Ms. Ann Guns
Faculty of Education, Bldg 6
Monash University, Clayton Campus
Melbourne VIC 3800 AUSTRALIA
Email: ann.guns@monash.edu
Office Tel: +613 9905 2879
Prior Qualifications
BA Education (mathematics, history, PAV)
Master in Instructional and Educational Sciences
Antwerp, Belgium
In 2002 I completed a Professional Bachelor in Education, this for the teaching streams mathematics, history and PAV (Project work in vocational education). As part of this study I went to Zambia to do my final placement. I had the possibility to observe the different school systems in Zambia and teach in both public and private schools. Besides organising training for local Zambian teachers, I also facilitated workshops for local teachers to produce and create effective teaching and learning materials. After graduating I have worked as a secondary school teacher in Belgium for 8 years and had a leadership role in implementing a vocational educational program at the school. Although I loved teaching, I decided to start my Masters in Instructional and Educational Sciences in 2007, so I could enlarge my curriculum. In October 2010 I came to Australia and finished my Masters at Monash University by writing my thesis supervised by Assoc. Prof. Helen Watt and Assoc Prof Paul Richardson. Because the Australian life was very appealing to me, I decided to stay and started working at Monash University. In January 2012, I started my PhD at Monash University.
Research Interests
PhD Topic: University and career experiences among Business majors in Australia: comparing domestic and international perspectives
Other research interests include:
- Motivation of teachers
- Beginning teacher careers
- Wellbeing of teachers
Future Plans
I hope to further develop my research skills through my role as PhD candidate and Research Assistant at different projects.
- Guns, A. (2011). Changes in motivations and perceptions of teachers: Lessons from FIT-Choice data. Unpublished Masters thesis, University of Antwerp, Belgium [Supervisors: Prof. Dr. D. Gijbels, Prof. Dr. S. De Maeyer] & Monash University, Australia [Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Helen Watt and Assoc Prof Paul Richardson]. High Distinction.
- De Bruyn, K., & Guns, A. (2002). De verschillen tussen onderwijs in ontwikkelingslanden en westerse landen, case study: Zambia vs. Belgie [Differences between education in developing and Western countries, case study: Zambia vs. Belgium]. Unpublished Bachelor of Education thesis, Karel de Grote College, Antwerp, Belgium [Supervised by B. Michielsen and L. Vandael]. High Distinction.
Book Chapters
- Guns, A., Van Laer, S., & Gijbels, D. (2011). Richtlijnen voor het ontwikkelen van een
beginassessment. [Guidelines for developing a beginning assessment]. In D. Gijbels & G. Speltincx (Eds.), Beginassessments [Beginning Assessments]. (pp. 23-42). Antwerp: Garant.
- Van Laer, S., Guns, A., Van den Bossche, P., Cascallar, E., & Gijbels, D. (2011). Analyseren en optimaliseren van een beginassessment. [Analysing and optimizing a beginning assessement]. In D. Gijbels & G Speltincx (Eds.), Beginassessments [Beginning Assessments]. (pp. 43-57). Antwerp: Garant.
Fully Refereed Conference Papers
- Guns, A., Richardson, P. W., & Watt, H. M. G. (2012). How do life goals and motivations of international students studying in Australia impact their achievement outcomes?. Paper presented in symposium ‘Teachers in a brave new world: Internationalisation, Professionalism and Social Emotional Learning’ (Discussant Philip Riley) Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Sydney, 2-6 December.
- Guns, A., Watt, H. M. G, & Richardson, P. W. (2011, November). The influence of preservice teachers’ motivations and perceptions on career trajectories. Paper presented in symposium ‘Contemporary professional issues for teachers in the 21st Century’(Discussant Paul W. Richardson) at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Hobart, November 27 - December 1, 2011.
Proposals Refereed Conference Papers
Guns, A. (2012). South-East Asian international students preparing for a Business study in Australia. Australian International Education Conference (AIEC), Melbourne, 2-5 October.
- Guns, A., Richardson, P. W., & Watt, H. M. G. (2011, November). Experiences of transition and academic engagement among Asian International business students in Australia. Paper presented in symposium ‘Measuring motivations and motivation-related trajectories among Australian and International students in Australia’ (Discussant: Mary Ainley) at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Hobart, November 27 - December 1, 2011.
- Guns, A., Watt, H. M. G., & Richardson, P. W. (2011, July). Do early motivations and perceptions make a difference for beginning teachers’ career trajectories? Paper presented at the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA) Biennial Conference, Dunedin NZ, July 4-6, 2011.
- Richardson, P. W., Guns, A., & Watt, H. M. G. (2011, July). How does transition happen for South-East Asian international students in Australia? Paper presented at the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA) Biennial Conference, Dunedin NZ, July 4-6, 2011.
Commissioned Reports
- Richardson, P.W., Watt, H.M.G., & Guns, A. (December, 2011). Tertiary Pathways Project. Cultural, Social and Intellectual Factors and Outcomes for Monash College Pty Ltd.
- Richardson, P.W., Watt, H.M.G., & Guns, A. (May, 2011). Tertiary Pathways Project. Cultural, Social and Intellectual Factors and Outcomes for Monash College Pty Ltd.
- Richardson, P.W., Watt, H.M.G., & Guns, A. (October, 2011). Tertiary Pathways Project. Cultural, Social and Intellectual Factors and Outcomes for Monash College Pty Ltd.
Grants and Awards
- AARE [ left inset: Award presentation with Dr Jennifer Archer, SIG Convenor]