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Importing Graphics

Getting images into LaTeX (and out again!)

Now this can be a bit of a drag... So far the golden rule seems to be: EPS for LaTeX (output to dvi - you might be able to then convert to pdf), PDF for PdfTeX & PdfLaTeX. In other words, run your PS image thru distiller to turn it into a pdf, then import that!

So - assuming you've got distiller (or a suitable substitute), the main hassle is turning your wmf or gif or jpeg or whatever into eps... There's all sorts of little apps out there for Unix & friends; not nearly so many for Windows (Jpeg2ps is one that is).

If the source is available can BYO (for us Windows users MinGW's gcc tends to be less trouble here than MSVC). Too bad my 1st attempt in this regard was an old GIF to PS converter; it built alright, but was too out of date to do anything useful when run. Oh well...

If all else fails, get it into MS-Word then print-to-file using a postsript driver. If you're lucky there'll be an "Encapsulated" checkbox. Otherwise have a look at:

Inserting Figures



Symbols & colors




BibTeX how-to's


Converting to/from other formats

LaTeX to PDF

LaTex to RTF

Word2tex, etc


LaTeX-related sites

LyX-related pages

SWP-related pages


Jakob's LaTeX tricks
TeX Nuggets
LaTeX bugs database
LaTeX@dd: Hints
Sourceforge techdocs - PDF/LaTeX based presentation
Rob Hyndman's LaTeX Page
James Bray's Latex Help - Thesis Master Latex File

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