Warning : these simple tips come from a hobbyist with no formal art/animation training or experience. Don't take them too seriously.

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Designed using a maximised window at 1024x768 screen resolution

Keyframe interpolation modes

Moho has a number of keyframe interpolation modes available - right-click on any keyframe marker in the animation palette (timeline) to set the mode for that keyframe.

The keyframes :

Position at start, frame 1 Swing up at frame 9 Position at end (copy of position at start), frame 18
legs swung in legs swung out and up legs swung in
animation timeline, aka animation palette

We're going to take these keyframes and change their interpolation, and view the effect it has on the resulting animation.

Note : In this small format and simple animation the differences may be a little subtle and difficult to see. I should really try and get some better examples.

Keyframe interpolation modes in Moho


Immediate transition from one keyframe to another
useful for e.g. camera cuts (i.e. layer movements)
step animation keyframe curve


Direct movement from one keyframe to the next, not allowing for any "cushioning" of the movement
useful for robotic or mechanical movement
linear animation keyframe curve

Smooth (default)

Movement somewhat "cushioned" between keyframes
Useful for smooth flowing movement between keyframes, good for "intermediate" keyframes
smooth animation keyframe curve

Ease In/Out

Movement "cushioned"
Useful for "extreme" keyframes, when changing the direction of movement
ease animation keyframe curve


Shuddery jerky movement between keyframes
Not quite as controlled as a manually animated "stagger", but useful in similar situations
noisy animation keyframe curve