Hoodoo Gurus Guitar Archive Stats

Period covered by these statistics: 7 days (03 Aug 1997 - 09 Aug 1997)

Total number of requests:           977
Number of unique requests:          127
Number of Mb sent:                  2.76
Number of bytes sent:               2,895,169
Number of unique hosts:             149
Average number of requests/day:     140
Average number of requests/hour:    8.57
Average number of requests/minute:  0.14

Changes since last summary period:
In total requests to this server:        -19%
In total bytes sent by this server:      -20%
In number of hosts accessing the server: -11%

Hosts accessing this server, ordered by number of accesses:

Top Ten Hosts:

Host Accessing the Server             : accesses : bytes transferred 
ppp3.heartland.ab.ca                  :       43 :           102,243
slgos1p64.ozemail.com.au              :       40 :            87,032
dialup178-3-14.swipnet.se             :       31 :            67,898                          :       29 :            69,055                        :       29 :            84,913
pool-151.ggu.edu                      :       28 :            57,097
proxy01.iafrica.com                   :       27 :            77,702
me-a01-pool-57.tmns.net.au            :       24 :            74,462
iccu9.ipswich.gil.com.au              :       24 :            64,247
client-111-28.bellatlantic.net        :       23 :            48,401

List of hosts accessing the server (more than 10 times).

Hosts accessing this server, by domain:

[Accesses by Location Graphic]

Domain                            : Number of Accesses : Percentage of total.
Australia                         :               456  :  46.7
Unresolved                        :               141  :  14.4
US Commercial                     :                91  :   9.3
Network                           :                67  :   6.9
Sweden                            :                58  :   5.9
All Others                        :               146  :  14.9

Note: Unresolved means IP numbers which do not resolve to hostnames.

List of all domains accessing the server.

Number of Accesses Per Day during this period:

03 Aug:  174
04 Aug:  113
05 Aug:  166
06 Aug:  103
07 Aug:  83 
08 Aug:  117
09 Aug:  221

Average Number of Accesses Per Hour of the Day:

[Average hourly accesses graphic]

Peak hour: Aug 09 2pm- 3pm: 76

[Text version]

Frequency of Items Requested:

Top Ten Items Accessed:                             : #accesses
/~lanks/hoodoos/                                             :             141
/~lanks/hoodoos/songlist.html                                :              55
/~lanks/hoodoos/electric/                                    :              32
/~lanks/hoodoos/stone/                                       :              25
/~lanks/hoodoos/recent.html                                  :              21
/~lanks/hoodoos/kinky/                                       :              18
/~lanks/hoodoos/mars/                                        :              18
/~lanks/hoodoos/blow/                                        :              18
/~lanks/hoodoos/stone/want.html                              :              17
/~lanks/hoodoos/crank/                                       :              17

All items accessed more than 5 times.

Guitar Archive main page

These usage statistics produced by pwebstats.

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