






Book Chapters

†Richardson, P.W., †Watt, H.M.G., & Tysvaer, N.M. (2007). What motivates people to change out of business-related careers into teaching? In M. Ozbilgin & A. Malach Pines (Eds.). Career choice in management and entrepreneurship - A research companion. Edward Elgar Press. (†Equal first authors) [pdf available here]

†Richardson, P.W.,†Watt, H.M.G., & Tysvaer, N.M. (2007). Profiles of beginning teachers’ professional engagement and career development aspirations (Ch 10, pp. 155-176).  In A. Berry, A. Clemans, & A. Kostogriz (Eds.), Changing perspectives on professional learning: Professionalism, identities and practice. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. (†Equal first authors). [pdf available here]

Richardson, P.W. (2004). Literacy, genre studies and pedagogy. In Wayne Sawyer and Eva Gold (Eds.) Re-viewing English in the 21st Century.  Melbourne: Phoenix Education, pp.119-127.

Richardson , P.W. (1998). Literacy, genre studies and pedagogy. In Wayne Sawyer, Ken Watson and Eva Gold (Ed.) Re-viewing English: Revisiting Developments in Secondary English Teaching, 1966-1996. Sydney : St Clair Press.

Freedman, A. & Richardson, P.W. (1998). Literacy and Genre. In Nancy Hornberger and David Corson (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Knowledge about Language, Chapter 17, Volume 6 (David Corson, Ed.). Kluwer Academic Press.

Richardson , P.W. (1995). ‘G.V. Brooke’, ‘Morton King’ and ‘Walter Montgomery’ In Philip Parsons (General editor) with Victoria Chance, Companion to Theatre in Australia, Currency Press / Cambridge University Press.

Richardson , P.W. (1994). ‘Language as personal resource and as social construct: competing views of literacy pedagogy in Australia .’ In Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway (Eds.), Genre in Education, NH: Boynton/Cook Heinemann, pp. 117-142.

Richardson , P.W. (1984). ‘Theatrical Treatment of Local Realities 1850 – 1914.’ In Harold Love (ed.) The Australian Stage: A Documentary History, New South Wales University Press, pp.67-75.

Richardson, P.W. ‘Drama Entries’ in Ken Watson & Wayne Sawyer (eds.) English Teaching from A toZ. St Clair Press, Sydney, 1983. Re-edited with Anthony Adams and reissued as English Teaching A to Z, Open University Press, 1988.

Richardson , P.W. (1981). ‘Midnite’ (by Randolph Stow) in Reading is Response – First Supplement edited by Ken Watson, St Clair Press, pp. 29-32.

Richardson , P.W. (1980). ‘Reading’ In Bob Walsh (Ed.) 101 Questions Primary Teachers Ask. Primary English Teaching Association, Rozelle, N.S.W, pp. 55-57.

Richardson , P.W. (1980). 'Hughie' (by David Martin) in Reading is Response edited by Ken Watson, St Clair Press, pp. 42-46 & 29-32.