[up], [1999]

Computer Controlled Car

The 'Computer Controlled Car' Honours Project, 1999, Tim Bruton.

[CCC.mp4], [CCC.mov] (15MB) – movie of the car driving around a course.

The car came from Kmart and the controller was modified so that it could be connected to a computer port. A cheap camera and transmitter, mounted on the car, sent the picture back to a receiver and an SGI desktop computer which analysed the scene and controlled the car. There was a lot of interference and electronic noise in the transmissions, the carpet is surprisingly shiny from an altitude of 10cm, and shadows came and went with passers by and the sun. But it worked, slowly. (Today you might strap a smart-phone directly to the car.)
Selected screen-shots (from the movie) of the car's-eye view:

t=2 seconds, driverless car t=0.02

t=7 seconds, autonomous vehicle model t=0.07

t=17 seconds, Monash University t=0.17

t=29 seconds, computer controlled car t=0.29

t=39 seconds, driverless car t=0.39

t=45 seconds, start of second lap t=0.45

t=47 seconds, driverless car t=0.47

t=56 seconds driverless car t=0.56

. . . etc. . . .

L. Allison.