 111 8225 (1999).