There are four steps to assimilate SWE observation at a given time step:
(1) Forecasting step: the SWE states evolve nonlinearly  according to model
dynamics; its covariances are propagated linearly with time.
(2) Updating step: the SWE of each layer is updated using the Kalman filter
(3) Analysis step: Snow depth and heat content are calculated using SWE,
snow density and snow temperature. When the model predicts no snow and
the updated SWE being non-zero, snow density is 150 km/g3 and the air
temperature at 2 m  is assigned to snow temperature. Otherwise, snow
density and temperature predicted by model are used.
(4) Repartition step: At this step, the total snow depth is evaluated and the
thickness of each layer is reassigned to ensure a layer 1 thickness of 5 cm.
The SWE and heat content are calculated accordingly.