M4111: The Sun (2011 version)
The notes you need are available here, including problem sheets etc.
There are some very useful movies illustrating most phases of astellar evolution, on my webpage here.
Pencasts!!! What fun!
Get the "livescribe desktop" application to import these files
Exercise Sheets
- Sheet 1: Analytic problems, pdf.
- Sheet 2: Hydrogen and Helium burning, tgz file with code and ASP3012 sheet and solutions. You are expected to be MASTERS of using this code!
- Sheet 3: Window to the Stars: Here is the ASP3012 exercise sheet and solutions together in a tgz file. See Trent about getting the code installed on your PC, or usae the Maths machines which already have it installed.
- Asst 1: The Evolution of the Sun pdf