
Word Class: VIntrA2

to penetrate into mud or ground

Other information:

Notes: 2.5.5, 10.15.4, 17.7.2, 41.24.1. (In 2.5.5 the interlinear analysis should be emended by eliminating the Ana0 object marker) Benef: -a=dhida-. 10.9.lrdp, 10.9.3ff. Mult: -ngarra=dhi[a- (correct, normal form), pronounced -ngarra=lhi[a- in 20.16.4. Rf: dhi[!, cf. also julub!. Cf. =yabi-'- (s.v. =yaba-), =julubi-'- (s.v. =juluba-). -lhiG- or -liG- Pref Attested as cpd. initial taking NcMana concord, apparently meaning paddle or sound of paddling , see =yanga-. Cf. miyaja.