The 5th International Combinatorics Conference (5ICC) will be held at Monash University in Melbourne on 4-9 December 2017. The ICC is held approximately every 10 years, and incorporates the annual ACCMCC meeting of the Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia.


Download the programme and abstracts of talks.

Invited speakers

Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton University) 4-Coloring graphs with no induced 6-vertex path
Charlie Colbourn (Arizona State University) Asymptotic and constructive bounds for hash families
Marston Conder (University of Auckland) Cayley graphs revisited
David Eppstein (University of California, Irvine) Forbidden configurations in discrete geometry
Joanna Fawcett (Imperial College London) Homogeneity in graphs and partial linear spaces
Jacob Fox (Stanford University) Arithmetic regularity, removal, and progressions
Daniela Kühn (Birmingham University) Hypergraph F-designs exist for arbitrary F
Barbara Maenhaut (University of Queensland) 50 years of the Oberwolfach problem
Brendan McKay (Australian National University) Counting regular graphs and not-so-regular graphs
Alexander Scott (Oxford University) Graphs of large chromatic number
Paul Seymour (Princeton University) Gyárfás-Sumner meets Erdős-Hajnal
Balázs Szegedy (Rényi Institute) On the eigenvectors of random regular graphs and random matrices
Le Anh Vinh (Vietnam National University) Expanders in finite fields