Micro-Macro Simulation of Viscoelastic Flows at High Weissenberg Number


Mohit Bajaja, Matteo Pasqualib and J. Ravi Prakasha

aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Monash University,

Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia,

bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, MS 362, Rice University,

Houston, TX 77005, USA


We present here a micro-macro approach based on combining the Brownian configuration fields (BCF) method (van den Brule et al, JNNFM 1997) with the Galerkin finite element method, to compute both a viscoelastic flow around a cylinder and a slot coating flow (free surface flow). A distinct advantage of the BCF method is its ability to treat models for which no exact closed-form constitutive equations exist, such as FENE dumbbells or models with hydrodynamic and excluded volume interactions.

Most of the studies in literature on viscoelastic flow around a cylinder are limited to the use of an Oldroyd-B constitutive equation, which is a poor constitutive model compared to other more sophisticated constitutive models such as FENE-P, FENE etc. Here, we show numerical results for different constitutive models with both linear and non-linear dumbbells using BCF. We are able to obtain solutions beyond the limiting Weissenberg numbers (Wi) typically encountered in macroscopic schemes. In particular, we show that the FENE and FENE-P models produce mesh converged results with relatively coarse meshes at high Wi number compared to the meshes used to solve an Oldroyd-B constitutive model.

Computations were also found to be stable at much higher Wi number using the BCF method for a slot coating flow. We observe that the slot coating flow behaviour of dilute polymer solutions is dramatically different from that of ultra-dilute solutions (studied previously by Pasquali and Scriven, JNNFM, 2002) in terms of the failure of flow computations at high Wi.