The following 1677 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

10px   150px   18th   200px   2010dec   2010oct   2011dec   2011feb   2011sep   20th   23k   3a5b5b51   3rd   400px   500px   51b   6th   8lkf   96b   9th   A2010   A2sj   Aand   abc   about   above   abs   Abstract   abstract   ac   academic   academics   accepted   acck1aus   Accompanying   Accounting   ace2011   Ackermann   ackermann   Across   across   acs   acsm   Activators   Activities   activity   Activity   Adaptation   adaptation   adaptive   Addition   address   Adelaide   adl   advance   Advance   Advanced   adventures   advice   affected   affiliation   Age   Agent   agent   Agents   Agents2011   aim   Ala   algebra   Algorithm   Alice   align   all   alleviation   allow   allowfullscreen   altc   altered   alum   Alumni   am   Ambassadors   Amo   among   an   An   Analysing   Analysis   analysis   Anarchy   and   And   Andrew   andrewhn   Angus   angus   anthropology   App   Application   application   Applicationes   approach   Approach   Approaches   Apr   apr08   April   ar   arising   around   arrangements   Article   article   Articles   articles   artificial   Artificial   artificial   arts   arxiv   asb   asked   aspiring   aspx   Assessing   assessment   assignments   Associate   associate   assumptions   at   atheism   Atheists   attachment   attend   attribute   au   audafoundation   Aug   aug2009   Australasian   Australia   Australian   author   Automata   Automaton   automaton   Available   available   avascular   avg   award   Award   awardees   Awards   awards   axis   B2015   b304208c   Back   background   badly   Bangladesh   Bargaining   Based   based   be   Beamer   beamer04   been   Behavioral   behaviour   Behaviour   Behavioural   Behrooz   behroozh   being   below   ben   Berryman   best   Best   better   between   Beyond   beyond   Big   big   bin   Bio   bio   biolmat   Biology   biology   Biophysical   Bit   biteconomy   bitstream   Black   bleeding   Blended   blog   Bonzenfries   Book   book   books   boom   Boston   Boundedly   Bread   Brett   Brief   British   brown   Brown   Building   builds   Bus   buseco   business   Business   but   by   C2011   C2800   C2810   C3855   C3860   C5650   Cairns   Calculus   calibration   called   calling   campaigns   Campus   campus   can   Canberra   cancer   Cantillon   Capturing   care   case   Case   casestudies   Caulfield   cell   cells   cellular   Cellular   Center   centre   Centre   cfm   Chain   Chair   challenges   Challenges   Chancellor   chapter   Chapter   Chapters   chapters   Characterization   check   Chem   Chemistry   Cheng   Chicago   church   Churching   Citation   citation   Citations   citations   citiation   City   cityonahill   class   Class   Classes   Clayton   clean   clear   climate   Climate   Closing   Clouding   Club   cmu   co   coalitional   Coalitions   coded   codes   cognitive   cohorts   collaboration   collaborative   Collections   Colloqium   Come   Coming   comm   Commanding   commandingheights   Commendation   Commerce   committed   committee   communicate   Communication   communities   Community   company   comparison   Completed   completely   complex   Complex   complexcourse   complexity   Complexity   complexsystems   comprehensive   Computation   Computational   computational   Computer   computing   Concept   concepts   conducting   Conference   Conferences   conferences   conflation   conflict   Congratulations   Congress   Connections   consider   constrained   contact   Contagion   contemporary   Contents   Contributions   contributions   Cool   coop   Cooperation   coordination   Coordinator   corresponding   cost   Council   countries   countrycode   coupled   Course   course   cplx   creating   Crime   Crisis   Critical   critical   Cs   csss   Cstatement2010   Cstatement2011   cultural   Culture   culture   cumulative   Cumulative   current   Current   cv   cw04   d0o   D6aiv   Dangerous   dangerous   dataset   David   Davis   deakin   deal   deals   Dean   Dec   Default   default   Defense   Deficit   delivery   Deloitte   Department   Departments   Dept   description   Design   details   Detering   determinants   developed   developing   Development   Dewar   Did   didn   difficult   Disbelief   Disbelieving   disciplines   disclosure   Discovery   discovery   Discrete   discuss   Discussion   Display   Dissertation   dissertation   diverse   doctoral   documentary   documented   Does   doi   doing   Dominic   Dose   Download   Doyne   dr   Dr   Drinking   drop   dual   Duopoly   Dutta   dx   dynamic   dynamics   e1004587   e114098   E2011   E962   East   Eco   ecom   Econ   econ   econnow   Econometric   Economic   economic   economics   Economics   economist   Economists   economy   Economy   Econophysical   Econophysics   ed   edge   edited   Eds   edu   Education   Educational   educational   eeducation   Effect   Effective   Effectiveness   Effects   efficient   Efficient   Elections   Electronic   else   embed   Embracing   emergence   Emergence   emphasis   employ   en   ended   endo   Endogeneity   Endogenous   engineering   enhance   entitled   Environment   eo3zl77   era   essay   establish   estimation   Eu   Europe   Evals   Evaluation   Evaluations   evaluations   events   ever   every   Everyone   everyone   Evidence   evidence   Evolution   evolution   evolutionary   Evolutionary   example   Example   Excellence   excellent   Excellent   Exercise   Exhibit   Exhibit2008   existing   Experiences   experiences   Explaining   extended   Extensive   extensively   Facile   faculties   Faculty   fantastic   far   Farmer   fatigue   Fax   Fe   features   Feb   February   feedback   feedbacks   feeding   Felow   ff   fidelity   Field   Fig   figshare   Film   Films   films   Finance   Financial   find   fire   float   floor   focussing   Food   fool   for   For   form   formation   fortunate   forum   Forum   Forums   Foundation   foundation   founded   Founding   Fragmentation   frame   frameborder   fraud   Freedom   Frequency   from   Frontier   Frontiers   fruit   full   Full   Fulltext   G4   G4429   G5429   Game   game   games   Gap   gatherers   gathers   Gave   Gen   general   Generation   Genetic   geno   Genotype   Georgie   get   Get   Getting   getting   Ghani   Git   github   give   given   global   Global   Globalisation   go   Goldbaum   good   Google   google   gov   Government   government   graduate   Grant   grant   Grants   grants   Graphs   great   Group   group   growth   Guide   guide   haile   Handbook   handle   happy   Hassani   Hayek   He   he   head   health   hear   hearty   height   Heights   held   helped   high   High   Higher   Hill   him   His   his   Hitchens   hl   hmain   hoc   homeless   Homelessness   Honeycomb   Honour   Honours   honours   Hons   hope   hour   how   How   However   hss   htm   https   Hub   human   Hunter   hydrant   I06   Icon   id   Id38   idea   Ideas   ideas   ideation   Identifying   ideological   If   iframe   ii   ills   impact   impacts   Impacts   impan   Importance   improve   Improvements   in   In   include   including   index   indigenous   Indigenous   induced   inductive   industrial   Industrial   inet   Inf   Infomatics   information   Information   infosys   Injection   innovation   Innovation   Innovations   Innovative   Input   inspired   Institute   Instructional   Instructor   insurgencies   Integrated   integrated   Integration   Intelligent   intentionality   Intentions   intentions   Interaction   Interactions   interest   interests   International   international   interscience   interview   interviewed   into   introduced   introducing   introduction   introductory   inventions   Inverse   investments   invited   irradiation   issues   item   iteration   Iteration2   ities   its   Jame   James   Jan   Japan   jasss   Jesus   Jet   John   joined   jointly   Jonathan   jonathan   jonathannewton   Jones   Journal   journal   journals   Journals   journalsearch   Journeys   jtbi   Judith   July   June   june2009   keen   Kiola   Kioloa   Kitchen   kkzmbm   Klaus   klaus   Kleeman   know   knowing   Knowledge   known   La   la026006e   lab   Laboratory   lamp   Lane   Langmuir   Large   large   Latex   launched   Leaders   learning   Learning   lecture   Lecturer   lecturer   lectures   Lecturing   Leninist   lens   Leszno   letter   letters   level   library   life   like   Like   Linear   link   Link   Linked   linkedin   Linking   links   listing   little   Lo   Loading   Local   logo   Logo   Logs   long   look   Looking   Lord   lot   Loughlin   lowest   Lseminar   lww   M06   M09   m9   macro   Macroporous   made   Maffetone   Mahmooei   Mail   main   major   make   making   Many   manyrooms   map   Mapping   mapping   Maps   Mar   marathon   March   margin   market   Masson   Masters   Mat   Materials   Mathematicae   Mathematical   Mathematics   maths   Maths   Matt   matter   Matter   Matters   me   meal   Mealy   median   Medicine   Meeting   meeting   Melbourne   member   Membranes   Mendeley   mendeley   Mentor   mentoring   Menzies   Metaphor   Method   Methods   Micreconomic   Micro   micro   Microgel   Microporous   Microscopy   migration   Mimeos   mimuw   Misc   Miscellaneous   Mixed   Mo   Model   model   modelling   Modelling   models   modern   modsim09   module   mointeach   monash   Monash   Money   Monika   monika   more   mos   Mosaic   mosaicresources   Most   moswps   Mountain   Mr   msos   mssanz   msse   Multi   multicellular   must   my   N1201   N1202   na   Nash   National   nations   necrosis   needs   neoclassical   net   Net   nets   Nets   network   Network   Networks   networks   neural   new   New   Newnham   news   newton   Newton   next   Night   nights   no   node   non   Normal   North   Note   Notes   notes   notes04   nov   Nov   novel   now   Now   Number   numerical   Numerical   Oct   Oct2011   October   Of   of   offering   offline   On   on   Oncology   one   online   Online   onlinelibrary   onset   Op   Opal   Open   open   openlearning   operational   opinion   Opportunities   optimal   optimization   or   Order   Organisation   organisational   organiser   organising   Organising   Organizing   original   Oscar   Other   other   our   out   outcomes   outlets   outline   Outline   Output   outstanding   Outstanding   own   ox   Oxford   P11   pace   pacing   Pacing   Pad   Pads   page   Pages   Pajek   pal   pan478   Panchenko   Paper   paper   papers   Papers   Parris   Parriss   part   Pastor   Patterned   pbs   pcbi   pdf   peer   Peer   Peers   Penelope   people   perfect   persons   perspective   Ph   phd   pheno   Phenotype   Phil   Phillip   philmaffetone   Phone   php   Phys05   physical   Physical   Physics   physics   Picking   pii   Pilot   Piotrowska   Piotrowska2014   pl   player   Please   please   plos   pluto   png   podcast   podcasts   Podium   Points   Poland   policy   Policy   political   polymer   Polymer   Polymerization   pone   possible   post   Post   Poverty   poverty   Power   Powerpoint   powerpoint   Practice   practice   practices   Practices   pre   Pre   prediction   preparation   prepared   pres   presentation   Presentation   Presentations   presentations   presented   presuppositions   Pretence   Previous   pricing   Pril   primer   Prize   Probability   probability   problems   Procedia   Proceedings   process   Processes   Professor   profile   profiles   program   Program   programming   programs   progress   Project   project   projects   Promoting   proofs   propositions   Prosperity   Providers   providing   pub   Public   Publication   publication   Publications   publications   publish   published   Published   Publishing   publishing   Publons   publons   pubs   putting   Pye   Q1   qma   Qs   Quality   quality   Quant   quantitative   Quantitative   questionmark   questions   Quinn   R2013   radiation   radio   Radio   Radiotherapy   Raschky   rate   Rate   Rates   Rational   Ravi   Rayid   read   Read   realistic   reason   reasoning   Rebecca   Recent   recent   recipient   recipients   recognised   record   Referred   reflection   regular   regulation   Reigns   Reilly   remote   repec   report   requisites   Research   research   researchers   residential   Resilience   resolution   resource   Resource   Resources   response   responses   Responsibilities   resulted   reveal   Revealed   Reversible   review   Review   reviewed   Reviews   revolution   Revolution   right   Ro   Rochwerger   Role   Roles   room   Room   Rooms   Roooms   Route   rsc   Rudd   Rules   Run   run   runners   running   runs   Russia   S0022053115000058   s1   S1   s1863321   S1877050914003974   s2   S2   S2008   S2014   S2015   sampel   sampler   sangus   Santa   santafe   Saturday   Scandanavian   Scheme   scholar   Scholar   scholarly   school   School   schools   Sci   science   Science   sciencedirect   sciences   Sciences   Scientific   scimagojr   Scopus   scores   Search   search   Sector   See   see   selected   Selected   self   Self   seminar   Seminar   seminars   Seminars   Seminary   Sep   Sept   September   series   Series   Service   ses   Session   sets   several   shaping   Share   shared   Shared   sharedintentions   sharing   Shed   shorter   shot   Should   should   shows   shtml   sid   side   Side   Significant   Silico   Sim   Simeon   simeonnetwork   similarity   Simon   simon   simplicity   Simulation   simulation   Since   site   sites   six   sizes   skills   Skills   Slides   slides   small   snapshots   Snapshots   so   soc   social   Social   Societies   society   Society   socio   software   solar   solution   solutions   some   Sourdough   South   space   span   spanning   spatial   speaker   Speaking   specialisation   specialistgeneralist   specific   speech   Speed   Spending   spheroid   Spheroids   spheroids   Spoke   Sports   spotlight   sprawozdania   Springs   src   ssrn   Staff   staff   Stalinist   stand   Stars   state   Statement2009   Statement2010   Statement2011   Statement2016   statistics   Statistics   status   Stir   Stokol   story   strategies   Strategy   strengths   strong   structured   stuck   Student   student   students   Students   studies   study   style   submitted   Submitted   Substrates   summarised   summarypic   summative   Summative   summer   Summer   Sunday   supervised   Supervision   Surface   surrey   survival   Survive   Sustainability   Syd   Sydney   sydney   system   Systems   systems   T2015   T6   Table   tableheight   Tablet   Tablets   tablewidth   talk   Talks   tandfonline   taste   Taught   Taw   Te   teacher   teaching   Teaching   Teaching2011   team   Techniques   technological   technology   Technology   teething   Telephony   terrorist   test   testing   Text   thankful   that   the   The   theage   their   thematic   theoretic   Theoretical   theory   Theory   therapies   there   these   Thesis   they   Thin   thinking   Thinking   this   Though   through   throughout   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Whittaker   who   Why   why   width   wikipedia   wiley   Will   will   wing   with   With   within   work   Work   worked   Working   working   Workshop   workshop   workshops   Workshops   World   world   worldscibooks   worldvision   would   Would   wp   wpaper   Writing   written   Wrote   www3   Xiv   year   years   you   You   young   your   youtube   Zaun   zia   Zimbabwe   zip  

Clear message

Dr Simon Angus (Associate Professor, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)

Brief Bio

Dr SIMON ANGUS BA, BSci (Hons), PhD UNSW joined the Department of Economics, Monash University, as a Lecturer in 2008 after working for two years as a lecturer in in the School of Economics, UNSW. In Jan 2018 he was made Associate Professor of Economics at Monash. His PhD dissertation entitled, 'Economic Networks: Communication, Cooperation & Complexity' extended a game theoretic analysis of network formation, and agent behaviour on dynamic, ad-hoc networks. He has a keen interest in the Science of Complexity arising from his diverse background across science and engineering, which has so far resulted in research projects spanning self-organising polymer films, systems biology models of cancer, complex-adaptive neural regulation of fatigue, and a novel open-ended evolutionary approach to technology networks. Recent and current projects include the study of coordination outcomes under coalitional updating in social networks and its application to evolutionary anthropology and cognitive science, and the study of human behaviour from global internet activity. Simon has an affiliation with the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) (NM, USA) through being selected to attend workshop and summer school residential programs in 2004 and 2007 as a doctoral student. Simon also has a strong interest in the scholarly approach to best-practice teaching and learning. In 2011 Simon was recognised by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council with a Citation for Outstanding teaching. In 2010 he launched a new resource for Economics students, EconomicsNow! ( which features podcasts and articles on Economic Development, Climate Change and Economics thinking in general. He's written extensively about his experiences introducing summative peer-review at the Open Learning blog.

Simon, c.Apr 2008

Looking for more about Simon?


Will Poverty Survive the Age of Big Data?

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Room E962 (East wing, 9th floor), Menzies Building, Clayton Campus, Monash University, Clayton, Melbourne Australia

Electronic Mail

<simon DOT angus AT monash DOT edu>


Phone: (+61 3) 9905 2429, Fax: (+61 3) 9905 5476, Get your international calling code here


Dept. Economics, Monash University, Clayton 3800, VIC Australia.

Coming to Melbourne? Welcome to Melbourne!

Roles @Monash

Role @City on a Hill (voluntary, part time)


Simon's research interests span physical and social sciences, unified by the Science of Complexity. In Economics, his thematic interest is in Technology, Innovation, Evolutionary Game Theory, and Economic Networks:

Read more about Simon's approach to Science, Complexity and Economics in this Q&A for the Santa Fe Institute's Alumni program.

Publishing in ABM Journals Resource:

A recent talk


  1. auDA Foundation Grant PhD grant (K. Ackermann): A new, high spatial-resolution, dataset on Internet use in Australia ($23k), Jan 2014. details

  2. Faculty Pilot Research Grant: How was Australian Economic Behaviour affected by the Global Financial Crisis? Evidence from online search data ($11,000), Jan 2013.

  3. Dept. Economics Grant: Mapping the industrial revolution ($9,600), Jan 2012.

  4. ITL Innovations Grant: "Identifying Critical Activators in Online Discussion Forums" ($4,000), April 2011.
  5. Matt Berryman (U.SA, Defense and Systems Institute): UniSA ARC Discovery Project Grant Development Scheme (for DP11), 'Modelling the economics of conducting insurgencies and terrorist campaigns'

  6. Faculty Pilot Research Grant (2009) (with Brett Parris): An integrated climate-economy agent-based model of Bangladesh for the next 100 years

  7. Monash Europe Travel Grant (2008-2009): to work with Dr Monika Piotrowska (Warsaw) on computational modelling of avascular tumours (see publications)

  8. Faculty Educational Innovation Grant (2008-2009): to establish EconomicsNow! .

  9. Faculty New Staff Grant (2008-2009)

Selected Publications & Presentations

Peer-reviewed Publications

Journal Articles



Angus, S.D. & Newton, J. (2015), 'Emergence of shared intentionality is coupled to the advance of cumulative culture', PLoS Computational Biology, 11(10), e1004587. full paper website data+codes.



Angus, S.D. & Hassani Mahmooei, B. (2015) '"Anarchy" Reigns: A Quantitative Analysis of Agent-Based Modelling Publication Practices in JASSS, 2001-2012' Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation, 2015:7:5 full paper.



Newton, J. and Angus, S.D. (2015) 'Coalitions, Tipping Points, and the Speed of Evolution' Journal of Economic Theory, 157:172–187, citation/abstract, full working paper version available here.



Angus, S.D. and Piotrowska, M.J. (2014) 'A Matter of Timing: Identifying Significant Multi-Dose Radiotherapy Improvements by Numerical Simulation and Genetic Algorithm Search.' PLoS ONE 9(12): e114098. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114098 Full Paper. (Accompanying Website, and on here) (ERA2010:A SJR2013:1.72,Q1)


Ackermann, K. and Angus, S.D., 'A Resource Efficient Big Data Analysis Method for the Social Sciences: The Case of Global IP Activity', 2014 International Conference on Computational Science, published in Procedia Computer Science, 29:2360-2369 (2014). citation/abstract. (ERA2010:A SJR2013:0.28)


Angus, S.D., 'Did recent world record marathon runners employ 'optimal' pacing strategies?', Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(1):31-45 (2014). published online citation/abstract. (ERA2010:B SJR2013:1.31,Q1) Referred to in Dr Phil Maffetone's online study on the MAF test and marathon prediction


Angus, S.D. and Newnham, A., 'The Bit-Economy: An artificial model of specialisation and open-ended technology discovery', Complexity, 18(5):57-67 (2013). abstract/citation Paper website (documented code available). (ERA2010:B SJR2013:0.49,Q1)


Angus, S.D. and Piotrowska, M.J. 'A numerical model of EMT6/Ro spheroid dynamics under irradiation: calibration & estimation of the underlying irradiation-induced cell survival probability', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 320:23–32, (2013). (citation/abstract). (ERA2010:A* SJR2013:1.05,Q1)


Angus, S.D. and Waterhouse, B.J., 'Pacing Strategy from High Frequency Field Data: more evidence for neural regulation?', Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 43(12):2405–2411 (2011). citiation/abstract (ERA2010:A* SJR2013:2.25,Q1) [citations*: 7]


Angus, S.D. and Piotrowska, M.J.; 'The onset of necrosis in a 3D cellular automaton model of EMT6 Multi-cellular spheroids', Applicationes Mathematicae 37(1):69-88 (2010). citation/abstract (ERA2010:C)


Piotrowska, M.J. and Angus, S.D.; 'A quantitative cellular automaton model of in vitro multicellular spheroid tumour growth', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 258:165-178 (2009) doi:citation/abstract (ERA2010:A* SJR2013:1.05,Q1) [10]


Angus, S.D and Watson, J., 'Does regular online testing enhance student learning? Evidence from a large first-year quantitative course', British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) 40(2):255-272 (2009). citation/abstract (ERA2010:A SJR2013:1.52,Q1) [24] Read John Kleeman's post on this article at


Lord, H.T., Quinn, J.F., Angus, S.D., Whittaker, M.R. and Davis, T.P.; `Microgel Stars via Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization -- A Facile Route to Macroporous Membranes, Honeycomb Patterned Thin Films and Inverse Opal Substrates', Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (2003), 2819--2824. Free PDF Download (ERA2010:A SJR2013:2.4,Q1) [101]


Angus, S.D. and Davis, T.P.; `Polymer Surface Design and Infomatics: Facile Microscopy/Image Analysis Techniques for Self-Organizing Microporous Polymer Film Characterization', Langmuir, 18 (2002), 9547--9553. citation/abstract (ERA2010:A* SJR2013:2.01,Q1) [17]

* Citations updated: Nov 2014 via Scopus.

Mimeos/Book Chapters


Berryman, M.J. and Angus, S.D.; 'Tutorials on Agent-based modelling with NetLogo and Network Analysis with Pajek', Chapter 10 in R.L. Dewar & F. Detering (Eds), Complex Physical, Biophysical & Econophysical Systems, World Scientific Reviews (Published March 2010). (ISBN: 978-981-4277-31-0) Order/view here


Angus, S.D.; 'Economic Networks: Cooperation, Communication and Complexity', 2007, PhD Dissertation, UNSW). (Download, 1.8MB)


Other books

Other working papers

  1. Cheng, W. and Angus, S.D., 2012. "The Cantillon Effect of Money Injection through Deficit Spending," Monash Economics Working Papers 12-12, Monash University, Department of Economics. abstract/citation

  2. Angus, S.D. and Masson, V. 2010. "The Effects of Information and Interactions on Contagion Processes," School of Economics Working Papers 2010-12, University of Adelaide, School of Economics. abstract/citation

  3. Masson, V. and Angus, S.D., 2009. "What Matters Most: Information or Interaction? The Importance of Behavioral Rules on Network Effects for Contagion Processes," School of Economics Working Papers 2009-35, University of Adelaide, School of Economics. abstract/citation

  4. Angus, S.D.; 'The Power of Integration: Assessing a Recent Best-Practice Method for Large-Class Instructional Materials Generation & Presentation' (February 12, 2008). Available at SSRN: SSRN Abstract/Download page

Recent/Current Work

Submitted (in review)

  1. (with Jonathan Newton (U Sydney)) 'Shared Intentions and the Advance of Cumulative Culture in Hunter-gatherers' (pre-print on arXiv).

  2. (with Behrooz Hassani (Monash U)) 'A review of agent-based modelling publication practices'.

In preparation

  1. (with Behrooz Hassani (Monash U)) 'Explaining human interest'.

Workshop and Seminar Organisation

  1. Instructor, organiser of the Agent-based and network modelling workshop (with Matt Berryman) at the ANU Complex Physical, Biophysical and Econophysical Systems Summer (ANU, 8-19 Dec, 2008) link

  2. Organising committee, Complex Connections at Kioloa(Kioloa Campus, ANU, 11-14 Nov, 2008) an COSNet ECR (and other) research collaboration workshop link

  3. Founding member (with David Goldbaum and Valentyn Panchenko) of the Sydney Agents Agent-based modelling seminar series (UNSW, UTS, founded June, 2007) link

  4. Instructor, organiser of computing tutorials, COSNet & MASCOS Complex Systems: Beyond the Metaphor workshop (UNSW, Feb, 2007) link

Selected Presentations given at Conferences, Workshops & Seminars

  1. Angus, S.D. * Newton, J., 'Shared Intentions and the Advance of Cumulative Culture in Hunter-gathers', BET Workshop, Monash University, 13 Mar 2015.

  2. Angus, S.D., Ackermann, K., Raschky, P., 'Drinking from the fire-hydrant: global online/offline internet activity, four times an hour', ARC Centre of Excellence for Maths and Statistics Frontiers Big Data Workshop, QUT, 23 Feb 2015. Watch the talk on YouTube

  3. (.pdf) Angus, S.D., & Piotrowska, M., 'Using high fidelity numerical simulation & GA search to find better radiation therapies for cancer', SimVic (Simulation Victoria) meeting, RMIT Intelligent Systems lab, 5 Sep 2014.

  4. Angus, S.D., 'Graphs in Economics -- a sampler', Discrete & Game Theory group, Monash University, 16 Dec 2013.

  5. Angus, S.D and Newnham, A., 'Mapping the Industrial Revolution: A 'big-data' approach to inventions, innovation & technology in Europe & the US: 1750-1950', RMIT Economics Research Seminar, 4 Oct 2013.

  6. Angus, S.D. & Hassani, B., 'Learning Culture from Google Trends', FC Pye Laboratory Seminar, CSIRO Black Mountain, Canberra, 8 Aug 2013.

  7. Angus, S.D., & Newnham, A., 'The Bit-Economy: an artificial model of specialisation and open-ended technology growth', FC Pye Laboratory Seminar, CSIRO Black Mountain, Canberra, 18 July 2013.

  8. Angus, S. and Newnham, A., 'Mapping the Industrial Revolution: A 'big-data' approach to inventions, innovation & technology in Europe & the US: 1750-1950', U Sydney Research Seminar, 13 Sep 2012.

  9. ( Angus, S., and Newnham, A., Everyone needs a map: educational mapping of units, disciplines, faculties and universities, Department of Economics Teaching Week 2011 Research Seminar, 21 September, 2011.

  10. (.pdf) Angus, S.D., Parris, B., and Hassani, M, 'Embracing Complexity in Economics Education: Experiences from a new unit in complex adaptive systems and agent-based modelling', Australian Conference of Economists, ANU, 13 July 2011.

  11. (.pdf) Angus, S.D., & Newnham, A., 'The Bit-Economy: an artificial model of specialisation and open-ended technology growth', Sydney Agents seminar, UNSW, 26 May 2011.

  12. (.pdf) Angus, S.D., 'Why is economics not an evolutionary science?', Department of Economics Wednesday Research Seminar, 6 October 2010.

  13. (.pdf) Angus, S.D., Parris, B., Hassani, B.M, 'Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Bangladesh', 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns, Australia, 13–17 July 2009.

  14. (.pdf) Angus, S.D., & Piotrowska, P.J., 'Challenges and Opportunities for Computational Oncology in Cellular Automata', Mathematical and Computational Approaches in Biology and Medicine, University of Warsaw, 15-16 June 2009, Warsaw, Poland.

  15. (.pdf) Angus, S.D.; 'Endogenous Cooperation Networks', invited seminars at University of Sydney (2 APril), and University of Adelaide (3 April) Departments of Economics.

  16. (.pdf)Angus, S.D.; 'Learning to communicate: Communication networks and inductive reasoning', presented at the Behavioural Economics Workshop, Monash University, June 2008.

  17. (.pdf) Brown, A. and Angus, S.D.; 'The Social-welfare cost of fraud: evidence from an agent-based model', presented at the Sydney Agents seminar series (Apr 2008).

  18. (.pdf) Watson, J. and Angus, S.D.; 'Does regular online testing enhance student learning? Evidence from a large first-year quantitative course', presented at the 2008 forum on the Quantitative Analysis of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Business, Economics and Commerce, Feb 2008, Melbourne University, Australia.

  19. (.pdf) Angus, S.D.; 'Genotype or Phenotype? The conflation of two concepts in evolutionary game theory', presented at the Sydney Agents seminar series (Oct 2007), and the Theory Workshop, School of Economics, UNSW.

  20. (.pdf) Angus, S.D.; 'Freedom from Powerpoint: An introduction to creating clear, structured, & efficient presentations & notes for conferences and lectures with LaTeX and Beamer', presented at the Faculty Seminar Series, FCE, UNSW, Oct 2006, UNSW, Sydney, Australia. (webpage: InSilico/PresentationsAlaLatex)

  21. (.pdf) Angus, S.D.; `Endogenous Communication Networks with Boundedly Rational Agents', presented at the Econometric Society Australasian Meeting, July 2006, Alice Springs, Australia.

  22. (.pdf) Angus, S.D.; `Cooperation Networks: Endogeneity and Complexity', presented at the 6th International Conference on Complexity Science, June 2006, Boston, MA, USA; and at Network Theory Working Group, meeting III, June 2006, Canberra, Australia.

  23. (.pdf) Angus, S.D.; `Endogenous Cooperation Networks: a Complex Systems Approach', presented at Bonzenfries Colloqium (for young researchers) within Econophysics Colloqium 2005, ANU, Canberra, Australia.

Public Activities




Simon teaching 3rd years Complexity Science

(c. Oct 2011)


  1. Monash Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence (2016) (.pdf)

  2. Australian Learning & Teaching Council (ALTC) Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2011) (citation). ALTC-AwardStatement2011 (.pdf) Congratulations from the VC (.pdf)

  3. Monash Vice-Chancellor's Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2010) VC-AwardStatement2010 (.pdf)

  4. Monash Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award (2009) Dean-AwardStatement2009 (.pdf)

  5. Australian School of Business (Faculty of BusEco at UNSW) Teaching Innovation Awards (2008) (jointly, with Judith Watson)


Research Presentation Skills Workshop

Simon's advice on putting together teaching and learning grants:

Simon was interviewed for case-studies in collaborative teaching:


  1. Dean's Commendation for Outstanding Teaching (2010), Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University.

Talks on Teaching and Learning

  1. ( Angus, S., "Blended Learning: a player's perspective", Department of Accounting and Finance Learning and Teaching Forum, 7 Dec 2011.

  2. ( Angus, S., and Newnham, A., Everyone needs a map: educational mapping of units, disciplines, faculties and universities, Department of Economics Teaching Week 2011 Research Seminar, 21 September, 2011.

  3. (.pdf) Angus, S., Clouding around with an iPad, '2011 Accounting and Finance Cool Tools for Teaching and Learning', 10 Feb 2011, Caulfield Campus, Monash University).

  4. (.pdf) Angus, S., Would the useful iPad Lecturing App please stand up?: Tablet PCs, iPads and other adventures at the bleeding edge, 'Australasian Tablets in Education Conference', 10 Dec 2010, Caulfield Campus, Monash University).

  5. (.pdf) Angus, S., Teaching awards: a player's perspective, 'Business Education Research Network', 27 October 2010 (Innovative learning space, Monash, Caulfield)

  6. (.pdf) Angus, S., Tablets in Economics: use and experiences, 'Monash Tablets in Education' Forum, 26 May 2010 (Monash Club, Clayton).

  7. (.pdf) Angus, S., Technology and Innovations for Teaching Large Classes, Department of Economics -- 'Effective Teaching' Forum, 1 May 2009 Dept. Economics, Caulfield Campus.


I have been fortunate to work with some outstanding students, please have a read of their work below. NB: If you would like to contact the author, or discuss the work, please email Simon (address at top of the page).


Simon's Honours Honour Role:



Completed PhD Students:

Simon's current PhD students:

Thinking of doing a PhD?

Units Taught

Current Teaching Responsibilities

  1. (S1, 2009 -) ECC2800: Prosperity, Poverty & Sustainability (Handbook) PPS Unit Guide (2010) (.pdf)

    • A new unit (introduced S1, 2009) that deals with long-run growth, the determinants of poverty, poverty alleviation and the impact of climate change on developed and developing countries. It has no pre-requisites, so it is perfect for a non-BusEco student who is keen to get stuck into the big Economics issues shaping our times.


Monash 2010-2012

  1. (S2, 2010 - 2012) ECC3860: Integrated Economic Modelling (Handbook) IEM Unit Guide (2010) (.pdf)

    • A new unit (introduced S2, 2010) that builds on the shorter six-week offering of ECC3855 (see below), teaching a Complex Systems perspective on the economy together with an agent-based modelling toolset. We deal head-on with the difficult modelling challenges of modern economics: the dual feedbacks from the 'macro' to the 'micro' and from the 'micro' to the 'macro'. The specific application example will be how to handle the economics of climate change, migration, conflict and growth.

Monash 2008

  1. (S1, 2008) ECC5650: Advanced Micro Theory (Handbook)

    • Post-graduate level micro -- proofs and propositions with sets.
  2. (S1, 2008) ECC2810: Globalisation and Economic Systems (Handbook)

    • A critical look at the major organisational and ideological economic arrangements of the 20th C. including Stalinist and Leninist Russia, the Scandanavian welfare state, Japan's post-war boom, and of course, the contemporary market economy. For a taste, see The Commanding Heights documentary online.

  3. (S2, 2008) ECC3855: Complex Systems & Agent-based Modelling (Pre-Honours topic)

    • A primer in complex systems and agent-based modelling, run for 6 weeks in the pre-honours unit. See the excellent student projects here: ECC3855 Project Exhibit

UNSW 2006-2007

  1. ECON1201: Quantitative Methods A
    • An introductory maths unit focussing on Financial maths, Probability primer, Linear algebra (with an emphasis on using software), Linear programming, Calculus (up to constrained optimization in several variables).
    • With Judith Watson, we undertook a comprehensive review of 'QMA' including content, assessment and lecture delivery, some sampel fruit from this review process are given here:

    • The updated Course Outline (.pdf)]

    • An Example lecture (.pdf)

    • The corresponding Example Slides (.pdf)

  2. ECONX: Game Theory and Business Strategy
    • A Game Theory primer including: Normal and Extensive form games; Nash, SPNE solution concepts; Mixed strategies and solutions; Evolutionary games; Bargaining; and Duopoly solutions.
    • What's Game Theory? Try a primer article written for ECHO, the UNSW FCE students' society journal: Download (.pdf)

Unit and Teaching Evaluation scores

In the interests of full disclosure, I'm publishing here my teaching evaluations. The unit evaluations are available to students and staff of Monash, but the teaching evaluations (which are voluntary) are not. However, I feel it is good practice to allow students to know what they are getting. Like any teacher, I have some weaknesses in teaching and some strengths. I care a lot about my teaching, and aim to improve.

Note: Since there's now a lot of these links, I've summarised the Unit Evaluations across the years I've been at Monash for simplicity. The x-axis shows the questions that students are asked. The y-axis shows the median students give me, weighted by response rate across the various units and cohorts for a given year. I include the Faculty (BusEco) avg. median for comparison.


(Note on 2014: I introduced a completely new feedback and assessment tool to the ECC2800/APG4429 unit in S1 (a peer-review module for the pre- and major- essay assignments). Since little else was altered, I attribute the general drop in responses to this major change. The first iteration of any major innovation has teething problems! I'm thankful to the students of 2014 who helped me see what worked and didn't. I hope to improve the approach for 2015 and beyond.)


Monash University (2008-- )

ECC2800 (Prosperity, Poverty & Sustainability) (also coded ENV4060 and ENV5060 (2010), and APG4429 and APG5429 (2011-))

ECC3860/ETC3860 (Integrated Economic Modelling)

ECC2810 (Globalisation & Economic Systems)

ECC5650 (Micreconomic Theory)

University of New South Wales (2006--2007)

ECON1202 (Quantitative Methods A)

Other Activities


Book chapters:

Op-ed, but didn't get published.



  1. I am part of City on a Hill -- a fantastic church that is all about knowing Jesus and making him known throughout Melbourne. Come and visit some time!

  2. Many Roooms -- I was part of a homeless project called Many Rooms, which so far has one operational 'room', called 'The Kitchen', which runs out of the North Melbourne Community centre every Saturday, feeding a hearty meal to the homeless.

  3. The Simeon Network -- the network to be part of on campus -- academics who are committed to knowing and sharing the one Truth that first inspired the foundation of the great 'uni-vers-ities'.

Leviathan: sangus (last edited 2018-01-09 01:21:08 by sangus)