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Eclogite-blueschist transition in Akeazi River, South Tien Shan



Roberto Weinberg, School of Earth, Atmoshpere, Environment, Monash University, Australia






eclogite-blueschist pillows eclogite-blueschist pillows
Title page of Wei et al. (2009) Geological map of Akeyazi region from
eclogite-blueschist pillows eclogite-blueschist pillows
c) d) .
eclogite-blueschist pillows eclogite-blueschist pillows
e) f)
eclogite-blueschist pillows eclogite-blueschist pillows
g) B h)
blueschist pillow with eclogite in cracks blueschist pillow with eclogite in cracks
i) Blueschist pillow with eclogite paragenesis in cracks j) Detail of i).
eclogite pillows and blueschist matrix sheared and retrogressed eclogite
k) Eclogite pillows in blueschist matrix, the opposite to previous examples. l) Sheared and retrogressed eclogite, with Hbl as part of the retrogression.
complex pillows and metamorphic facies complex pillows and metamorphic facies
m) Complex pillows and variable distribution of metamorphic paragenesis n) Detail of m).
complex pillows and metamorphic facies complex pillows and metamorphic facies
o) Detail of m). p)
garnet along fractures
q) Garnet along fracture.