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Watt, H.M.G & Richardson, P.W. (Nov., 2011). "FIT" to Teach: Sustaining a healthy workforce. Victorian Institute of Teachers Twilight Seminar, Melbourne, Nov. 24, 2011 [weblink].
Watt, H.M.G. (June, 2010). Girls and Maths: Why do gender differences persist in educational and occupational outcomes? Invited Keynote presented at Insights: A National Conference on Girls' Education, Melbourne, June 16-18, 2010 [weblink].
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (August, 2009). Motivations for teaching and their relationships with professional engagement types: An expectancy-value perspective. Invited paper presented in Motivation SIG Keynote Symposium (Discussant - Tim Urdan). Paper presented at the EARLI Biennial Conference, Amsterdam, August 25-29, 2009.
Watt, H.M.G. (March, 2007). Gender differences in educational and occupational outcomes: The influences of self-concepts and task values through adolescence. Invited Keynote presented at the VHTO [Vrouwen in Hogere Technische Opleidingen / Women in Higher Technical Education] Conference: 'More Girls in STEM: What secondary education can do?', Maarssen, Amsterdam, March 8, 2007.
Watt, H. M. G. & Richardson, P. W. (Aug., 2011). Teachers’ profiles of professional engagement and career development in Australia and the U.S. Invited paper in EARLI Symposium “Beliefs About Being a Teacher: Motives for teaching and what it means to be a teacher”. EARLI Biennial Conference, Exeter, Aug 29 - Sept 3 2011.
Watt, H. M. G. (Aug., 2011). Symposium Organiser and Chair: Teaching Motivations in Different Countries: Comparisons using the FIT-Choice scale. EARLI Biennial Conference, Exeter, 29 Aug - 3 Sept 2011.
Watt, H. M. G. (Aug., 2011). Symposium Discussant: Teacher goals: Theory development and future research. EARLI Biennial Conference, Exeter, 29 Aug - 3 Sept 2011.
Watt, H. M. G. & Richardson, P. W. (Apr., 2011). Motivational antecedents of early career teachers' emotional health and teaching behaviours. Paper presented in Symposium titled "Exploring the motivational and emotional nexus of teaching" at the AERA Conference, New Orleans, April 8-12, 2011.
Richardson, P. W. & Watt, H. M. G. (Apr., 2011). Possibilities of Possible Selves theory for teachers: Implications for beginning teachers' psychological wellbeing, work engagement, and teaching style. Paper presented in Symposium "Teacher motivation: Why does it matter?" at the AERA Conference, New Orleans, April 8-12, 2011.
Watt, H. M. G. (Mar., 2011). Emerging adults' intentions for mathematics-related careers: A gendered motivational analysis in Australia. Paper presented in Symposium titled "Occupational aspirations, values and choices: An international perspective" at the biennial SRCD Conference, Montreal, Mar 31 - Apr 2, 2011.
Watt, H. M. G. (Dec., 2010). Multidimensional measurement of student engagement in context and over time. Paper presented in ML-SIG & AM-SIG Invitational Panel "Scientific approaches to measuring student engagement" at the AARE Conference, Melbourne, Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2010.
Watt, H. M. G. & Richardson, P. W. (Dec., 2010). Changing motivations, self-efficacies, career satisfaction and planned persistence for different types of teachers through the first 5 years of teaching. Paper presented at the AARE Conference, Melbourne, Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2010.
Watt, H. M. G. & Richardson, P. W. (Sept., 2010). Do teaching motivations change following early career teaching experiences? Stability and change for different “types” of beginning teachers. Paper presented at the ICM Conference, Porto, Sept. 2-4, 2010.
Riley, P., Watt, H.M.G., & Richardson, P.W. (April, 2010). Classroom relationships strained by teachers’ aggressive student management techniques. Paper presented at the ICIRE Conference, Boulder, April 28-29, 2010.
De Alwis, N., Watt, H.M.G., & Richardson, P.W. (July, 2010). Personal and environmental variables that predict burnout and persistence among early career teachers. Paper presented in Symposium titled “Teacher identity development”. [mentored presentation] at the ICAP Conference, Melbourne, July 11-16, 2010.
Watt, H.M.G. (July, 2010). An Expectancy-Value approach to the study of teacher motivations. Paper presented in Symposium titled “Teacher Motivations: Extending the Big Theories” at the ICAP Conference, Melbourne, July 11-16, 2010.
Riley, P., Watt, H.M.G., & Richardson, P.W. (April, 2010). Classroom relationships strained by teachers’ aggressive student management techniques. Paper presented at the ICIRE Conference, Boulder, April 28-29, 2010.
Watt, H. M. G. & Richardson, P. W. (April, 2010). When the rubber hits the road: Changing motivations for teacher subtypes in the first five years of teaching. Paper presented in Symposium titled “Teacher motivation: Applying motivational theories using international samples and diverse methodological approaches” at the AERA Conference, Denver, April 30 - May 4, 2010.
Watt, H. M. G. & Richardson, P. W. (April, 2010). Different Types of Beginning Teachers: One size does not fit all. Invited paper presented in AARE Presidential Session titled “New Frontiers in Australian Teacher Education Research” at the AERA Conference, Denver, April 30 - May 4, 2010.
Watt, H. M. G. (March, 2010). The mediating role of motivations in gender-typed educational choices. Paper presented in Symposium titled "Factors associated with academic and vocational success in youth and young adults from Germany, Australia, Canada and the U.S." at the SRA Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, March 11-13, 2010.
Watt, H. M. G. (Dec., 2009).The Big Theories - Making a real difference to advancing research and practice - Expectancy-value theory. Invited ML-SIG Keynote Panelist at the AARE Conference, Camberra, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, 2009.
Watt, H. M. G. (Dec., 2009). Motivations underpinning teaching career choice. Paper presented in Symposium titled "Beginning teachers' career motivations" at the AARE Conference, Canberra, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, 2009.
Ku, W. S. & Watt, H. M. G. (Dec., 2009). Effects of gender and gender role orientation on high school students’ teaching perceptions and aspirations in Hong Kong. Paper presented in Symposium titled "Beginning teachers' career motivations" at the AARE Conference, Canberra, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, 2009.
Quin, K. & Watt, H. M. G. (Dec., 2009). The influence of personality traits on the choice of teaching as a career. Paper presented in Symposium titled "Beginning teachers' personalities and identity development" at the AARE Conference, Canberra, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, 2009.
Watt, H.M.G. (August, 2009). Boys and girls, interest and ability beliefs, maths and English: A longitudinal Australian study. Paper presented in symposium 'Developmental trajectories within and across domains: Consideration of gender, interest, and beliefs' (Discussant - Suzanne Hidi). Paper presented at the EARLI Biennial Conference, Amsterdam, August 25-29, 2009.
Watt, H.M.G. (August, 2009). Discussant, for symposium 'Motivation and learning as transactions among teachers and students'. Paper presented at the EARLI Biennial Conference, Amsterdam, August 25-29, 2009.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (August, 2009). Motivations for teaching and their relationships with professional engagement types: An expectancy-value perspective. Invited paper presented in Motivation SIG Keynote Symposium (Discussant - Tim Urdan). Paper presented at the EARLI Biennial Conference, Amsterdam, August 25-29, 2009.
Watt, H.M.G. (April, 2009). An expectancy-value approach to teacher motivation: Why choose teaching? Paper presented in symposium 'Motivation for teaching: Utilising diverse motivational theories' (Discussant - Avi Kaplan). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Diego, April 13-17, 2009.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (March, 2008). Motivations, perceptions, and aspirations concerning teaching as a career for different types of beginning teachers. Paper presented in Symposium 'Improving teacher quality: What promising insights can be learned from developmental and psychological science?' Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, New York, March 24-28, 2008.
Watt, H.M.G., Richardson, P.W., & Pietsch, J. (July, 2007). Choosing to teach in the "STEM" disciplines: Characteristics and motivations of Science, ICT, and Mathematics teachers. Paper presented at the MERGA [Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia] Annual Meeting, Hobart, July 2-6, 2007. [pdf available]
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (July, 2007). How perceived professional "demands" and "rewards" shape beginning teachers' career engagement and aspirations. Paper presented at the AHDA Biennial Conference, Sydney, July 5-8, 2007.
Watt, H.M.G. (March, 2007). Australian adolescents' aspired senior high math enrollments: Trajectories, explanations, and consequences. Paper presented in Symposium 'Modeling adolescent educational and career aspirations: Perspectives from Canada, Finland, and Australia' (Discussant – Tamera Murdock). Paper presented at the SRCD Biennial Conference, Boston, March 29 - April 1, 2007.
Watt, H.M.G., Richardson, P.W., & Gilbert, M. (April, 2007). Motivations for beginning, aspiring to, or rejecting teaching careers from late adolescence through early adulthood. Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, April 9-13, 2007.
Watt, H.M.G., Richardson, P.W., & Tysvaer, N. (April, 2007). Profiles of beginning teachers’ professional engagement and career development aspirations. Paper presented in Symposium 'Beliefs and emotions about becoming and being a teacher' (Discussant – Reinhard Pekrun). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, April 9-13, 2007.
Nagy, G., Watt, H.M.G., Trautwein, U., Lüdtke, O., Eccles, J., & Baumert, J. (July, 2006). The development of students’ mathematics self-concept in relation to gender: Different countries, different trajectories? Paper presented at the 4th International Biennial SELF Research Conference, Ann Arbor MI, 23-27 July 2006.
Watt, H.M.G. (July, 2006). The ontogeny of task values and self-perceptions across domains as a function of context and gender: Perspectives from NSW Australia. Paper presented in Symposium 'Contextual explanations for the development of interests and self-concepts from preadolescence through early adulthood' (Discussant - Adrian Beavis). Paper presented at the ISSBD Biennial Conference, Melbourne, July 2-6, 2006.
Watt, H.M.G. (April, 2006). Change in teacher efficacy beliefs and student self-, task- & value-related maths motivations during the junior high transition. Paper presented in Symposium ‘Comparative Statistical Models for Understanding the Impact of Teacher Efficacy on Student Motivation over Time’ (Discussant – Jacquelynne Eccles). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Francisco, April 8-12, 2006.
Watt, H.M.G., Richardson, P.W., & Moje, E.B. (April, 2006). More than reading books: Examining the range of adolescent literacy and relationships to academic and social well-being. Paper presented in Symposium 'Youth Literacy Motivations, Practices, and Achievement Across Time, Space, and Communities' (Discussant - David G. O'Brien). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Francisco, April 8-12, 2006.
Moje, E.B., Watt, H.M.G., & Tysvaer, N. (April, 2006). Understanding youth as whole beings: An examination of the place of literacy in relation to other activities and identities. Paper presented in Symposium 'Youth Literacy Motivations, Practices, and Achievement Across Time, Space, and Communities' (Discussant - David G. O'Brien). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Francisco, April 8-12, 2006.
* Hawkins, C.C., Watt, H.M.G., & Sinclair, K.E. (April, 2006). Perfectionism: Clarification of multidimensionality and perfectionist typology using the 'Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale'. Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Francisco, April 8-12, 2006 .
Watt, H.M.G. (March, 2006). Emerging adults' intentions for math-related careers: A gendered motivational analysis. Paper presented in Symposium 'Motivations influencing young adults' participation in math and science careers: Perspectives from Canada, Australia and the USA' (Discussant - Frederic Guay). Paper presented at the SRA Biennial Conference, San Francisco, March 23-26, 2006.
† Watt, H.M.G., Richardson, P.W., & Eccles, J.S. (September, 2005). Rewards of reading for pleasure: Relationships between voluntary reading and post-secondary educational participation for African American and European American males and females from early adolescence through emerging adulthood. Paper presented at the EERA Biennial Conference, Dublin, September 7-10, 2005.
Watt, H.M.G. (August, 2005). Developmental trajectories for intrinsic value and self-perceptions of talent: An Australian study with secondary school boys and girls in maths and English. Paper presented in Symposium 'The development of interest and self-concept in multiple domains: Results of large-scale longitudinal studies from the U.S., Australia, and Germany' (Discussant – Ulrich Schiefele). Paper presented at the EARLI Biennial Conference, Nicosia Cyprus, August 23-27, 2005.
Watt, H.M.G. (August, 2005). A new theoretical model for studying motivations for teaching: Theorisation and empirical evidence. Paper presented in Symposium 'Motivations for teaching: Perspectives from Israel, Germany, Australia, USA' (Discussant–Jürgen Baumert). Paper presented at the EARLI Biennial Conference, Nicosia Cyprus, August 23-27, 2005.
Watt, H.M.G. (April, 2005). Using latent growth modeling to model development with overlapping cohort-sequential designs: The ontogeny of boys’ and girls’ ability beliefs and values through adolescence. Paper presented in Symposium 'Growth models and their applications in educational and psychological research' (Discussants – Mark Davison & Michael Furr). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, Montreal, April 11-15, 2005.
Watt, H.M.G. (April, 2005). The ontogeny of values across domains as a function of context and gender: Perspectives from NSW Australia. Paper presented in Symposium 'Contextual influences on the development of interest and values in adolescence' (Discussant – Mary Ainley). Paper presented at the SRCD Biennial Conference, Atlanta, April 7-10, 2005.
Richardson, P.W. & Watt, H.M.G. (April, 2005). Switching Careers: Factors influencing career change into teaching in Australia. Paper presented at the annual conference for the Society for Research in Adult Development, Atlanta, Georgia April 6-7, 2005.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (September, 2004). Motivations for Becoming a Teacher. Paper presented at the ICM Biennial Conference, Lisbon Portugal, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. (September, 2004). Modelling grade contextual change for boys' and girls' self-beliefs and values across two academic domains through Australian grades 7 to 11. Paper presented at the ICM Biennial Conference, Lisbon Portugal, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. (July, 2004). Boys and English: Do boys 'disengage' from English through secondary school? Paper presented at the 3rd International Biennial SELF Research Conference, Berlin, 4-7 July 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (July, 2004). Self-concept of teaching ability and values for teaching: Definition, measurement and relative influences on the choice of teaching as a career. Paper presented at the 3rd International Biennial SELF Research Conference, Berlin, 4-7 July 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (2004, April). Why choose to teach? Motivations for entering the profession based on the ‘FIT-Choice’ Scale. Paper presented in Symposium 'Teacher induction: motivations for commencing, developing and succeeding in the teaching profession' (Discussant – Jian Wang). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Diego, April 12-16, 2004.
Richardson, P.W. & Watt, H.M.G. (2004, April). Graduate entry Into teaching: Motivations and beliefs for career change. Paper presented in Symposium 'Teacher induction: motivations for commencing, developing and succeeding in the teaching profession' (Discussant – Jian Wang). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Diego, April 12-16, 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. (2004, April). Adolescents’ engagement with English through Australian grades 7 to 11. Paper presented in Symposium 'Engagement in literacy over time, place and domain' (Discussant – Ilana Snyder). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Diego, April 12-16, 2004.
* Harvey, P., Sinclair, C., Dowson, M., & Watt, H.M.G. (2004, April). An investigation of the motivations of teachers to engage in postgraduate study based on the EMAPS Scale. Paper presented in Symposium 'Teacher induction: Motivations for commencing, developing and succeeding in the teaching profession' (Discussant – Jian Wang). Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Diego, April 12-16, 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (2004, April). A new model for exploring teaching as a feminized profession. Paper presented at the Gender Development Research Conference, San Francisco, April 23-24, 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. (2004, March). Are explanations for gendered career aspirations and senior high math enrolment domain specific? Paper presented in Symposium 'Math and science courses, grades and career goals: Longitudinal perspectives on the influence of gender and beliefs'. Paper presented at the SRA Biennial Conference, Baltimore, 11-14 March 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. (2004, March). How do boys’ and girls’ self-beliefs and values develop in math and English through Australian grades 7 to 11? Paper presented in Symposium 'Understanding the development of adolescents’ academic beliefs through school and beyond' (Discussant - Allan Wigfield). Paper presented at the SRA Biennial Conference, Baltimore, 11-14 March 2004.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (2003, September). Teaching as a gendered profession: The application of Expectancy-Value theory to understanding gendered motivations for teaching as a career choice. Paper presented at the EERA Annual Conference, Hamburg, 17-20 September 2003.
Richardson, P.W. & Watt, H.M.G. (2003, September). Rethinking research into the choice of teaching as a career: Application of a new theoretical approach. Paper presented at the EERA Annual Conference, Hamburg, 17-20 September 2003.
Watt, H.M.G. (2003, August). Explaining the gender imbalance in maths participation in Australia: Predicting senior high maths enrolments and maths-related career plans using longitudinal data. Paper presented at the EARLI 10th Biennial Conference, Padova Italy, August 26-30 2003.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (2003, August). Factors Influencing Teaching Choice: Development and validation of the ‘FIT-Choice’ Scale. Paper presented at the EARLI 10th Biennial Conference, Padova Italy, August 26-30 2003.
Richardson, P.W. & Watt, H.M.G. (2003, August). Teaching as a career change: An exploration of motives and influences. Paper presented at the EARLI 10th Biennial Conference, Padova Italy, August 26-30 2003.
Watt, H.M.G. (2003, April). Gender differentiated self, task and value perceptions in math throughout adolescence: Applying latent growth modeling to longitudinal data through Australian grades 7 to 11. AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, April 21-25 2003.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (2003, April). Motivational factors leading to teaching as a career choice: Development and validation of the FIT-Choice scale. AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, April 21-25 2003.
Richardson, P.W. & Watt, H.M.G. (2003, April). Career change into teaching: An investigation of influences, motives and aspirations. AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, April 21-25 2003.
Watt, H.M.G. (2003, April). Attitudinal predictors of gendered aspirations for maths-related careers and senior high enrolment: Australian longitudinal data. Paper presented in Symposium 'Antecedents of mathematics-related career paths and aspirations: perspectives from Australia, Canada and the USA' (Discussant - Prof Daniel P. Keating). Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Conference, Tampa, Florida, April 24-27, 2003.
Watt, H.M.G. (2003, April). Adolescent development of gendered academic motivation and perceived competence: Math and English Australian grades 7 to 11. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Conference, Tampa, Florida, April 24-27, 2003.
Watt, H.M.G. (2001, April). The nature and development of boys' and girls' self-perceptions and value judgements in math through grades 7 to 11 in Australia: An application of latent growth modelling. Paper presented in Session 'Gender, Identity and Socialization'. AERA Annual Conference, Seattle, April 10-14 2001. Awarded the Division C 'Learning and Instruction' Graduate Student Research Excellence Award: $US400 honorarium and plaque (Eric Reproduction Services ED 452 270).
Watt, H.M.G. (2001, April). Ability and value perceptions in math and English: Developmental trajectories for boys and girls in Australia grades 7 to 11. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, April 19-22 2001.
Watt, H.M.G. (1996, December). Students' gendered perceptions of talent in high school according to academic domain, and their effect on career aspirations. Paper presented at the Singapore ERA & AARE Joint Conference, Singapore, Nov 25-29, 1996 (Eric Reproduction Services ED 429 375). ISSN 1324-9339.
Richardson, P.W. & Watt, H.M.G. (2008, Dec.). Possible selves of beginning teachers: The origins of occupational choice and professional satisfaction. Paper presented in Keynote Symposium 'How can psychological theory inform research in teacher education?' AARE Annual Conference Papers, Brisbane, 30 Nov.-4 Dec.. ISSN 13249339.
Watt. H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (2008, Dec.). A new multidimensional measure of teaching self-efficacy: The SET Scale. Paper presented in Symposium 'Multiple dimensions and correlates of teacher self-efficacy' (Discussant - Ray Debus). AARE Annual Conference Papers, Brisbane, 30 Nov.-4 Dec.. ISSN 13249339.
Sharma, U., Watt, H.M.G., & Richardson, P.W. (2008, Dec.). Relationship between teacher self-efficacy in working with students with disabilities and their training in special education. Paper presented in Symposium 'Multiple dimensions and correlates of teacher self-efficacy (Discussant - Ray Debus)'. AARE Annual Conference Papers, Brisbane, 30 Nov.-4 Dec.. ISSN 13249339.
Morrison, F.J., Watt, H.M.G., & Richardson, P.W. (2008, Dec.). How do teachers' self-efficacy and instructional strategies for student engagement relate to students' reported engagement? Paper presented in Symposium 'Multiple dimensions and correlates of teacher self-efficacy' (Discussant - Ray Debus). AARE Annual Conference Papers, Brisbane, 30 Nov.-4 Dec.. ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G., & Richardson, P.W. (2007, Nov.). Motivations, perceptions, and aspirations concerning teaching as a career for different types of beginning teachers. Paper presented in Symposium ‘Teaching Choices – Careers, Confidence, Growth and Engagement’. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Paper ID WAT07029], Fremantle, Nov 25-29. ISSN 13249339.
Richardson, P.W., Watt, H.M.G., & Pietsch, J. (2007, Nov.). Who chooses to teach in the “STEM” disciplines and why? Paper presented in Symposium ‘Teaching Choices – Careers, Confidence, Growth and Engagement’. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Paper ID RIC07346], Fremantle, Nov 25-29. ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. (Nov, 2006). The “FIT-Choice” Project: A large-scale and longitudinal study of beginning teachers’ motivations and professional commitment. Paper presented in Symposium ‘The “crisis” of teacher shortages in Australia : What do large-scale and longitudinal research programs tell us?’ (Discussant – Toni Downes). AARE Annual Conference Papers [Paper ID WAT06256], Adelaide, 27-30 Nov 2006. ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. (2004, Dec). Development of Adolescents' Self Perceptions, Values and Task Perceptions According to Gender and Domain through Australian Grades 7 to 11. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Paper ID WAT04298], Melbourne, 28 Nov - 2 Dec 2004. ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P.W. (2004, Dec). Development and application of a new theoretical framework to assess motivations for entering the teaching profession across three universities. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Paper ID WAT04301], Melbourne, 28 Nov - 2 Dec 2004. ISSN 13249339.
* Hawkins, C.C., Watt, H.M.G., & Sinclair, K.E. (2004, Dec). Psychometric properties of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale for Australian adolescent girls: Clarification of multidimensionality and perfectionist typologies. AARE Annual Conference Papers, Melbourne, 28 Nov - 2 Dec 2004. ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. (2002, Dec). A qualitative investigation of perceived influences shaping adolescents’ plans to pursue (or not pursue) maths-related careers. Paper presented in Symposium ‘Motivation, learning and participation’ (Discussant - Mary Ainley) AARE Annual Conference Papers [Paper ID WAT02306] Brisbane, Dec 1-5.
Richardson, P. & Watt, H.M.G. (2002, Dec). A survey investigation of influences and choices in attracting graduates into teaching. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Paper ID RIC02556], Brisbane, Dec 1-5.
* Anastasiou, P. & Watt, H.M.G. (2002, Dec). Motives for choosing to become a teacher, and for choosing Sydney University for the BEd Degree. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Paper ID ANA02659], Brisbane, Dec 1-5. ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. (2002, Oct). Students' engagement with and values related to maths through secondary school: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the invitational conference on values in maths and science education, Monash University, Oct 2-5.
* Cocks, R.J. & Watt, H.M.G. (2001, Dec). Self-perceptions of academic competence: how they develop and how they relate to the intrinsic motivation for learning in English and Mathematics in Year 6 students. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Online- Paper ID COC01033]. Fremantle Perth, Dec 2-6 ISSN 13249339.
* Hawkins, C.C., Watt, H.M.G., & Sinclair, K. (2001, Dec). The promises and pitfalls of perfectionistic behaviour in Australian adolescent girls. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Online- Paper ID HAW01757]. Fremantle Perth, Dec 2-6 ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. (2001, July). Self-, task- and value perceptions in math: Definition and relative prediction of academic choices in math participation through Australian grades 9 to 11. Paper presented in Symposium 'Structure and functionality of self-perceptions: Theoretical and empirical definition and relative predictive utility in early and middle adolescence in Australia' (Discussant - John Hattie). Australasian Human Development Association [AHDA] Biennial Conference, Brisbane, July 2-4.
Watt, H.M.G. (2001, July). The nature and development of boys' and girls' self-perceptions and value judgements in English through grades 7 to 11: An application of latent growth modelling. Poster presented at the Australasian Human Development Association [AHDA] Biennial Conference, Brisbane, July 2-4 2001.
Watt, H.M.G. (2000, Dec). Exploring perceived personal and social gender stereotypes of maths with secondary students: An explanation for continued gender differences in participation? AARE Annual Conference Papers [Online- Paper ID WAT00302] Syd Dec 4-7 (Eric Reproduction Services ED449096) ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. (1998, Dec). What makes high-school girls think they are talented (or not talented) at maths? A qualitative examination of intra- and extra-personal influences and performance bases. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Online- Paper ID WAT98021]. Adelaide, Dec 1-4 1998 ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. (1997, Dec). Changes in student beliefs and perceived social context in relation to maths across the first year of high school. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Online - Paper ID WATTH97293]. Brisbane, Dec 1-4. ISSN 13249339.
Hayes, A., Sidhu, K., & Watt, H. (1997, July). Parental employment and care roles: Attitudes of early childhood professionals in training. Paper presented at the Xth Australasian Human Development Conference, University of Adelaide, Australia.
Watt, H.M.G. (1995, Dec). Parental influences on students' perceptions of talent in relation to high school mathematics: Effects on mathematics participation. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Online - Paper ID watth.332]. Hobart, Nov 26-30,. ISSN 13249339.
Watt, H.M.G. & Bornholt, L.J. (1994, Dec). Predictors of female participation in HSC mathematics and mathematics-related careers. AARE Annual Conference Papers [Online- Paper ID watth94.086]. Newcastle Nov 27-Dec 1. ISSN 13249339.