Judgement Day

Brad Shepherd/Dave Faulkner

Sinners are you ready?
For the judgement day is nigh.
Lift your eyes to heaven
As the storm clouds fill the sky.
It will all be over in the batting of an eye,
Better kiss the sweet life goodbye.

You can't draw fresh water 
from a well that's almost dry.
Hope may spring eternal
But there's none for you and I.
There will be no sorrow,
There'll be no reason to cry
As we kiss this sweet life goodbye,
and we remember how it feels to die.

Everybody wants you to be happy,
Everybody hopes you're feeling good,
So good.
And you should.
Yes you should.

Sinners are you ready?
for the judgement day is nigh.

Copyright EMI Music Publishing; reprinted with kind permission.

Guitar tab version

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Last updated Friday, August 29, 1997