A Roadtrip to the Arctic

July 2005

This is a quick selection of images from my recent trip up through Sweden (the home of funny little circles and dots on characters) starting in Göteborg (visiting Palle), on to Piteå (visiting Jan), to the Northern tip of Norway (visiting the tundra), back down via Tromsø (visiting Stein), Lofoten Islands (in search of sunshine and spectacular climbing), Trondheim (for old time's sake) and "home" to Göteborg.

I shall add to this page as I have spare time. Each image can be "clicked" to see a larger version.

Trumpet lichen in Piteå "Lustgården" nature reserve.
Lichen on a rock in Piteå "Lustgården" nature reserve.

One of many Arctic flowers on my way northwards.
Another of many Arctic flowers on my way northwards.
Jellyfish washed up on the beach in Norway somewhere northish.
A pointer on the tundra indicating the way to Knivskjellodden, i.e. North as far as you can go from here without getting wet feet.
Reindeer on the northenmost beach in Europe.
Embroidery by the local Sami people.
Some houses on the Lofoten islands in a patch of sunshine (!?)
The usual weather.
One of countless fishing villages on the Lofoten islands.
The usual weather continues.
Grand, glacier-carved, very climb-able granite.
Yet another fishing village with granite spires as a backdrop.
Ho hum. The scenery is so pretty it is tedious ;-)



And some photos for those who like to climb rocks (and some other stuff)...

Climbers (indicated by red arrows - click to see the bigger image). This face *really* made me wish I had a climbing partner and better fitness. Twelve glorious pitches of solid granite!
Endless bouldering potential in a perfectly picturesque setting.
More Lofoten Island scenery...
Alan climbs on Jan's staircase (it rained all weekend).
Woolly stuff around a pond in the mist.
Norwegian fishing boat
Arctic river (at 11pm). The sun woke me this night by shining in my eyes at 2.30am, very confusing. I looked at my watch and in a half-awake state thought I'd slept right until 2.30pm.


Panorama from my campsite on Nordkapp.

...that's it for now... gotta do some work! :-P

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