Lambda Calculus - Edit Distance

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This first solution of the string edit distance problem follows directly from the mathematical definition. It can be seen that it involves ternary recursion and is therefore exponentially slow in terms of the length of the input strings.

let rec
length = lambda L. if null L then 0 else 1 + length tl L,
min    = lambda x. lambda y. if x < y then x else y,

A =


in let rec

Distance = lambda A. lambda B.
   if      null A then length B
   else if null B then length A
   let As = tl A, Bs = tl B
   in  if hd A = hd B then Distance As Bs
       else 1 + min (Distance As Bs)
               (min (Distance As B)
                    (Distance A Bs))

in Distance A B

{\fB Edit Distance,                                  \fP}
{\fB best case (A=B) O(|A|), worst case exponential. \fP}

The next version avoids doing repeated work by storing results in an "array" (actually list of lists) - the well-known dynamic programming algorithm (DPA). This reduces the time complexity to O(|A|*|B|) where the two strings are A and B.

let rec
  count  = lambda L. lambda B.
           if null B then nil
           else (1 + hd L) :: count tl L tl B,
  last = lambda L. if null tl L then hd L else last tl L,
  min  = lambda x. lambda y. if x < y then x else y,

A = 'a'::'c'::'g'::'t'::'a'::'c'::
    'g'::'t'::'a'::'c'::'g'::'t'::nil  {e.g.}
,B = 'a'::'g'::'c'::'t'::'a'::'c'::
     't'::'a'::'c'::'t'::'g'::'t'::nil {e.g.}

in let

Distance = lambda A. lambda B.
  let rec
    Rows = (0 :: count  hd Rows  B)  {the first row }
        :: EachRow A  hd Rows        {the other rows},

    EachRow = lambda A. lambda lastrow.
      if null A then nil
      let rec
        Ach = hd A,

        DoRow = lambda B. lambda NW. lambda W. {NW N}
          if null B then nil                   {W  .}
          let    N  = tl NW
          in let me = if Ach = hd B then hd NW
                      else 1 + min W (min hd N hd NW)
          in me :: DoRow tl B  tl NW  me,

        thisrow = (1 + hd lastrow)
               :: DoRow B lastrow  hd thisrow

      in thisrow :: EachRow tl A  thisrow

  in last (last Rows)

in Distance A B

{\fB Edit Distance, O(|A|*|B|) time and space. \fP}

The final edit distance program reduces the time complexity of O(n*D(A,B)) where the strings are of length ~n, and D(A,B) is the edit distance of A and B.

This program is fast if the strings are similar in which case the edit distance is small. It relies on lazy evaluation or `call by need' to get this speed up. For a full explanation, see:

L. Allison. Lazy dynamic programming can be eager. Information Processing Letters 43 p207-212, Sept. 1992 [HTML]

let rec
min    = lambda x. lambda y. if x < y then x else y,
length = lambda L. if null L then 0 else 1+length tl L,
last   = lambda L. if null tl L then hd L else last tl L,
index  = lambda n. lambda L.
         if n=1 then hd L else index (n-1) tl L,

acgt = lambda n.
  if n > 0 then 'a'::'c'::'g'::'t'::(acgt (n-4)) else nil,

mutate = lambda L. lambda mutn.
  let rec
    n = length L,
    step = if mutn=0 then 2*n+1 else n/mutn,
    ch = lambda L. lambda st. lambda mtype.
         if null L then nil
         else if st = 0 then
           if mtype=1 or mtype=3 then            {2:1:1}
              'x'::(ch  tl L  step (mtype+1))    {change}
           else if mtype=2 then (ch tl L step 3) {delete}
           else 'y'::(ch L step 1)               {insert}
         else (hd L)::(ch tl L (st-1) mtype)     {copy}
  in ch L (step/2) 1,

A = acgt 100     {e.g.}
,B = mutate A 4  {e.g.}

in let

Distance = lambda A. lambda B.
 let rec
  MainDiag = OneDiag A B  hd Uppers  (-1 :: hd Lowers),
  Uppers   = EachDiag A B (MainDiag::Uppers), {upper diags}
  Lowers   = EachDiag B A (MainDiag::Lowers), {lower diags}

  OneDiag = lambda A. lambda B.
            lambda diagAbove. lambda diagBelow.
   let rec
    DoDiag= lambda A. lambda B. lambda NW. lambda N. lambda W.
       if null A  or  null B then nil
       else                                   { NW N  }
       let me = if hd A = hd B then NW        { W  me }
{fast}          else 1+if hd W < NW then hd W else min hd N NW
{slow}        { else 1+min NW (min hd N  hd W) }

       in me::DoDiag  tl A  tl B  me  tl N  tl W, {along diag}
                          {hope these ^^^^  ^^^^not evaluated}

    thisdiag = (1+hd diagBelow)
           :: DoDiag A B  hd thisdiag  diagAbove  tl diagBelow

   in thisdiag,

  EachDiag =  lambda A. lambda B. lambda Diags.
    if null B then nil
    else (OneDiag A tl B hd tl tl Diags hd Diags) {one diag &}
       :: EachDiag A tl B tl Diags                {the others}

 in let LAB = (length A) - (length B)
 in last if      LAB=0 then MainDiag
         else if LAB > 0 then index   LAB  Lowers
         else   {LAB < 0}     index (-LAB) Uppers

in Distance A B

{\fB Edit-Distance, diagonal orientation. \fP

For the record, the last algorithm in Lazy ML

See: L. Allison. Lazy dynamic programming can be eager. Information Processing Letters 43 p207-212, Sept. 1992 [HTML]. (The algorithm is also available in [Haskell-98].)

takeDNA  ('>'.title) =
  let rec
    skipline 1 ('\n'.dna) = getDNA dna ||
    skipline N ('\n'.dna) = skipline (N-1) dna ||
    skipline N (a.b) = skipline N b

    getDNA (Ch.dna)&(mem Ch ['\n'; ' ']) = getDNA dna ||
    getDNA (Base.dna)&
              (mem Base ['a';'c';'g';'t';'A';'C';'G';'T'])
      = let Bases,rest = getDNA dna
        in  (Base.Bases),rest       ||
    getDNA x = [],x

  in  skipline 2 title


D A B =
  let rec
  MainDiag = OneDiag  A B (hd Uppers) ( -1 . (hd Lowers))

  Uppers   = EachDiag A B (MainDiag.Uppers)

  Lowers   = EachDiag B A (MainDiag.Lowers)

  OneDiag A B diagAbove diagBelow =
    let rec
      DoDiag [] B NW N W = [] ||
      DoDiag A [] NW N W = [] ||
      DoDiag (A.As) (B.Bs) NW N W =
        let me = if A=B then NW
                 else 1+min3 (hd W) NW (hd N)
        in  me.(DoDiag As Bs me (tl N) (tl W))

      firstelt = 1+(hd diagBelow)

      thisdiag =
        firstelt.(DoDiag A B firstelt diagAbove (tl diagBelow))

      in thisdiag

  min3 X Y Z =
    -- min X (min Y Z)           -- makes it O(|A|*|B|)
    if X < Y then X else min Y Z -- makes it O(|A|*D(A,B))

  EachDiag A [] Diags = [] ||
  EachDiag A (B.Bs) (LastDiag.Diags) =
    let NextDiag = hd(tl Diags)
    in  (OneDiag A Bs NextDiag LastDiag).(EachDiag A Bs Diags)

  LAB = (length A)-(length B)

  in last( if      LAB = 0 then MainDiag
           else if LAB > 0 then select   LAB  Lowers
           else                 select (-LAB) Uppers )

in let rec
    L = choplist takeDNA input
and A = hd L
and B = hd(tl L)

in  "D A[" @ (itos(length A))
  @ "] B[" @ (itos(length B)) @ "] = "
  @ (itos(
     D A B
  @ "\n"

-- O(|A|*D(A,B)) Edit Distance. 
Coding Ockham's Razor, L. Allison, Springer

A Practical Introduction to Denotational Semantics, L. Allison, CUP

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λ ...
:: list cons
nil the [ ] list
null  predicate
hd head (1st)
tl tail (rest)

© L. Allison   (or as otherwise indicated),
Faculty of Information Technology (Clayton), Monash University, Australia 3800 (6/'05 was School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Fac. Info. Tech., Monash University,
was Department of Computer Science, Fac. Comp. & Info. Tech., '89 was Department of Computer Science, Fac. Sci., '68-'71 was Department of Information Science, Fac. Sci.)
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