!--------------------------- Windows 16 colour palette (RGB colour values) black = 0 0 0 navy = 0 0 127 green = 0 127 0 teal = 0 127 127 maroon = 127 0 0 purple = 127 0 127 olive = 127 127 0 grey = 127 127 127 lightgrey = 191 191 191 blue = 0 0 255 lime = 0 255 0 aqua = 0 255 255 red = 255 0 0 fuchsia = 255 0 255 yellow = 255 255 0 white = 255 255 255 !--------------------------- Windows 16 colour palette (Palette indices) igrey = 0 inavy = 1 igreen = 2 iteal = 3 ired = 4 ipurple = 5 imaroon = 6 iwhite = 7 ilightgrey = 8 iaqua = 9 ilime = 10 iblue = 11 iolive = 12 ifuchsia = 13 iyellow = 14 iblack = 15 !--------------------------- ... two of those are known under different names outside the Windows world. cyan = 0 255 255 magenta = 255 0 255 !--------------------------- Some other common colours brown = 165 42 42 beige = 245 245 220 gold = 255 215 0 pink = 255 192 203 violet = 238 130 238 orange = 255 165 0 !--------------------------- A grey wedge in 10% increments grey0 = 0 0 0 grey10 = 26 26 26 grey20 = 51 51 51 grey30 = 77 77 77 grey40 = 102 102 102 grey50 = 127 127 127 grey60 = 153 153 153 grey70 = 179 179 179 grey80 = 204 204 204 grey90 = 229 229 229 grey100 = 255 255 255 !--------------------------- Some more 'exotic' colours from the X11 palette ivory = 255 255 240 azure = 240 255 255 lavender = 230 230 250 dimgrey = 105 105 105 slategrey = 112 128 144 midnight = 25 25 112 cornflower = 100 149 237 mediumblue = 0 0 205 royalblue = 65 105 225 skyblue = 135 206 235 steelblue = 70 130 180 lightblue = 173 216 230 turquoise = 64 224 208 aquamarine = 127 255 212 darkgreen = 0 100 0 seagreen = 46 139 87 palegreen = 152 251 152 lawngreen = 124 252 0 greenyellow = 173 255 47 yellowgreen = 154 205 50 forestgreen = 34 139 34 darkkhaki = 189 183 107 khaki = 240 230 140 lightyellow = 255 255 224 darkgold = 184 134 11 indianred = 205 92 92 saddlebrown = 139 69 19 sienna = 160 82 45 wheat = 245 222 179 sandybrown = 244 164 96 tan = 210 180 140 chocolate = 210 105 30 firebrick = 178 34 34 salmon = 250 128 114 coral = 255 127 80 tomato = 255 99 71 orangered = 255 69 0 hotpink = 255 105 180 plum = 221 160 221 orchid = 218 112 214 thistle = 216 191 216 !--------------------------- LAS 1.1 Class IDs unclassified = 0 undetermined = 1 ground = 2 vegetation_low = 3 vegetation_medium= 4 vegetation_high = 5 building = 6 noise = 7 key_point = 8 water = 9 overlap = 12 !--------------------------- time offsets daybefore = 86400 !--------------------------- filter matrices fillgaps = 1 1 1;1 0 1;1 1 1 !--- low pass gauss3 = 1 2 1;2 4 2;1 2 1 average3 = 1 1 1;1 1 1;1 1 1 average3+ = 0 1 0;1 1 1;0 1 0 average3x = 1 0 1;0 1 0;1 0 1 lowpass1 = 1 1 1;1 2 1;1 1 1 lowpass2 = 1 1 1;1 4 1;1 1 1 lowpass3 = 1 1 1;1 8 1;1 1 1 average5 = 1 1 1 1 1;1 1 1 1 1;1 1 1 1 1 !--- high pass meanremoval3 = -1 -1 -1;-1 9 -1;-1 -1 -1 highpass1 = 0 -1 0;-1 5 -1; 0 -1 0 highpass2 = 1 -2 1;-2 5 -2; 1 -2 1 highpass3 = 0 -1 0;-1 20 -1; 0 -1 0 !--- first order derivatives robertsrow = -1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 0 ! robertscol = 0 0 -1; 0 1 0; 0 0 0 ! prewittrow = 1 0 -1; 1 0 -1; 1 0 -1 ! prewittcol = -1 -1 -1; 0 0 0; 1 1 1 ! sobelrow = 1 0 -1; 2 0 -2; 1 0 -1 ! sobelcol = -1 -2 -1; 0 0 0; 1 2 1 ! freichenrow = 1 0 -1;1.414213562 0 -1.414213562;1 0 -1 ! freichencol = -1 -1.414213562 -1;0 0 0;1 1.414213562 1 !