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Same re-start file (from 10-year spin-up with ISLSCP data)
End of July 87
Only difference is one uses ISLSCP-1 forcing and the other uses ECMWF uncorrected forcing
Annual Mean 1982 (Eni Njoku, JPL Pasadena)
Daytime @ noon local time
Indicative of AMSR – due for orbit Dec 2000
Purple and Dark blue area are where we won’t get soil moisture
Compare with Randy Koster’s soil moisture map
Temporal variation of snow depth in the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) ETA model. a) Snow depth at time 3Z on 3/15/99; b) snow depth at time 0Z on 3/16/99; c) snow depth at 3Z on 3/16/99; and d) snow depth at -107.5 longitude and 40.0 latitude from 15Z on 3/14/99 to 12Z on 3/18/99. Note, for example, the disappearance and reappearance of snow over Wyoming/South Dakota and fluctuation of snow line through Montana/North Dakota.