Models for machine learning and data mining in functional programming.

Lloyd Allison,
J. Functional Programming (JFP), 15(1), pp.15-32, doi:10.1017/S0956796804005301, January 2005 (online 23/7/2004)

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Abstract: The functional programming language Haskell and its type system are used to define and analyse the nature of some problems and tools in machine learning and data mining. Data types and type-classes for statistical models are developed that allow models to be manipulated in a precise, type-safe and flexible way. The statistical models considered include probability distributions, mixture models, function-models, time-series, and classification- and function-model-trees. The aim is to improve ways of designing and programming with models, not only of applying them.

Paper: [doi:10.1017/S0956796804005301][12/'04], online from 23 July 2004.
Also see [inductive inference (II)] and [ACSC2006].
Coding Ockham's Razor, L. Allison, Springer

A Practical Introduction to Denotational Semantics, L. Allison, CUP

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© L. Allison   (or as otherwise indicated),
Faculty of Information Technology (Clayton), Monash University, Australia 3800 (6/'05 was School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Fac. Info. Tech., Monash University,
was Department of Computer Science, Fac. Comp. & Info. Tech., '89 was Department of Computer Science, Fac. Sci., '68-'71 was Department of Information Science, Fac. Sci.)
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