
Word Class: Mana

white-headed (pied) stilt (long-billed wading bird)

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Notes: All of these forms are based on aragu, which as a noun means young male dugong, but as cpd. initial can correspond to sense 2 of the present entry; the other morpheme is Gentilic nuN- in an unusual usage. For another dugong/human parallel see nga`aynji. Sense 3 here is secondary and reflects similarity between a long, uncircumcised penis and the long bill of the bird. The usual term to refer to a small boy is the HumSg form of w2irrig (or, if very small, w2inyig), and nung-garagu is used most often in disrussions of the transition from uncircumcised to circumcised (w1ulmurr) status by the ma][iwala ritual, after which a boy traditionally went to live with other mij-gulmurr in a special camp until marriage.